It is possible to have more than one holiday earning rule within one holiday credit year (HCY) in Procountor. There might be a need for this e.g. in following cases:
- Employee’s duties change impacting contract and thus possibly also the holiday earning rules. Example: 1.4. – 30.6. holiday earning rule 14d and percentage calculation method and 1.7. onwards 35h rule and average hourly calculation method. Two earning rules within same holiday credit year.
- Employee’s contract has ended, but he comes back to a new employment, with same or different holiday earning rules. Example: 1.6. -31.8. earning rule 35h and average hourly calculation method. Employment ended and holidays are paid off. Employee comes back to a new employment 1.12.-31.12. with same holiday earning rules, but the holiday earning start day changes -> new holiday earning rule. From this employment the holidays are not paid off as his contract is changed to permanent employment from 1.1. onwards but with different holiday earning rules: 14d and average hourly calculation method. Then there are three holiday earning rules during holiday credit year.
Note: If holiday earning rules change during holiday credit year, the salary payment periods need to match with holiday setting periods. Example: Monthly payment periods, but holiday settings change 14.5. thus old setting period is 1.4.-14.5. and new setting period is 15.5. - 31.3. Salary list periods for the employee in May need to be as follows: 1st salary list 1.-14.5. and 2nd salary list 15.5.-31.5. This way the holiday day and earnings can be directed to the correct holiday setting. Procountor will notify and guide while creating salary lists if these cases exist.
When should you have a new setting?
There are a few conditions to create a new setting:
- If there are no salary slips for the current holiday setting, there is no need to create a new setting (prevented). You can modify the existing setting.
- If there are unfinished salary slips, a new setting cannot be created.
- There can be no salary slips within the period where the new setting is created for. There should be no manually edited earned holiday days either in the Edit monthly figures for that period.
Which changes require a new setting creation?
- Holiday/holiday bonus earning start date change (e.g. new employment)
- Holiday earning rule change 14d/35h/right for time off
- Collective agreement change (if the change is within the collective agreement, no new setting is required, then you can Recalculate the year)
- Calculation base change, with few exceptions:
- You can still change monthly calculation basis into percentage without creating a new setting. Note, that if the holiday earning rule change at the same time e.g. 14d to 35h, then you need to create a new setting. You can edit the first setting (just not change the 14d rule) and create a new setting with 35h and percentage calculation basis.
- Monthly calculation basis into another monthly basis (standard and workday divider)
How to create a new setting
Setting is created in the Payroll > Employee register > Holidays tab.
There is a drop-down menu next to Edit holiday earning rules. It contains the existing editing of holiday earning rules and Create a new setting.
Select Create a new setting and enter the first day when this new setting is valid from. This will automatically set the previous day as the end date for the previous setting. Give the new holiday earning rules and save.
New field appears next to the holiday credit year, that shows the holiday setting periods. As a default the latest setting is visible when entering the Holidays tab. From the drop-down menu you can check/edit the old setting.
The top of the Holidays tab shows all the holiday credit year data including all the holiday setting periods within them. The cumulative holiday days, holiday bonus days and holiday pay/holiday bonus pay etc.
Note that if the holiday credit year contains multiple setting periods, they might contain 0,5 earned days, which are rounded up as per setting. But the top rounds per holiday credit year. Investigation is still ongoing on the correct handling process.
The impact of multiple holiday setting periods on other Employee register Holidays functionalities:
Edit setting period figures (previously Edit yearly figures) works now on setting period level, so that e.g. the extra holidays (not earned via salary slips) can be calculated with correct holiday calculation basis.
- Edit monthly figures shows the whole holiday credit year, even if they comprise from different holiday settings. Fields change based on the settings. You can edit earned days for any holiday setting even via the latest setting. The change will take place in the correct setting.
- If by the end of holiday credit year the employee earns additional holiday days, add them to the last holiday setting period.
- Recalculation-button works on holiday setting period level. Ie if you have modified multiple collective agreement settings, you need to recalculate all of the setting periods individually.
- Set-up holiday data > Select file doesn’t support different holiday setting periods for one employee.
If an employee doesn’t have multiple holiday settings during holiday credit year, then the views and functions remain mainly the same (few titles/button names have changed).
