Default products can be defined to business partners. Default products are always retrieved to an invoice, when an invoice is created to a business partner.
business partner’s default products can be observed and edited on Default products view. The view can be accessed from business partner register (Registers > Business partners) by opening the basic info of a business partner and then by clicking the Defaults button. The button opens a drop-down menu with an option, Default products.
General information
- Default products can be defined for a business partner on the Default products view.
- The default amount of the default product can be defined to the Unit column. If the default amount is zero, no products will be added as a default, when creating an invoice to a business partner.
- Default products’ information can be edited to be business partner specific. The editable information are unit, price and discount. In addition, validity periods can be set for default products.
- When creating a group invoice, it can be selected whether the default products are included or not.
- The amount of default products of the business partner can be observed on business partner report. The info is retrieved to the report, when the option Default products is selected to be shown on the report.
Buttons of the view
- The changes made to the default products are saved by clicking on the button.
- With the button, the business partner’s default products/services can be searched from the product register.
- Desired products can be searched from the opening list. The list shows customers’ sales products, suppliers’ purchase products and persons’ travel and expense invoice products. When using the Search products button, the search can be specified by the product name, product code and product group. The product can be selected by clicking the product row. Several products can be selected at once by using the Ctrl and Shift keys.
- A product can occur by default product only once.
Delete button
- The button removes the selected default product.
Delete all
- The button removes all default products from the business partner. Verification is requested before deleting.
Validity periods
- The button allows defining the time periods when each product is automatically included in invoices.
- If validity period is not defined, the product always appears on the invoice.
- N amount of validity periods can be defined to each default product. These validity periods are compared with the date when the invoice is created (Note! No invoice date) and are retrieved to the invoice, if the creation date matches to the validity period. Beginning and the end date are taken into account in the validity period. It is also possible to enter just a beginning or end date.
Row information
- The basic information of the default products is retrieved from the product register, but it is possible to define a Business partner-specific price, discount percentage, VAT percentage and default amount for the default products.
- When choosing the box Different price, it is possible to enter a price that differs from the one in the product register.
- When choosing the box Different discount, it is possible to enter a discount percentage that differs from the one in the product register.
- When choosing the box Different VAT, it is possible to enter a VAT percentage that differs from the one in the product register.
- If the default amount is zero, but a different price, discount or VAT has been defined for the product, the product is not automatically included when you create a new invoice to that business partner. If a product like this is selected to the invoice, the customer specific price/discount/VAT is used.
- You a default row comment can be entered to the product.