Your company-specific settings are on the Management > Company info > Usage settings page.
Usage settings
Additional default information, sales invoice
- Text entered into the field will automatically be displayed in the Additional information fields of new sales invoices and sales orders.
- The maximum text length of additional default information is 500 characters.
- Additional default information will not be included on group invoices or invoices subject to contract invoicing. The additional default information will be visible on sales invoices imported through the Import data function if the data does not contain additional information and if additional default information has not been specified for the customer.
- Any additional default information entered for the customer will replace this data item.
- The additional information can be entered directly into the field or click on the Pencil button next to the field to open a window where you can edit the information. Line breaks can be used in this window, which are displayed in the field as \ characters.
Mailing channel for sales invoices and orders
- The default postage method for the Mail invoice channel can be determined here.
- Choose whether to send letters as economy or priority mail, and in colour or black and white. The envelope size is C5, i.e., 22.9 x 16.2 cm with a 9 x 6 cm window. The window is located 1.8 cm from the envelope’s left edge and 1.5 cm from its top. This mailing method will be used for group invoices and imported invoices with the Mail invoice channel.
RF reference
- By selecting this setting the ISO's (International Organization for Standardization) standardized international reference will be taken to use in sales invoices (RF Creditor Reference). RF reference code can be used in domestic and foreign sales invoices.
- When the RF reference setting is activated the changes will go only to new clients/business partners that are created after the setting is on. Setting can be activated to old business partners as well in the business partner register RF reference: Use RF reference as default setting. If RF reference has been activated all the new sales invoices will get the reference as default if the business partner has not been selected from the register.
Invoice specific posting settings (posting invoices by transaction or by row)
Sales invoice posting setting
- This field defines the default posting method for sales invoices.
- The setting is enabled by default, which means that sales invoices will be posted by row.
- If you disable the setting, sales invoices will be posted by transaction.
- If you wish to use product-specific default postings or dimensioning for sales invoices, the invoices must be posted by row.
Purchase invoice posting
- This setting defines the default posting for purchase invoices.
- The setting is enabled by default, which means that purchase invoices will be posted by row.
- If you disable the setting, purchase invoices will be posted by transaction.
- If you wish to use product-specific default postings or dimensioning for purchase invoices, the invoices must be posted by row.
Use Junior's posting predictions on purchase invoices
- The setting can be used for enabling the usage of Procountor Junior in the Procountor environment.
Travel and expense invoice posting
- This setting specifies the default posting method for travel and expense invoices.
- The setting is enabled by default, which means that travel and expense invoices will be posted by row. If you disable the setting, invoices will be posted by transaction.
- If you wish to use specific posting defaults for travel and expense invoices, this setting must be enabled.
- Default postings for travel and expense invoices can be specified in Management > Accounting info > Posting defaults > Default postings for travel/expense invoices.
Salary posting
- This setting specifies the default posting method for salaries.
- The setting is enabled by default, which means that salaries will be posted by row. If you disable the setting, salaries will be posted by transaction.
- If you wish to use specific posting defaults for salaries, this setting must be enabled.
- Default postings for travel and expense invoices can be specified in Management > Accounting info > Posting defaults > Default salary postings. This section is visible when the salaries are posted by row.
Default invoice channel for new customers, suppliers and persons
- This setting will determine which invoice channel all new customers, suppliers and persons will get.
- The invoice channel can be modified in the business partner register.
Contract Invoicing
- This setting determines whether the contract number is automatically entered in the Agreement number field. This is only available to users with Sales invoice and Contract Invoicing special rights.
Sales invoice verification entries
- This setting specifies whether verification entries can be added to sales invoices. If this setting is enabled, invoices can be searched by verification entry author, number of entries and verification text using the Receipt search function. The search result displays the number, authors and dates of verification entries.
- The Inspection entry button for viewing the verification entries will be available on the Invoice information page. Each user will also be able to add a single verification entry, and to update or delete their own entries.
- This setting is disabled by default.
Terms of delivery
- The setting determines whether delivery terms (Incoterms/Finnterms) will be used for invoices.
- The setting is disabled by default. If the setting is enabled, two new fields will be included on invoices.
Cash discount for sales
- The setting affects the use of two-part payment terms on sales invoices and sales orders, and in the customer register. If you enable this function, you can use a payment term with a cash discount due date and percentage in addition to the net due date for sales invoices and sales orders and in the customer register.
