This article covers information about buttons and sections of the purchase invoice. Further information about creating new purchase invoice can be found here.
New purchase invoice view can be accessed from New > Purchase invoice. Next, by clicking Create a new invoice button on New purchase invoice view, the Purchase invoice view can be accessed.
Sections of the view
Click on the image to enlarge it.
Click on the image to enlarge it.
1. Supplier’s address
- Name, specifier and street address fields are 80 characters long.
- The post code field is 20 characters long.
- The City field is 40 characters long.
- Name is mandatory information in all invoices.
- For foreign payments, street address, post code and city are also mandatory.
2. Buyer delivery address
- The buyer delivery address is the address where the invoiced goods are delivered.
3. Credit invoice allocation
- The section displays all the invoices to which the purchase invoice is allocated and the number of the possible payment list.
4. Invoicing information
Invoice date
- The date can be in the past or in the future, but not within a closed period. If the invoice date of an electronic invoice or an invoice received through scanning service is within a closed period, the invoice date becomes the next open date. The due date, however, remains unchanged.
Invoice number
- Invoice number is created automatically, when the invoice is saved. The numbering of purchase invoices is running.
Company ID
- Supplier’s company ID can be entered on the field.
VAT number
- The field is 40 characters long. VAT number shows on the purchase orders sent to the supplier.
Customer No.
- In this field, a customer number for the supplier can be entered, if that number exists. In the Company info Usage settings it can also be defined, that a customer number is automatically created for suppliers. When the supplier auto numbering is in use, a new supplier is automatically assigned a customer number that equals the highest customer number in use for suppliers plus one. By default, auto numbering is not in use.
Invoice channel
- In the purchase invoice the invoice channel is just informative, since it states whether the invoice has come as an e-invoice or through the scanning service. The image of an electronic invoice can be seen in an Attachments. In case of a purchase order, invoice channel is the order’s delivery channel.
Contact person
- A contact person can be entered, and the information is shown on the receipt. In the Receipt search it is possible to search receipts by the contact person.
Order reference
- The field length is 70 characters. The order reference is shown as a message in the payment.
Original invoice number
- The original number of supplier’s invoice can be entered on the field, and it can be used as a search criterion in receipt search.
Order number
- The field is not mandatory, but if information is entered in the field, it will be printed onto the invoice.
Agreement number
- The field is not mandatory, but if information is entered in the field, it will be printed onto the invoice.
Accounting code
- The field is not mandatory, but if information is entered in the field, it will be printed onto the invoice.
Delivery site
- The field is not mandatory, but if information is entered in the field, it will be printed onto the invoice.
Tender reference (OC ID)
- The field is not mandatory, but if information is entered in the field, it will be printed onto the invoice.
Buyer's reference identifier
- The field is not mandatory
- Reference given by buyer when the original order was done, e.g. orderer name.
- For example insurance firm IF requires incident number information in this specific field
- For example S-Pankki (bank) uses this element widely on their business credit card invoices
Seller's reference identifier
- The field is not mandatory
- Reference related to the specific invoice, given by seller
- Could also consist of customer number (Myyjän tilausnumero)
5. Payment info
Payment method
- The payments methods to use are bank transfer, credit card charge, foreign payment, other and cash. The most frequently used alternative is Bank transfer. When the selected payment method is Bank transfer, the Bank reference code and Account number are mandatory entries. If the invoice has no reference code or account number, the payment method Other must be selected. Payment method Other is also used when an invoice is paid elsewhere than in Procountor (e.g. Internet bank or cash).
- In foreign payments, select the payment method Foreign payment, in which the Supplier’s address, IBAN account number and SWIFT code (also known as BIC code) are mandatory information.
Account number
- Beneficiary’s bank account is a mandatory entry, if the selected payment method is Bank transfer. If the invoice has been paid e.g. in cash, you can leave the account number empty, but then you must select payment method Other.
BIC code
- BIC code is automatically added by Procountor, when the bank account is entered.
Bank reference code
- The length of the reference code can be 2-20 characters. Leading zeros are automatically removed from the reference code. The international RF reference is allowed in purchase receipts (purchase invoice, travel invoice and expense invoice) in Procountor. If the purchase invoice’s payment method is Other, bank reference code field can be left empty.
Due date
- If the time left until the due date is more than 98 days, the actual due date can be entered, and the term of payment becomes 99.
