The Employee report shows summaries of persons' Salary info.
Creating the report
You can search persons by Name, Social security number or Person group. The selection Person group means the groups that the person belongs to, not his/her Reporting group. If you select Person group PERSONS, all employees are shown on the list. By default, inactive persons are included in the search. If you want to exclude Inactive persons, remove the tick from the box Inactive.
When you have completed the selections, run the list by clicking the Show employee report button.
The Back button returns you to the Salary reports view.
The Employee report opens in a new view. The report always contains the same fields.
Functions in the report
The Show salary info button opens the selected person’s Edit person's salary info view.
The Show salary base button opens the selected person’s Salary base.
The Person's info button opens the selected person’s Person's info in the business partner register.
The HTML button opens the report in HTML format in a new browser window. You can print it out or save it in a file.
The Excel button exports the report’s data to Excel.