You can access the Travel and Expense Reporting from the program under Reporting > Travel and expense reporting.
Travel and Expense Report is an updated version of the old Travel and Expense report. The new report offers real time data and improved usability. Both the old and the new Travel and Expense report will function side by side for a while.
The Travel and Expense Reporting allows you to monitor travel and expense data at a general level as well as at the product and person level.
Please notice! If the user has Dimension-specific limitation in use, the report is not available.
Search Criteria
When navigating to the report, all data from travel and expense invoices from the current financial year is fetched to the report.
- First, define the search criteria for the report.
- Click Apply.
- The program generates reports in line with the search criteria.
The report can be filtered with the following criteria:
From the Period button, you can define the period for which you want to retrieve data.
- Current period
- Last 6 months
- Last 12 months
- Current year
- Custom period: Enter the start and end dates. Use the calendar button to access the calendar.
- By default, the data for the report is retrieved based on the invoice date.
From the Invoices button, select the type of voucher.
- All invoices: This option includes both travel and expense invoices in the report.
- Travel invoices: This option includes only travel invoices in the report.
- Expense invoices: This option includes only expense invoices in the report.
The Products button opens the product selection. You can search for products, product groups, and invoice products.
- Products: Travel and expense products from the product register which have been used on invoices in that environment.
- N/A for invoice products that are not in the product register.
- Product groups: Fixed travel and expense product groups in Procountor.
- N/A for products that are not in product register and thus not included in any of the fixed product groups .
- Invoice products: All invoice products by the name on the invoice row.
Search field: You can filter the list by entering the name or any part of the name/number of the products, product groups, product code, or invoice products.
- Persons: This section shows all persons entered in the Person Register.
- Person groups: This section shows the person groups.
Search field: You can filter the list by entering the name or any part of the name of the person or person group.
- EUR: amounts in euros excluding VAT (the button name refers to the currency of the Procountor environment’s country).
- EUR + VAT: amounts in euros including VAT (the button name refers to the currency of the Procountor environment’s country).
- Quantity: the number of products used in the invoices.
Invoice Date or Receipt Date
- You can choose whether to retrieve travel and expense claims based on the invoice date or the receipt date.
- All transactions: retrieves both business and other events.
- Business transactions: retrieves business events, i.e., vouchers with the status Approved, Payment queued, Payment sent to bank, Partly paid, Paid, Marked paid.
- Other transactions: retrieves events that are not business events.
Create Report
The Apply button retrieves the data based on the search criteria.
The Reset to Default button clears your selections and resets the search criteria to defaults.
The Export to PDF - From the button on the top right corner you can export all data from main page: KPIs, graphs and pivot table data.
View details
The View details button takes you to a details view. There is a table which shows row level data from invoices. There is a drilldown functionality: When clicking on the invoice number in the first column, the respective invoice is opened to a new browser tab.
- The table is ascending first by the invoice number, then by invoice date.
- The table can be exported to Excel using the Export to Excel button.
- Back -button takes you back to the main view.
Travel and Expense invoices Development
The top graph shows the general development of travel and expense claims based on the search criteria.
You can choose different graph types. Select the graph type from the graph Type dropdown menu:
- Periodic: Total value for the selected period, grouped by day/month/year depending on the selected date range.
- Comparison to previous period: Total value for selected period + comparison value for previous year, grouped by day/month/year depending on the selected date range .
The graph can be saved as a PNG-format image file by clicking on the Export to PNG button.
Travel and Expense invoices, Display by Person/Product
The middle graph shows the total amount of travel and expense invoices products by person or product.
- Display by person: Total value grouped by persons
- Display by product: Total value grouped by products
The graph can be saved as a PNG-format image file by clicking on the Export to PNG button.
Travel and Expense invoices, Group by Products/Persons
Report provides a pivot table grouping the data by invoice products or by persons, where data is presented on day/month/year level, depending on the selected date range. By default the sum row for each of the groups is visible, and user can expand the panel to see the data in more detail. There is also a sum column and sum row for all the content in the table.
Columns can be sorted in ascending/descending order.
- The table visible in UI can be exported to Excel using the Export to Excel button.
- The arrow button
in the upper right corner of the report allows you to expand or collapse the view.