Accounting firm tools’ Environment control function allows accounting offices to view their customer environments’ accounting and notifications related information at once, on the same view. Environment control is part of Accounting firm tools provided for Accountor Finago’s partner accounting offices.
Environment control view is found in in Accounting > Accounting firm tools > Environment control.
Enironment control enables inspecting all accounting office’s customer company environments’ data at the same time, on the same view. All the accounting office’s customer companies the user has access to are listed on Environment control view.
If the company corresponding the environment is found in the accounting office’s customer register on the basis of business ID, the search results’ Allocated column contains the text “OK”. These customers’ Basic info view can be accessed directly through search results, either by clicking on Show basic info button at the top of the view or by double-clicking the company’s row in search results.
If the company’s name is highlighted in red in search results, this means a company corresponding the environment is not found in the accounting office’s customer register (on the basis of Business ID). These customers' register data can’t be accessed through search results.
Search criteria
Environment control view contains the following search criteria:
- The list contains all customer environments under the accounting office, to which the person running the search is linked to as a user.
- By default, all companies are selected. Selecting (or unselecting) all companies is done by checking or unchecking the checkbox on the title (Name) row.
- When only certain companies want to be included in the search, this can be done either by selecting them directly from the list, or by searching the companies by their name (or by a part of it), using the search field found above the list.
Search result columns
- Enables selecting the type of information that is included in search results, either by selecting the type of information from the list, or by using the search field.
- By default, information selected are ID, customer no. and contract type.
- Enables searching customers by their business ID or by a part of it.
Reconciliation date
- Determines the date until which data is searched.
- By default, the date is the last day of the month preceding previous month. For example, if running the report in August, the date would be June 30th.
Buttons on the view
- Search button searches the companies that correspond to search criteria and lists them in search results.
- Show basic info button opens the Basic info view of the customer selected in search results.
- Show management button opens the Management view of the customer selected in search results.
- Change company button enables entering the selected customer’s Procountor environment.
- HTML button opens search results in a new window, in HMTL format.
- Excel button opens search results into an Excel file.