You can search salary slips in the Salary slip search view.
Search functions
The Search invoices button searches the receipts that fulfil the selected search conditions and lists them in the lower section of the view.
The Clear button resets the selected search conditions.
The Personal searches button can be used to save and run frequently used combinations of search conditions (for more information, see the Personal searches function).
With the x button you can remove a search condition.
With the + button you can add a search condition.
How to use search conditions
You can combine search conditions as desired. If you select several search conditions, they are combined with an AND operator in the search, i.e. the search results contain only the receipts that fulfil all the selected conditions.
In text search, you can add *- and ?-characters as desired. The *-character corresponds to any character string (also blank) and the ?-character corresponds to any single character.
When you search by date, you can give the start date only, which gives results containing information from and including that date, or the end date only, which gives results containing information up to and including that date, or both.
Available search conditions
- Status
- Receipt type
- Invoice between
- Due
- Payment transactions until
- Due date between
- Accounting period between
- Delivery week between
- Invoice group
- Business partner main group
- Business partner group
- Business partner group defining
- Last edited by
- Ledger accounts
- Name
- Company ID
- Customer no.
- Invoice no.
- Reference no.
- Invoice channel
- Invoicing address
- Contact person
- Additional information
- Notes
- Product name
- Product code
- Comment row
- Accounting value and currency
- Debt collection and delay expenses
- Invoice event information
Processing the search result
The search result on the basis of the used search conditions is displayed in the lower part of the Salary slip search view.
You can sort the search result (for example by the name or accounting value) by clicking on the column headers. The selected sorting order is preserved until you exit the view. You can change the number of rows shown in the view by moving the cursor to the line between the search criteria and the search results above the button row (when the cursor becomes a bi-directional arrow it is in the right place) and dragging the line upwards or downwards with the left mouse button.
You can process the search results with the buttons above the list or with the right mouse button. The buttons vary by the view. All view include buttons Accounting, Preview, Attachments and Printable list.
Functions in the button bar
The Invoice button opens the receipt selected from the list and displays the information. The opening view contains Next and Previous buttons, which you can use for navigating forwards or backwards in the search results.
The Accounting button opens the accounting view for the selected receipt.
The Preview button opens the selected receipt in a printable format (HTML or PDF).
Use the Attachments button to add, view or delete attachments (see details in the Attached files function).
Using the Printable list button you can open the search result in different formats. The alternatives are: Search result and VAT specification, Printable ZIP package, Printable PDF package, Brief export file and Extended export file.
Functions in the drop-down menu under the right mouse button
When you right-click on the search result, a drop-down list opens where you can find the functions under the button plus many more:
The Search result and VAT specification opens a printable HTML file of the search result and VAT specification in a new window, where you can print or save it. See the sample.
The Printable ZIP package creates a ZIP package of the invoice or salary rows. The invoices or salaries in the package are PDF files and the invoices include all attachments.
The Printable ZIP package creates a ZIP package of the invoice or salary rows. The invoices or salaries in the package are PDF files and the invoices include all attachments.
Read more in the Brief and Extended export file.
The Invoice event information option shows a summary (Invoice number, Invoice total, Created, Edited, Sent, Paid, Invoice group, Payment reminder (sales invoices)) of the information on the selected invoice. In salaries the invoice total shows the net salary. Read more on the invoice event information here.
The Notes option opens a display window where you can view and edit the contents of the invoice/receipt Notes field, no matter what the status of the receipt is. The number of characters you can enter in the field is unlimited.
Using the Create new invoice option, you can create a new invoice/receipt of the same receipt type and for the same business partner as in the selected invoice. If your user rights do not allow it, you will be notified. The Create new invoice option can also be used for creating a debt collection or delay expense invoice.
Using the Send option you can resend the selected sales invoice, if its status is Not sent or Sent and the invoice channel is not No sending. The appearance of the resent invoice is exactly the same as that of the original. Resending is logged in the Invoice information. Resending is charged according to the price list.
The Special situations option opens the Special situations view of the invoice.