What is Procountor -mobile?
Procountor mobile app is a new mobile and time-saving version of the Procountor financial management solution.
It offers receipt management, travel and expense invoices and purchase invoices, all in the same easy-to-use application.
Procountor mobile can be downloaded from the App Store and Google Play.
- Procountor mobile works on iOS and Android mobile devices.
- For Procountor Financials customers.
- You can customise the application to your needs. Select the functions you need in your daily life. The verification and approval of invoices and the invoice archive are free features.
- Information is updated in real time between the Procountor mobile application and the Procountor software.
- The application helps in filling in the information and guides in various functions.
- Available in Finnish, in Swedish and in English.
- The application can be downloaded free of charge from app stores.
- The free features are the verification and approval of invoices.
- Features that are subject to a charge are the creation of travel and expense invoices, taking photographs of receipts and payment functions. These features can be activated directly in the application.
- The price of the environment is EUR 7.90/month/user. The price is added to the company’s Procountor invoice.
Implementation and login
- Download the application from the app store on your phone free of charge: App Store and Google Play.
- You log into Procountor mobile using your existing Procountor ID and personal password.
- After logging in, you can start to use the application.
User rights
Access rights to the different functions of the Procountor mobile application are specified on the Users and user rights view.
In order to take photographs and create travel and expense invoices in the Procountor mobile application, the user must have the following rights:
- All rights to Rights for travel & expense invoices.
- All rights / Viewing rights under Search travel & expense invoices.
- The information of the person making the travel/expense invoice must be filled in the person register at Registers > Person register. The register must contain at least the person’s name, personal ID and IBAN account number.
- When a user is in the person register, their username must be linked to the person register using the Link to a user function.
In order to create / view invoices in the Procountor mobile application, the user must have the following rights:
- Viewing rights under Basic company info
- All rights/ Viewing rights under Rights for purchase invoices.
- All rights / Viewing rights under Search purchase invoices.
- All rights / Viewing rights under Verification and Approval
- Viewing rights under Search journal receipts
In order to pay invoices, the user must have the same access rights that are needed in Procountor for paying invoices. The user rights below are defined depending on whether the user is allowed to pay, verify or approve invoices:
- Verification
- approval
- payment
User must also have at least Viewing rights under Basic company info.
Usage management
Disable features that are subject to a fee
The use of Procountor mobile features that are subject to a fee can be disabled as follows:
1. Go to the Usage settings view in Procountor by selecting Management > Company info > Usage settings.
2. Under Integration settings in the Usage settings view, remove the selection from “Procountor mobile app paid functionality is allowed”
3. Save the changes by clicking the Save button.
- There is no notice period in the Procountor mobile app. You will no longer be charged for using the app when paid features are blocked.
- When the paid features of Procountor mobile are disabled, the users can only use the free features of the mobile application.
- Receipts photographed with the application will not be lost when the use of the feature is disabled, they can still be found in Procountor’s receipt management.
Disable features that are subject to a fee from an individual user
The use of Procountor features that are subject to a fee can be disabled as follows:
- Go to the Usage settings view in by selecting Management > Company info > Usage settings.
- Go to Integration settings in the Usage settings view.
- Open the list of Procountor mobile application users by clicking the Procountor mobile users link.
- In the new window, select the users for whom you wish to discontinue the Procountor mobile version.
- After selecting the users, click the Discontinue Procountor mobile app button.
- Please note that the function removes the features that are subject to a fee from the selected users, but it does not prevent the users from re-enabling the features.
- Receipts photographed with the application will not be lost when the use of the feature is disabled, they can still be found in Procountor’s receipt management.
Procountor Mini users
Procountor Mini app is no longer available after 31.3.2024. It can no longer be downloaded from app stores. The familiar functions of Procountor Mini are available in the Procountor mobile application in renewed form.
I am using the Procountor Mini, what should I consider when I switch to use the Procountor mobile?
Please note the following:
- Any receipts photographed with Mini will be automatically transferred to Procountor Cost receipt management when you click Save, which means the receipts are stored in the Procountor’s Receipt management.
- Procountor Receipt management stores both unhandled and handled receipts.
- Incomplete purchase, travel and expense invoice drafts and other materials must be handled in Mini and sent to Procountor if you want to save them. Otherwise, the incomplete receipts and invoices will be lost.
- If you are using Procountor Mini features that are subject to a fee (such as receipt imaging), the new Procountor mobile application will automatically contain the same features.
- You will not pay for two parallel applications at any time, but you will be invoiced for one application as normal, even if you use Mini and Procountor simultaneously for the time being.
- Mobile salary is not available in the Procountor mobile version.
Procountor Customer Service is happy to help you with questions relating to the use of the Procountor mobile.
Tel. +358 (0)20 7879 840
Mon–Thu 8:30 am–4:00 pm
Fri 8:30am–2:00 pm (tickets are handled until 4 pm)
You can find Procountor mobile instructions directly in the application.