Old group letters created and sent to business partners can be found from Registers > Group letter > Old group letters. On the Old group letters view it is possible to verify that the group letters are sent and to who they are sent to. New group letters can be created in Registers > Group letter > New group letter.
- The letter list rows contain information columns Created, Sent, Qty (amount of recipients), Title, and text from the beginning of the letter. If the letter was formed on a personal PDF letter template, the file name is shown in the title and the text is empty.
- Letters can be viewed by activating the row and then clicking the Show letter button or by clicking Created column.
- The recipients and sending channels of recipients can be viewed in the field opening at the bottom of the view by activating the row of the letter and then clicking the Show recipients.
- If old letters need to be deleted, activate the row and click the Delete letter button.