Attachment files can be observed and edited, either on the Attachments window opening from the Attachments button, or on the Attachments tab, depending on the receipt type.
The attachments of the receipt can be viewed by all users with user rights to the receipt. When sending the receipt, the attachments can be delivered with it to the business partner, if the receipt is sales invoice, order or offer.
Adding the attachments on the Attachments tab
- When editing the invoice, on the right side there is an Attachments tab, where it is possible to add and remove attachments. The Attachments tab is in use for the following receipt types:
- Purchase invoice
- Sales invoices
- Travel invoice
- Expense invoice
- Bank statements
- Reference payments
- If the Attachments tab is hidden, it can be opened by clicking on the paper clip icon. In proportion, the tab can be hidden by clicking the << button.
- On the Attachments tab, it is possible to view and edit the attachments of the receipt. Also the picture of the receipt can be viewed.
- Attachments can be added by dragging them to “Drop files here” section.
- Alternatively, the attachments can be added by clicking on the Add files The button opens a drop-down menu with options Add from computer, Add from documents (active if the Document management function is in use) and Add from receipts (active if the Procountor receipts function is in use).
- The attachment can be downloaded to user’s own files by activating the wanted attachment and then clicking on the Open button. Delete button deletes the activated attachment. Procountor asks to confirm the deletion Are you sure you want to delete this attachment? Attachment will be deleted immediately and cannot be restored. Confirm the action.
- In purchase orders preview window, there is an option “Send with the receipt”. The attachment files in form gif, jpg, PDF and txt can be sent with the order.
- Attachments can be pictures (png, jpg), text files (txt), PDF files or Excel files.
- Pictures and PDF files can be previewed on Attachments tab.
- Attachments can be zoomed in and browsed if there are several attachments.
- The maximum size of one attachment is approximately 10MB.
Row-specific attachments
- It is possible to add row-specific attachments to purchase, sales and expense invoices.
- Row-specific attachments can be added by clicking on the figure on the Attachments column. Clicking on the figure opens the Attachments window.
- On the Attachments window, the already existing attachments of the row can be edited and new attachments can be added.
- The figure in the Attachments column shows the amount of the attachments added to the row. If there are no attachments, the figure is 0.
- Row-specific attachments can also be added by dragging the attachments from user’s own files and dropping it to the invoice row.
- All row-specific attachments can be viewed on the Attachments tab. The attachments on the Attachments tab can also be set for rows by activating the wanted row and the attachment and then by clicking on the Attach to row button.
Adding the attachments with the Attachments button
- The Attachments button on the receipt’s Invoice view opens an Attachments widow for the following receipt types:
- Sales invoices (Special situations view)
- Sales orders and offers
- Pay slips (accounting page)
- On the Attachments window, the attachments can be viewed, added and removed.
- Attachments to add can be retrieved from the user’s own files with the Add attachments button.
- It is recommended to avoid Scandinavian characters and special characters when naming the attachments, since they can cause problems, for example, when opening the attachments. Several attachments can be added once by pressing Ctrl button while choosing the desired attachments.
- The names of the attached files, dates and times of adding and (in case on sales invoice) the info whether or not the attachment is sent with the invoice are row-specifically shown.
- The attachments can be edited even if the invoice is no longer in editable status.
Sending attachments with the invoice
- It is possible to send gif, jpeg, PDF and txt formed attachments with the sales invoices (invoice channel Mail, Email or E-invoice) from Procountor.
- Send with invoice option is selected by default when adding an attachment. If the attachment is not wanted to be sent with the invoice, the option should be disabled.
Viewing and editing the attachments on the Attachments window
- By clicking on the attachments name on the name column, the attachment can be opened and viewed. Depending on the format of the attachment, it opens either in a new tab or to another program, such as Excel or Word.
- Several attachments can be opened at once.
- The attachments can be removed with the Delete button on the Action column. The attachments of the invoice belonging to the closed financial year or tracking period cannot be deleted.
- Continue button closes the Attachments window.
- Clicking on the arrow at the right side of the Attachments button on the Invoice view, opens a drop-down menu, where it is possible to choose the attachment wanted to be previewed.