The new graphical Register-dimension reporting is available under Reports > Register-dimension reporting. The new report is an updated version of the old Qlik report, offering real time data and improved usability. Both the old and the new report will function side by side for a while.
Register-dimension reporting enables tracking and comparing transactions allocated to products and business partners by dimension item. The report will not open unless the environment has at least one dimension item in use.
Please notice! If the user has Dimension-specific limitation in use, the report is not available.
Search Criteria
By default, the report retrieves data for the current fiscal year.
- First, define the search criteria for the report.
- Click Apply.
- The program generates sales reports in line with the search criteria.
The report can be filtered with the following criteria:
From the Period button, you can define the period for which you want to retrieve data.
- Current period
- Last 6 months
- Last 12 months
- Current year
- Custom period: Enter the start and end dates. Use the calendar button to access the calendar.
- Comparison period: You can add a comparison period and define the period for the comparison.
- Custom period
- Same as last year
Select which accounts you want to include in the report. Only income statement accounts are available.
- Select all: This button selects all listed accounts.
The accounts filter always includes account number + name.
If accounts are manually selected, you can see the list of selected accounts at the top of the filter.
- Clear selection: Clears all the selections.
- Search field: Enter the account number or name (or part of it) to search for accounts.
- You can search accounts by their name and/or number, regardless whether they are already selected or not.
Pre-selected option is Business transactions.
All transactions: retrieves both business and other transactions.
Business transactions: retrieves business events, i.e., vouchers with the status Not sent, Approved, Sent, Payment queued, Payment sent to bank, Paid, Partly paid, Paid elsewhere, or Invoiced.
Other transactions: retrieves events that are not business transactions.
Receipt Type
Select the type of Receipt:
- Expense invoices
- Travel invoices
- Sales invoices
- Purchase invoices
You can search for products, product groups, and invoice products. There are 3 product type filters * in the report:
- Sales products
- This section shows all products entered in the product register, regardless of whether they have been used in invoices.
- Sales product groups: This section shows the sales product groups, based on which the products belonging to them are retrieved.
- Purchase products
- This section shows all products entered in the product register, regardless of whether they have been used in invoices.
- Purchase product groups: This section shows the purchase product groups, based on which the products belonging to them are retrieved.
- Travel and expense types
- Search can be filtered by the types of travel and expenses used in the invoices.
- Travel and expense type groups: You can filter the search by travel and expense type groups.
N/A option: products that have been added to the invoice on the go (not from the product register) will be shown under N/A product option. So when N/A is selected in a specific product type filter, only products of that type are shown in the report. E.g. when N/A is selected for sales products, only sales products that go under N/A value are shown.
Search field: You can filter the list by entering the name or any part of the name of the products, product groups, travel and expense types, or travel and expense type groups.
*Not all product types are available in all Procountor product versions:
- In Tallennus Plus, all three product filters are available (Procountor Ledger Plus)
- In Tallennus Perus, sales products and travel & expense products filters are available (Procountor Ledger Basic)
- In Tallennus Kevyt, travel & expense products filter is available (Procountor Ledger Light)
- Partner: This section shows all partners entered in the business partner register.
- Partner group: This section shows the business partner groups, based on which the information is retrieved.
Search field: You can filter the list by entering the name or any part of the name of the partner or partner group.
The first active item from any next dimension (WITH available active items) is preselected. If the first dimension has no items or its items are inactive, the program will check the next one.
- Dimension – Dimension name: Clicking this header text opens a list of selectable items below it. When a dimension is selected from the list, its name is updated in the search field header. Up to 20 items can be selected at a time.
Search field: You can filter the list by entering the name or any part of the name name of the item.
Generate Report
The Generate Report button retrieves the data based on the search criteria.
Apply makes the program search for information in line with the search criteria.
Reset to default clears your selections and resets the default search criteria.
View details allows you to browse the content of the graphs at row level. The Export to excel –button on the opening Sales invoice rows –view exports the report data to an Excel file.
The top Development graph shows the total data for the selected products, dimension, and its items and business partners in a bar graph. This graph is best suitable for inspecting one product and/or one business partner at a time.
You can change the view of the Development graph to Display data:
- Month
- Year
- Day
- Week
- Half-year
- Quarter
The graph can be saved as a PNG-format image file by clicking on the Export to PNG button.
The lower graph shows the data for the selected dimension and business partner or product.
The graph can be saved as a PNG-format image file by clicking on the Export to PNG button.
Products -table
The Products section lists the totals allocated to the dimension items selected for the report by product.
Products : Lists the data by product.
Product groups : Groups the selected products and their totals by product group.
In the table, you can select grouping by daily/weekly/monthly/yearly data.
You can group the view by products or items or by product groups or items and by Product type.
The table shows the header row and totals by default, and you can view more detailed information for each group by clicking the arrow icon of the expandable panel. The table includes a total column and row for all figures.
- The visible table can be downloaded as an Excel file using the Export to Excel button.
- The arrow button in the upper right corner of the table allows you to expand or collapse the view.
Partners -table
The Business Partners section lists the totals allocated to the dimension items selected for the report by business partner.
Partners : Lists the data by partner.
Partner groups : Groups the selected partners and their totals by partner group.
In the table, you can select grouping by daily/weekly/monthly/yearly data.
You can group the view by business partners or items or by partner groups or items.
The table shows the header row and totals by default, and you can view more detailed information for each group by clicking the arrow icon of the expandable panel. The table includes a total column and row for all figures.
- The visible table can be downloaded as an Excel file using the Export to Excel button.
- The arrow button in the upper right corner of the table allows you to expand or collapse the view.
Please note that if a product or business partner is not in the Procountor product register but is manually entered on the invoice, the product or business partner is shown in the search criteria and search results as N/A. Products or partners listed as N/A cannot be searched separately through the search criteria.