This function allows you to create a summary of the annual salary information to be sent to the employee. The specification by employee as an attachment to the annual notification to the tax authority (form 7801) is created in the location Specification by employee.
The Employee's annual salary summary can be found in Payroll > Salaries (-2018) > Reports > Employee's annual salary summary. To be able to create the annual summary, the user must have all rights to both Salaries and Notifications.
Creation of the Employee's annual salary summary
When creating the Employee´s annual salary summary , first select the Target year and Send method (Default [=person’s Invoice channel in the business partner register], Mail, Email or Paper).
In the list in the left pane, select the person groups to whom you want to send the summary. You can select several groups at the same time. In the right pane, select the person for whom you want to create the notification. The Select all button selects all persons on the list. Note! Persons defined as Inactive cannot be selected for the list, even if they had been paid a salary in the target year. It is advisable to create a group “Former employees” and only after the creation of the annual notifications to mark those persons as Inactive.
Click the Create notification button when you have selected the persons. Notifications are now created for the persons and the persons are shown in the list at the bottom of the view. The notifications cannot be edited.
Processing the annual salary summary
At the bottom of the view, you can see the persons for whom notification have been created, and the creation time, status and Send method of the notification. You can create more than one notification for the same person without needing to invalidate previous notifications.
The Preview lets you view the annual summary of the selected person in PDF format. The amounts in the person’s summary come from the salary slips and travel and expense invoices in status Paid or Paid elsewhere and with a payment date belonging to the target year. The summary shows salary types grouped mainly by salary type.
The Invalidate button invalidates the summary created for the selected person. You can invalidate more summaries at the same time by using the Shift and Ctrl buttons when selecting persons or by using the Select all button.
The Send button sends the summary to the selected person. You can send several summaries at the same time by using the Shift and Ctrl buttons when selecting persons or by using the Select all button. Summaries in status Sent are not resent, even if they were selected. The annual notification is emailed as an attachment in PDF format. The Show invalidated button also displays the invalidated summaries in the list.
Information in the annual summary
The annual summary covers all salary types grouped mainly by salary type. There are also other groups, such as Gross salary, which means that a salary type may occur more than once in the notification. The earned-income contribution payment included in the tax withholding is shown as a separate item after the tax withheld. From travel and expense invoices, the summary retrieves the Tax-exempt compensations, i.e. per diem and kilometre allowances.