Payment reminder function can be used to send payment reminders for overdue sales invoices.
Payment reminder view can be accessed from Search > Open invoices > Search invoices with chosen search criteria and choose the invoice that is overdue > Click Payment reminder.
- Payment reminder is considered as voucher and also sending fee will be charged.
- Procountor's monthly package includes a certain number of vouchers and if the number of monthly vouchers exceeds the monthly vouchers of the package, the exceeding vouchers are charged with additional voucher price.
Sales invoices can be also transferred to debt collection and payment reminder services in this view.
Creating a payment reminder
1. In the payment reminder view, choose the basic info for the reminder.
Channel – the channel should be chosen which will be used to send the reminder.
Use invoice channel Mail/Email – the channel will be taken from the original invoice
- If the original invoice was sent by mail or electronic invoice, the payment reminder will be sent by mail.
- If the original invoice was sent by email, the payment reminder will be sent by email.
Mail – the channel will be mail regardless of the original invoice channel.
- The address that was in the original invoice is selected for the payment reminder address.
- The address can be changed on the Payment reminder view by clicking the Invoice info
Email – the channel will be email regardless of the original invoice channel..
- The address that was in the original invoice is selected for the payment reminder email address, if there is an email address on the original invoice (i.e. if the invoice channel of the original invoice has been emal).
- If there is no email address on the original invoice, Procountor will fetch the email address from the Email address field in the Invoicing information section on the Customer's basic info view in customer register.
- The email address can be changed on the Payment reminder view by clicking the Invoice info
- The payment reminder will be attached as a PDF file in the email.
- The message of the email will consist of the important information about the payment (invoice sum, due date, invoice number, reference number, bank account number, bar code) and the title will be Payment reminder.
- Phone/No sending – The payment reminder is sent by using another channel except Procountor.
Template – the payment reminder template is chosen that will be used for the reminder.
- It is possible to create new text templates by clicking Edit text templates.
- More about editing the templates can be found here.
- Procountor’s default templates is chosen automatically to the reminder letter if no other templates are selected.
Language – the language setting will determine the language of the reminder latter.
- When the language is changed the search results at the lower part of the view will be changed according to the language.
- Only those invoices will be shown which were sent by using the selected language.
- When All languages is chosen, all invoices can be seen in the search results regardless of the original invoice language.
- Payment reminders language is the same as the original invoice language.
Payment reminder text - the text is based on the selected template. The reminder text can be modified before sending the reminder.
- More information about creating the text templates can be found here.
- The reminder text is under the additional information in the invoice that will be sent to the customer.
2. After determining the basic information about the payment reminder the invoices, which are due, should be selected from the search results.
- It is possible to choose several invoices.
- It is possible to check the created payment reminder by clicking the Preview. Choose only one invoice for preview.
3. Click Send when everything is ready.
- The payment reminder will be sent by using the selected invoice channel.
- If the invoice channel was Phone/No sending Procountor will just save the reminder letter and does not send it to the customer.
- When the payment reminder is created for an invoice created for a register customer, and the automated calculation of collection and penal expenses is used, Procountor will prompt to specify whether a collection cost row will be added to the customer’s next invoice.
- If the reply is “No”, the payment reminder will be sent in the normal fashion, and the program will not suggest a collection cost row for the customer’s next invoice.
- If the reply is “Yes”, the program will ask to specify the “Collection cost row comment”. The comment will be printed to the row comment when the next invoice is created. The visibility of the comment row can be modified in Invoice settings page in Company info. The payment reminder will then be sent in the normal fashion, and the program will suggest the inclusion of a collection cost row on the customer’s next invoice.
Note! The reminder will include a barcode at the bottom for paying the invoice forming the subject of the reminder.
- No barcode will be included on payment reminders for currency invoices, since the barcode does not contain information on the invoice currency.
- Bank barcodes include the recipient’s account number, invoice sum, bank reference code and due date.
- File attachments included with the original invoice will also be sent with the payment reminder.
Payment reminder’s text template
The payment reminder’s text template can be edited by clicking Edit text template.
- The reminder text can be seen in the reminder invoice under the More information section.
In the Payment reminder text template view the text templates can be added, copied, renamed, set as default and deleted.
1. Click New or select an old text template by clicking its name to create a new template or to edit an old template.
- By clicking the New button Procountor will ask the name of the new template.
2. Click Text field and Procountor will open a new view where the new payment reminder’s template text can be added.
3. Click save and the template is ready to be selected in the Payment reminder view.
Payment reminder in the search results and the invoice view
When you run a search for open sales invoices, the Payment reminder columns of invoices will indicate the total number of payment reminders sent, the date of the previous payment reminder, and the delivery channel (M=Mail (letter), E=E-mail, T=Telephone). More detailed information on the delivery channels and times of payment reminders is available from the Payment transaction information section of the More actions menu.
The payment reminder in PDF format can be seen in the original invoice attachments.