You can access the sales report in Reporting > Sales reporting.
Sales reporting is an updated version of the old sales reporting. Unlike in the old sales reporting, the reporting system retrieves the information in real time from Procountor's database. Both the old and the new sales report will function side by side for a while.
Sales reports help you monitor sales according to products and customers.
User rights
In order for the user to view the sales report, they must have at least the following user rights:
- Search sales invoices: Viewing rights or All rights
- No limitation in use: Access only sales invoices created by user
- No additional feature in use: Dimension-specific limitation
Search criteria
- First, define the search criteria for the report.
- Click Apply.
- The program generates sales reports in line with the search criteria.
The report can be filtered with the following criteria:
Time Period
- Current period
- Last 6 months
- Last 12 months
- Current year
Custom period
- Start and End: Free date definition either by filling values in the fields or by using the calendar icon.
- The data of the report is retrieved from sales invoices by default by invoice date.
The Product button opens the product selection. You can search for products, product groups and invoice products.
- Products: The section displays all the products entered into the product register, regardless of whether they have been used in invoices.
- Product groups: The section displays the sales product groups used to search for products in said product group.
- Invoice products: The section only displays the products used in invoices. The product does not have to be set up in the product register.
Search field: You can filter the list by entering any part of the name of products, product groups and invoice products. It is also possible to search products by the product code.
The Customer button opens the customer selection. You can search for customers, customer groups and invoice customers.
- Customers: The section displays all the customers who have been entered in the customer register.
- Customer groups: The section displays the customer groups used to search for sales in said customer group.
- Invoice customers: The section displays only the customers with a registered invoice. The customer does not have to be set up in the customer register.
Search field: You can filter the list by entering the name or the first few characters of the customer, customer group or invoice customer.
It is also possible to search customers and invoice customers by the customer number.
- EUR: sales in EUR excluding value added tax (the name of the button is according to the currency of the country of the Procountor's environment).
- EUR + VAT: sales in EUR inluding value added tax (the name of the button is according to the currency of the country of the Procountor's environment).
- Quantity: number of products in sales invoices.
Invoice date or receipt date
- You can choose whether to search for sales invoices according to invoice date or receipt date.
- All transactions: searches for both business transactions and other transactions.
- Business transactions: searches for business transactions, in other words receipts with the status Not sent, Approved, Sent, Paid, Partly paid, Marked paid or Invoiced.
- Others transactions: searches for other than business transactions.
Create report
Apply makes the program search for information in line with the search criteria.
Reset to default clears your selections and resets the default search criteria.
View details
View details allows you to browse the content of the graphs at row level.
With a pivot table you can group sales data and easily spot trends and patterns. The pivot displays the sales information based on the reports general filters, and can be optimized to many options.
You can group sales invoice rows based on Product, Product groups, Customer, Customer groups, Invoice customer and Invoice product. Sales are summarized on either yearly, monthly or daily basis depending on the time range applied.
On the view you can at the same time view the individual sales invoice rows in the table below for full insight into the data.
- The Export to excel –button exports the report data to an Excel file.
- The Table can be expanded or minimized with the icon.
Sales overview
The topmost graph presents the general sales development in line with the search criteria.
You can track the development of sales per year, month or day, for example. In the drop-down menu of the Show button, select one of the following:
- Yearly
- monthly
- daily
- weekly
You can select various graph types. In the Graph type drop-down menu, select one of the following:
- Periodic
- Cumulative development of sales
- Comparison of sales with previous year
- Comparison of cumulative sales with previous year
- Changing rate of sales from previous year
The graph can be saved as a PNG-format image file by clicking on the Export to PNG button.
Sales by product, product group and invoice product
The middle graph in the view examines the sales at the product level.
Filtering the information
- On the header row of the graph, you can select whether to browse the graph per product, product group or invoice product.
- On the Product -tab, sales are displayed listed according to the products in the product register.
- On the Invoice products -tab, sales are displayed according to the products entered on the invoices. The tab shows the products that have not been added to the product register or the product name differs from the product name in the register.
- You can change the results of the graph in a rising or falling order by clicking on the arrow next to the column.
- In the table, you can choose to view a product, a product group or an invoice product by clicking on the product's name, for example. Reselect the same row to reset the filters.
- The Export to excel –button exports the table data to an Excel file.
- The Table can be expanded or minimized with the icon.
From the button, you can drill down from product table to invoices, so that you can see which invoices are related to chosen product.
- From the Invoices’ view, it is possible to drill down to the individual invoice by clicking the invoice number.
Sales by customer, customer group and invoice customer
The bottom graph in the view examines sales at customer level.
Filtering the information
- On the header row of the graph, you can select whether to browse the graph per customer, customer group or invoice customer.
- On the Customers - tab, sales are displayed listed according to the customers in the Procountor's customer register.
- On the Invoice customers -tab, sales are displayed according to the customers appearing on the invoices. The tab shows the sales invoices of customers who have not been added to the customer register or whose name differs from the name in the register.
- You can change the results of the graph to a rising or falling order by clicking on the arrow next to the column.
- In the table, you can choose to view a customer, a customer group or an invoice customer by clicking on the customer's name, for example. Reselect the same row to reset the filters.
- The Export to excel –button exports the table data to an Excel file.
- The Table can be expanded or minimized with the icon.
From the button, you can drill down from customer table to invoices, so that you can see which invoices are related to chosen customer.
- From the Invoices’ view, it is possible to drill down to the individual invoice by clicking the invoice number.