Term of payment (d / %)
- In the first field, enter the number of days and in the second the percentage. The term of payment can be 0-999 days and the percentage 0-100. The information is printed on the invoice.
Penal interest %:
- Penal interest rate is entered in the field.
Discount %
- This discount percentage is valid for the total invoice. If other percentages have been used on the invoice rows, they are removed and replaced by this discount percentage for the total invoice. The discount can be expressed with four decimals in the range 0-100% and it affects the total invoice sum. The Discount % is shown on each invoice row with two decimals.
Currency and rate
- The invoice currency is selected from the drop-down menu and the currency rate is retrieved from the register. Also, another currency rate can be entered if needed.
6. Cash discount
- Purchase invoice has fields for three options of cash discount.
- In the Day –field enter the number of days
- In the % -field enter the cash discount %
- Days fields should be filled in ascending order e.g. 5,6,7. Percentage fields should be filled in descending order e.g. 7,6,5.
- If the order is wrong the field turns red and user gets an error message.
- Both Days and % -fields need to be filled otherwise the fields turn red and user gets an error message.
- Discount sum and Amount due are calculated automatically.
- Cash discount Days cannot exceed the Term of payment days.
- On purchase invoice Payment -view the current available cash discount is automatically calculated to the payment amount in Pay -field.
- The field is showing, if the cash discount function is in use.
7. Approval information
Invoice verifiers 1-3
- If the approval circulation is in use, the names of the verifiers are entered in the fields. The email addresses of the verifiers must be updated in the personal info and settings to enable the sending of email notifications of purchase invoices waiting for their verification.
Invoice approvers 1-3
- If the approval circulation is in use on, the names of the approvers are entered in these fields. The email addresses of the verifiers must be updated in the personal info and settings to enable sending email notifications of purchase invoices awaiting verification.
8. Additional information
Delivery dates
- Select the dates related to deliveries in the field.
Delivery date
- Notes about the delivery can be entered to the field.
Delivery Method
- In the field opens a drop-down menu, where the delivery method can be selected. The methods of delivery are Mailing, Online, Courier service, Freight, VR Cargo, Bus, Retrievable or Other.
Terms of delivery
- The field is in use if it has been set in use in the Company info Usage settings The terms of delivery are selected from the drop-down menu.
- In this field you can enter the municipality. The field length is 40 characters. The field is showing, if it is set on in Management > Company info > Usage settings.
Additional information
- The amount of text entered in this field is not limited. Through invoice import a maximum of 500 characters can be inserted. The additional information can either be entered straight to the field, or by clicking the pencil button.
Invoice notes
- Invoice notes are showing on the invoice’s accounting, verification and payment view. Also, notes are showing in receipt search, but cannot be used as a search criterion.
Prices include VAT
- Unit prices incl. VAT: The selection defines whether the price of the invoiced products include VAT.
Accounting by row
- In this selection, it can be defined, that the accounting entries in the accounting view are created by rows, not as the total sum. This option is useful e.g. when the invoice contains several products that are posted to different accounts in the accounting. If you want to use products’ default postings or dimensions, you must create accounting by rows.
9. Row information
- This field contains the name of the invoiced product/service. The field length is 80 characters. The Product is copied to the invoice’s accounting view if the option Accounting by rows for the invoice is selected.
Product code
- This field shows the code of the invoiced product/service. The field length is 40 characters.
- This field shows the quantity of the invoiced product/service. The quantity can be entered with 4 decimals.
- This field shows the unit of the invoiced product/service.
- This field shows the unit price of the invoiced product/service.
Discount %
- This field shows the discount percentage of the row. The discount can be entered with 4 decimals in the range 0-100% and it affects the Excluding VAT, VAT sum and Sum fields of the row. The Discount % is always displayed with two decimals on the rows.
- This field shows the VAT percentage of the row.
Excluding VAT
- This field shows the price of the invoiced product/service without VAT.
VAT sum
- This field shows the VAT’s share of the price of invoiced product/service.
- This field shows the price of the invoiced product/service including VAT.
- The field length is 512 characters. If you select the option Accounting by rows for the invoice, the Comment is shown in the Accounting view of the invoice.
Field Total X
- The row shows the number of products in variable X, Excluding VAT, VAT sum and Sum.