Earning holiday days and holiday bonus days
Earning of holiday days and bonus days are according to the setting. If employee has multiple settings in a holiday credit year, earned holiday days and bonus days are collected per setting period, but can been seen via any setting (via monthly view).
Manual editing of holiday and holiday bonus days can be done via any setting. Editing of additional leave days should be done via the last holiday setting period.
If setting has been changed in the middle of the month, please note that the earning according to 14 days rule or 35 hours rule (depending on the selected setting) can be met in only one setting period, the old or in the new one and if none of them meets the rule, user might need to adjust the earned holiday days and bonus days manually.
Earning cumulative earnings which affect holiday pay
Salary slip can be created with only one holiday pay setting and the cumulative earnings are belonging to the setting within that salary period.
Manual editing of cumulative earnings can be only done via the specific holiday setting period.
Paying holidays in salary slip – New Holiday pay pop up
We have created a new Holiday pay pop up, which will replace the existing holiday pay pop up.
In the new Holiday pay pop up first user needs to select the right event type: Holiday pay, Holiday bonus or Additional leave days. After selecting the wanted event type user is able to see available amount of holiday/bonus/additional leave days per holiday credit year and also employee’s holiday pay settings.
After the wanted row has been selected the wanted amount of holiday/bonus/additional leave days can be set to the selected row in the Holiday days to be paid column. Add to slip will close the Holiday pay pop up and insert the right salary type with inserted number of days to the salary slip.
Holiday compensation for Right for time off can be found behind Holiday pay event type.
Please note that also holiday days and holiday bonus days which are earned from the current slip are displayed in the Available amount column in Holiday pay pop up.
When the calculation basis is Monthly with standard divider, you need to enter the holiday days to be paid and the quantity of the workdays. The calendar and calculation logic have been removed.
Paying holidays in salary slip – Multiple holiday pay settings
If employee has multiple holiday pay settings in a holiday credit year, all of them are displayed below according to setting period and the available amount of holiday/bonus/additional leave days are shown in the rows.
It’s possible to select multiple holiday days from different rows if the holiday pay setting is the same. Holiday days from different holiday credit years/holiday periods will be displayed in their own salary rows in the salary slip.
Salary type is provided automatically according to the holiday pay setting.
It is not possible to pay more holiday/bonus/additional leave days than the employee has earned.
Correcting paid holidays in salary slip -multiple holiday pay settings
Correcting paid holiday days/bonus days for employees with multiple holiday pay settings is done the same way as for employees with only one holiday pay setting. With multiple holiday pay settings paid holiday/bonus days are displayed below according to setting period and the Available amount to correct holiday/bonus/ days are shown in the rows. It’s possible to correct multiple holiday days from different rows if the holiday pay setting is the same.
Holiday accrual report
Holiday accrual report has been modified to take into account also multiple setting periods. Report is showing only the current holiday pay setting.
One year holiday earning rule check
The most automated update still takes place in Management > Salary info > Holiday credit years > Review one year earning rule.
View shows the employee on several rows, if the employee has more than one holiday setting period during holiday credit year. When you select one row, then other rows for the employee are automatically selected.
View shows what changes take place within the holiday setting periods. And if you decide to update the previously earned holiday days/holiday bonus days, then all holiday setting periods are updated.
In case the holiday bonus earning start date is later than the holiday earning start date, it will show up separately on the Review one year earning rule -view.
You can do more controlled change via the Employee register > Holidays, in case collective agreements have differing rules from the Annual Holidays Act. Note, here the change impacts only one holiday setting period at a time.
Handling of unsupported holiday earning settings
The earlier changes made in holiday settings in the middle of holiday credit year and the impacted earned holiday days still need to be paid outside holiday pay functionality with manual salary types.
Deleting a holiday setting
Deleting a holiday setting is possible with certain criteria, when:
- no slips are created (if any are created, they need to be invalidated).
- no manual or imported adjustments to values (days or earnings).
The first setting of the holiday credit year cannot be deleted as each holiday credit year needs to have at least one setting.
To delete a setting, first select the setting to delete from the Setting period -drop down menu. In this example a setting has been created for period 1.7.2024 - 31.3.2025.
Click the arrow icon next to the Edit holiday earning rules, choose Delete the current setting. Confirm deletion.
The holiday credit year now has the original setting for 1.4. - 31.3., and a new setting can be created for the employee.