The Accounting report divided into periods is a useful tool for creating accruals in a situation, where it is not wanted to accrue each receipt separately. The report is available in all product versions except the lightest Ledger versions.
The Accounting report divided into periods can be found from Reports > Extra reports > Accounting report divided into periods.
General information
- The Accounting report divided into periods calculates the daily precision of the shares of the sums on the report. The calculation is based on the time period set in the search criteria and it shows the share of the sum belonging to the time period and the size that does not belong. The necessary accruals can be done based on the provided information.
- When creating the invoice-specific accruals, the Accrual tool can be utilized. The accrual tool automatically creates the accrual journals and it can be found from Accounting > Accrual tool.
User rights needed
In order to use the report, the user must have at least viewing rights to the following:
- Sales - Sales invoice search
- Purchases - Purchase invoice search
- Salaries - Calculation of salaries
- Financial management - Accounting reports
The following restrictions must not be in use:
- Personal sales invoices only
- Personal purchase invoices only
- Personal travel and expense invoices only
- Personal journal receipts only
- Personal salaries only
Running the report
1. Accounting report divided into periods window can be opened by choosing Reports > Extra reports > Accounting report divided into periods.
2. To the opening window, define what kind of transactions are wanted to the report.
- Define the start and end days for the report. The information is retrieved from all transactions with the billing period, which is either partly or fully within the time period the report is ran. The billing period must be saved in the receipt’s accounting page either in a receipt-specific or a row specific way.
- Besides the time period, also receipt’s dimensions, item, general ledger accounts, receipt type and the receipt status can be defined.
- With the Show transactions “Only show transactions that cross the period start and/or end dates” option, it is possible to define that only the transactions with a billing period exceeding the report period are retrieved to the report.
- In the Report format drop-down menu, it can be defined if the figures on the report are shown summed up or specified by month.
- The report can be printed in HTML or Excel format. The default format is HTML.
3. When the wanted search criteria has been set, click Continue.
4. Accounting report divided into periods opens in either HTML or Excel format, depending on the selection made when setting the search criteria.
Search results
- The report shows the transaction listed by the receipt number, each in its own row. In each row, there are receipt type, receipt number, receipt’s status, name of the business partner, business ID and the receipt date.
- In starting and ending date fields, it is possible to see the billing period of the transaction or receipt. If the billing period is set in a receipt-specific way, i.e., there are no transaction-specific billing periods, all transactions on the receipt have the same billing period.
- If neither the transaction or the receipt, have a billing period set, the fields start, and end date are empty on the row. Rows without a billing period are fully allocated to the receipt date, which is shown in the receipt date field on the receipt’s accounting page.
- Total length (d) column shows the total length of the billing period of the transaction.
- Before period (d) column shows how many days of the transaction’s billing period are located to the time before the report’s time period.
- During period (d) column shows how many days of the transaction’s billing period are located within the report’s time period.
- After period (d) column shows how many days of the transaction’s billing period are located to the time after the report’s time period.
- Total value (EUR) column shows the total value of the transaction.
- Before period (EUR) column shows the value of the transaction located before the report’s time period (calculated by days).
- During period (EUR) column shows the value of the transaction located to the report’s time period (calculated by days).
- After period (EUR) column shows the value of the transaction located after the report’s time period (calculated by days).