Details concerning bank accounts that are connected to Procountor, are saved in Management > Company info > Bank account information.
Buttons on the view
- Save information added on the view.
- Add a new bank account number.
- Delete a bank account by first activating it and then clicking on Delete.
- When a bank account is deleted, the bank statements (concerning that account) that have been received to Procountor earlier can no longer be searched on Bank statements and reference payments view.
- An option for deleting a bank account is to set it as passive by choosing option Passive in Status field.
Select account
- Change default account (used in accounting) for an existing bank account.
Fields on the view
Bank account details
Account no.
- Bank account number in BBAN format (saved when the bank account is added).
- Bank account in IBAN format (saved when the bank account is added).
- Fill in the bank name.
- The bank’s BIC code, which Procountor generates automatically based on the bank account number.
Bank address
- Fill in the bank’s address if you want it to be shown here.
- The address is shown only on Bank account information view and will not be included in payment transactions’ data that's transferred from Procountor to the bank.
- By default, the currency is EUR.
- If the currency of the bank account is other than EUR, the correct currency needs to be determined here.
- Account to which the bank account’s transactions are booked in accounting. By default, the account is 1910.
- Account is determined when adding the bank account number, but can later on be changed for an existing account using Select account button.
- If there are several bank accounts added to Procountor, a separate default account can be determined to each of them in order to have accounting entries specified by bank account.
Bank account settings
On invoice template
- When this option is selected, the bank account will be shown on the footer of sales invoices and sales orders.
Default invoice account
- When this option is selected, the bank account will be shown on sales invoices' and sales orders' header as the primary payee account.
- Only one account can be set as default invoice account on Bank account information view, but default invoice account can also be set per customer in customer register.
Banking code
- Fill in the company-specific banking code needed for making payments from Procountor
- Banking code is generated by the bank.
- More information on banking code can be found here.
Default payment account
- When this option is selected, the bank account will be used as default payment account for outgoing payments.
- Only one account can be set as default payment account.
- Default payment account needs to be determined in order to be able to make payments from Procountor.
- Determine whether the account is active or passive.
- By default, the account is set as active, but can be set as passive if necessary, for example in a situation where payments from the account will no longer be made, but its bank statements which have been received earlier, still need to be searched on Bank statements and reference payments view.
WS customer number
- If the bank account that’s added is Nordea’s, OP Bank’s or Danske Bank´s, a WS customer number needs to be set for the bank account, based on which the payment files will be directed to the correct Web Services channel in the bank.
- Check the correct WS customer number from the bank if necessary and choose that one from the WS customer number menu. Here you may find more information about the options.
Order no.
- If there are several bank accounts added to Procountor, the order number of each account is shown in the column.
- Order number affects the order in which bank accounts are shown in Procountor’s Account number menus, for example on Bank statements and reference payments view and in Customer register.
- Order of the accounts can be changed by activating an account from the list, clicking on the right hand side button of the mouse and choosing option Move up or Move down from the menu that opens.
- In this field, you can see when the account was added to Procountor.
Payment methods
Enable payment methods by selecting them, according to what’s been agreed with the bank on the bank connection authorization form.
- Enables the use of bank transfer payment method.
- In order to be able to make payments from Procountor in general, bank transfer needs to be enabled as payment method.
- Enables the use of foreign payment payment method.
- Used when paying to an account outside of SEPA area, and/or in other currency than EUR.
- Enables the use of salary payment payment method.
- Enables the use of express payment payment method.
Bank account balance request
Enable Bank account balance request by selecting it, if it's been agreed with the bank on the bank connection authorization form.
Special occasions in bank account info - Bank account removal
- The same bank account number can be entered in one Procountor environment at a time. If a new Procountor environment is created to the company, the bank account number should be removed from the previous environment and then entered to the new one, before the previous environment is closed. This should be done by one of the Procountor users in the company's environment. In a special occasion the bank account removal can be done afterwards from the behalf of Finago's customer service.
- In a special occasion, please be in touch with Finago's customer service in order to receive further instructions.
- The bank account removal can be done from the behalf of Finago's customer service only with a power of attorney signed by the person authorized to sign on behalf of the company.
Instructions for filling out the power of attorney
For information security reasons we can only remove the bank account number from Procountor with a power of attorney signed by the person authorized to sign on behalf of the company. The power of attorney template can be found below.
Please be careful when filling out the power of attorney template and remember to sign it. Then, scan the power of attorney or take a picture of it and send it to our customer service via the contact form.
- Download the power of attorney template in Word-format.
- Download the power of attorney template in PDF-format.