- More information about the cash discount can be found here.
Cash discount for purchases
- The setting affects the use of two-part payment terms on purchase invoices and orders and in the supplier register. If you enable this function, you can use a payment term with a cash discount date and percentage or sum (on invoices only), in addition to the net due date for purchase invoices and purchase orders and in the supplier register.
- More information about the cash discount for purchases can be found here.
Bank account verification
- The setting is enabled by default and effects the arriving purchase invoice bank account check. Procountor will automatically check if the bank account number is the same as in the supplier register.
- If the supplier register bank account number does not match the bank account number on the invoice Procountor will notify that you should check if the account number is correct.
Salary types to be used
- This setting will effect only salaries which are made before year 2019. The setting determines whether the invoice rows of salary bases and salary slips will be limited to salary types from Procountor’s Salary type register.
Business ID and SSN on salary slips
- This setting determines whether the Business ID or Social security number of employee is shown on a salary slip PDF.
Job title on salary slip
- The setting enables job titles saved in the Person register to be displayed in the address information on salary slips.
Salary channel
- The setting can be used to able or disable the use of email as a salary channel. By default, the setting is disabled. If email as a salary channel is disabled, it will be removed from the salary channel options in the environment and cannot be used for sending salary slips.
- NOTE! It is recommended to make changes to the email salary channel settings when the salaries of the previous period have been fully processed and before the calculation of salaries for the next period has started.
Products to be used on the travel invoice
- The setting can be used to limit travel invoice products to those included in Procountor’s product register. If this setting is disabled, salary rows can also be added manually.
Products to be used on the expense invoice
- The setting can be used to limit expense invoice products to those included in Procountor’s product register. If this setting is disabled, salary rows can also be added manually.
Travel calculator usage
- The setting determines whether the Travel calculator will open automatically when a user creates a new travel invoice. The default setting is that the calculator will not open.
SSN check digits on invoices
- The setting determines whether the program will prompt users creating new travel or expense invoices to specify whether the check digits of their social security numbers will be hidden on the invoice.
- The options are prompt, always hide and never hide. The default setting is to always hide the SSN check digits.
Holiday calculation
- If the setting is on the automatic holiday calculation is set off from all employees.
- This setting is only for the purpose of disabling already set on holiday calculation off.
Holiday info on salary slip
- If Procountor's automatic holiday calculation is on the amount of unused holidays can be seen in the salary slip. If the setting is on the remaining holidays will not be shown.
Holiday bonus
- By enabling the holiday bonus the user can use Procountor's automatic holiday bonus calculation. If the setting is on all the employees that have holiday calculation on will also gather holiday bonus with 50% rule.
Two-level business partner groups
- The setting determines whether main groups will be enabled in the business partner register. A Main group is a high-level business partner group, and only ordinary business partner groups, not individual business partners, can be added to it. Each business partner can only belong to one business partner group within the same main group, but the business partner can also belong to other business partner groups, each belonging to a different main group. Main groups can be used in all business partner and business partner group searches.
- Main groups are managed in the registers’ Main groups views, which are only visible if this setting is enabled. The main group principle is disabled by default.
Two-level product groups
- The setting determines whether main groups will be enabled in the product register. A Main group is a high-level product group, and only ordinary product groups, not individual products, can be added to it. Each product can only belong to one product group within the same main product group, but the product can also belong to other product groups, each of which belongs to a different main product group. Main product groups can be used in all product and product group searches.
- Main groups are managed in the registers’ Main product groups view, which is visible only if this setting is enabled. The main group principle is disabled by default.
Use automatic search
- The setting determines whether searches from, for example, registers will be initiated automatically when the user selects search criteria, or only when the user clicks on the Search button. Automatic searching is enabled by default.
Fuzzy search
- When the setting is enabled, text searches will be extended only from the end of the search term. The setting is disabled by default, i.e. searches are extended from both the beginning and the end. For example, a business partner search with the search term “a” will return all names that have the letter “a” by default.
- When the fuzzy search box is checked, the search will return only the names of business partners that start with the letter “a”. If you still wish to find all business partners whose names have the letter “a”, you must enter the search criterion in the format “*a”, where * represents any character string, including null.
Automatic business partner creation
- When the setting is enabled, new customers or suppliers will be created in the appropriate registers automatically when their first invoice is saved.
- Before creating a new business partner, Procountor will check that the partner does not exist in the register (with the same business ID, customer number or name and address information). If the partner exists in the register, the invoice will be allocated to the existing partner.