The buttons of the view
The buttons of the top part
- Button saves the invoice information and sets it to status Unfinished, which allows additional editing.
- When saving, the information should be reviewed.
- When editing information that affects accounting (products, sum, quantity, VAT, etc.) the accounting and dimensioning are recreated using defaults. Therefore, it would be practical to finish the invoice first, before making changes to the invoice’s accounting or dimensioning.
- After saving, the invoice number is shown in the upper bar of the invoice view and the creation and update log in the lower bar.
Send to circulation
- With the button, the invoice can be sent to the next approver or verifier.
- Sending to circulation is possible, if approval circulation is in use.
- The button has several options to choose from: Copy, Edit notes, Change state to unfinished, Create a credit note and Invalidate.
- Copy can be chosen to copy the invoice. A purchase invoice can be copied into a purchase order and a sales invoice into a sales order. If the receipt type or business partner is not changed, an identical invoice is created, apart from the invoice number, reference code, invoice date and due date. Created invoice is in the status Unfinished. If the receipt type or business partner are changed, the row information comes from the original invoice and the rest from the register.
- By choosing Change state to the unfinished, the invoice can be brought back to Unfinished state.
- By selecting the option Invalidate an editable purchase invoice can be invalidated. Invalidated invoices do not have an accounting view, but they can be copied.
- Choosing Edit notes option enables editing the notes of an invoice. Clicking on the Continue button will save the changes made to the invoice's notes. The notes are visible on the invoice's notes field. The notes can also be viewed in the Notes column on the Receipt search.
Create credit invoice. By selecting the option Create credit invoice, a credit invoice is created from the purchase invoice. All the information from the original purchase invoice is copied to the credit invoice. The rows have negative sum.
The option copies all information from the original purchase invoice – product rows, accounting entries and dimensionings.
- If the credit invoice covers only part of the original invoice and you modify product rows, the invoice will have accounting entries and dimensioning created according to defaults.
- The function opens the selected preview format in a new window.
- The options in the drop-down menu are: PDF and HTML.
Bar code
- Button opens a field, where you can enter the bar code in numeric form or you can use a bar code scanner. Procountor reads the invoice information based on the bar code.
- Button opens a new window, where you can search company information by name or business ID.
- Button opens an invoice specific discussion window, where users can send messages to other users, e.g. the approvers. Read more about the invoice specific discussion.
- The feature is activated in usage settings.
Go to
- Button opens a drop-down menu with the options Accounting (opens the invoice’s accounting view), Dimensions (opens the invoice’s dimensions view), Verification, Bank statement (navigates to the Bank statement view), Payment (opens the invoice’s Payment view) and Supplier.
- The button shows the previous invoice.
- The button shows the next invoice.
- The button closes the view.
Buttons on the invoice’s row information
Get product
- The button opens the Product register view, where you can select products to the invoice rows.
Add row
- The button adds an empty row to the invoice.
Copy row
- The button creates required number of copies of the selected invoice row.
Delete row
- The button deletes the selected invoice row.
Combine rows
- The button combines rows of an invoice in status Received by VAT rate.
- The button is used for adding line breaks in the comment. You can edit invoice rows with line breaks to make them easier to read in the Preview.
Focus row to product register
- The button opens the product register view, where it is possible to select the product, which is wanted to focus on row. Only product rows focused on the product register are included in product reports.
Attachments and invoice image
Invoice’s attachments and image can be observed from the small menu on the right side of the view.
Attachments can be added to the invoice on the Attachments window. Alternatively, attachments can be added by clicking Add files button, which opens a drop-down menu with options Add from computer, Add from documents and Add from receipts.
Attachments can be picture (png, jpg), text (txt), PDF and Excel files. Pictures and PDF files can be previewed, but Excel files cannot. Attachments can be zoomed and browsed. Also, attachments can be opened and saved to computer by choosing the attachment row and clicking Open button. Attachment can be deleted by clicking Delete button. Maximum file size for the attachments is 10Mt.
On purchase orders’ attachment preview, below the picture, there is a possibility to choose “Send with invoice”. Attachments with a file type gif, jpg, pdf and txt can be sent.
Invoice’s image can be observed on Invoice image window. The image can be zoomed in and out with plus and minus buttons. The image can only be observed in the right side of the view.
Arrow buttons below the Invoice image can be used to go forward or back one invoice page at a time, or to jump to the first or last page of the invoice.