Travel and expense reporting enables observation of travel and expense invoices on a general level as well as on the level of products and persons.
Travel and expense reporting is updated automatically at intervals two to three times a day. The latest update time is visible in the top-left section of the report.
Travel and expense reporting is found in Reports > Travel and expense reporting.
Search criteria
Common to most search criteria menus is the eraser icon (Clear selections) in the top right corner. The eraser is used to clear selections in the menus. There is also a Clear selections button in the bottom of the view that is used to set all values back to default. The different characteristics of the different search criteria menus are explained more thoroughly below:
Time period:
- Current period
- Last 6 months
- Current year
- Last 12 months
- Start and End fields: Free date definition either by filling values in the fields or by using the calendar icon. If the words Start and End change to red colour when setting the dates, a financial year has not yet been created to the chosen time period. After time period is set, clicking Select period button sets it to the report.
- The data of the report is retrieved from travel and expense invoices by invoice date.
- EUR: travel and expense invoices in EUR, without value added tax (the button’s name changes according to the currency)
- EUR + Vat: travel and expense invoices in EUR, including value added tax (the button’s name changes according to the currency)
- Quantity: the quantity of travel and expense invoices
Receipt status:
- Business transactions: this selection includes business transactions to the report: business transactions are receipts that are in statuses Not sent, Sent, Paid, Approved, Partly paid, Marked paid or Invoiced.
- Other transactions: this selection includes transactions, that are not business transactions, to the report.
Receipt type:
- Travel invoices: this selection includes travel invoices to the report.
- Expense invoices: this selection includes expense invoices to the report.
Product and Product group:
- Search field: This field is used to search products and product groups by entering a name (or a part of the name). The field also functions as a drop-down menu to choose a product or a product group. Choosing multiple products or product groups is done by highlighting the names with holding down the left button of the mouse.
- Listing of Products and Product groups: The products or product groups to be included in the report can also be chosen from the listing of products or product groups below the Search field. A single product or product group is activated by clicking it.
Person and Person group:
- Search field: This field is used to search persons and person groups by entering a name (or a part of the name). The field also functions as a drop-down menu to choose a person or a person group. Choosing multiple persons or person groups is done by highlighting the names with holding down the left button of the mouse.
- Listing of Persons and Person groups: The persons or person groups to be included in the report can also be chosen from the listing of persons or person groups below the Search field. A single person or person group is activated and chosen by clicking it.
Travel and expense invoices development
The graph in the upper section of the Travel and expense reporting view displays the general development of travel and expense invoices according to the search criteria.
There are different modes of presentation available in the upper-right corner of the graph. The following presentation modes can be chosen from the buttons illustrating them:
- Periodic
- Travel and expense invoices by person
- Travel and expense invoices by product
- Travel and expense invoices compared to previous year
To invoices >> button is used to view the graph information on the level of invoice rows. << Back button changes the view back to the graph format.
Pdf button is used to export the report to a PDF file.
Excel icon (Send to Excel) button exports the report data to an Excel file.
Travel and expense invoices by product
The chart in the lower section of the view itemizes travel and expense invoices by product. The itemization type is changed to person by clicking the Order by person text.
Pdf button is used to export the chart to a PDF file.
Excel icon (Send to Excel) button exports the chart data to an Excel file.