When the Use automatic customer numbering setting is enabled, new customers will automatically be assigned the next free customer number. This setting is disabled by default.
Automatic supplier numbering
- When the setting is enabled, new suppliers will automatically be assigned the next free supplier customer number. This setting is disabled by default.
Automatic person numbering
- When the setting is enabled, new persons will automatically be assigned the next free personal customer number. This setting is disabled by default.
Warning settings
- When this setting is on, the user will receive a warning of an attempt to save a receipt for a date that is not included in any fiscal year or fiscal period. The notification states that the receipt date is not included in any fiscal year or fiscal period, and the user is requested to confirm whether to continue.
Integration settings
- Procountor mobile app paid functionality is allowed setting allows company's Procountor users to use the chargeable functions of Procountor -mobile. By default, this selection is on.
- Allow the usage of invoiceable API clients setting allows the usage of API integrations. This setting must be activated for paid API interfaces to work. The APIs are automatically charged (9.95€/month + 1.95€/month/integration) based on their usage. This setting does not include Procountor's product family products (Procountor Solo, Procountor mobile, Procountor Kassaturva, Procountor Toiminnanohjaus, eTasku, Ecom/EcomJet, Procountor Tehopalkat ja Mepco).
Customer service access
- Customer service access is a function that temporarily allows Procountor’s customer service to view the customer environment when necessary for more efficient problem solving. No changes can be made to information in the environment with the customer service access rights, and all the transactions during the session are automatically recorded in the transaction log. Company users with full rights to the Usage settings can allow or block the use of the function in Management > Company info > Usage settings. You can activate the function by selecting the setting Allow Customer Service to access the environment for problem solving purposes under Customer service access.
- This function is allowed by default for all customers.
Balance sheet items on the accounting page
- Show balance sheet item identifier information on the accounting page: This setting displays the identifier of the balance sheet item on the accounting page. This setting is disabled by default. Enabling the setting will add the row-level field Balance sheet item, witch can be selected a balanse sheet item from the drop-down menu or create a new identifier that is stored in the Balance sheet item register (up to 40 characters) to accounting pages after the transaction description. The Balance sheet item fields of all balance sheet entries can then be edited. The Search open balance sheet items button in balance sheet itemisation retrieves the balance sheet entries from accrual journals and other receipts containing balance items that have not been set off until the end date of the specifications.
- Show recommendation note for balance sheet items: Is possible to add a recommendation to remember to use balance sheet items in accounting views and in ledger entry tool view. Only new environment with new chart of accounts and environments which has migrated to use new chart of accounts has access to Chart of accounts (new) view.
Delivery period by invoice row
- By enabling this setting the accrual periods can be be defined by rows. This means that one invoice can have many different accrual periods as the rows of the accounting entries can be put into different accrual periods.
Dimension settings
- This setting is visible if at least one dimension has been set in Management > Accounting info > Dimensions.
Dimensioning quantity
- The field specifies the number of dimension items between which sums can be distributed. The setting is displayed in the dimensioning views of invoices and accounting and in the dimension settings of business partners and products.
- The options are 1, 2, 4, 6, 10, 14, 20, 30 and 40. The default option is 4, which means that, for example, an invoice can be distributed between four items within one dimension.
Combine default dimensions
- With the selection, you can define whether the default dimensions of business partners and products will be combined in invoices.
- The default is No, which means that the default dimensions will not be combined and the default dimensions of products will be used when creating invoices. If a product does not have a default dimension, the business partner’s default dimension will be used.
- Toggle this setting to Yes if you would like to combine the default dimensions, i.e., use the default dimensions of products on invoices and the default dimensions of business partners for dimensions that have not been specified as defaults for the products.
Junior Dimension Predictions
- The setting can be used for enabling the usage of Procountor Junior Dimensioning in the Procountor environment.
- This setting is visible if the conditions are met.
- By selecting this option the Document management can be activated.
- Document management is an additional service which will be invoiced separately.
Approval circulation settings
- Approval circulation settings has changed place to its own page in Management > Company info > Approval circulation settings.
External financing settings
External financing
- The setting determines whether external factoring-type financing will be used. When the setting is enabled, the Financing contracts button will be displayed in the top right corner of the Company information page. Clicking on the button will open the Financing contracts page, on which the details of contracts signed with financing companies are entered.