When you have logged in to Procountor, you arrive at the homepage, which you can edit according to your needs by selecting the information to be shown on the homepage.
Modifying the front page widgets
The Edit front page button on the upper left corner of the front page opens up the Customize front page view, where you can edit the front page widgets and determine which widgets are shown on the front page. New widgets can be added to the front page by dragging the widgets from the Available widgets - drag to columns list. Also the size of the widgets can be modified and widgets can be deleted.
After all the modifications have been done push Save and close button.
Front page widgets
Hello, user
Hello user –widget says hello to the user who has logged in to Procountor. The time stamp of when the widgets have been updated can be seen above the Hello.
- The front-page widgets can be updated by clicking the arrow above the time stamp.
- Widgets are updated automatically when the user arrives to the front-page.
If the user has invoices that are waiting to be verified or approved the amount of the invoices can be seen beneath the Hello.
- By clicking the link of the unverified or unapproved invoices the user can move straight to the invoice search.
By clicking Edit front page –button the user can edit the front page and which widgets are there.
- Hello user widget cannot be deleted from the front page.
The Announcements widget shows the topical Procountor news to all users.
- The accounting office can also post topical news to the widget if it has the accounting office tools in use.
Announcement widget is divided into two parts, the part with picture and the part with the heading of the announcement. By clicking either the Read more button or the heading, a pop-up window is opened where the user can read the announcement.
Disruption information can be seen with the red color.
Unread announcements can be seen as bolded.
Major disruptions are pop-up windows which are opened automatically when the user comes to the front page.
Create a new sales invoice
The Create new sales invoice widget adds a convenient form for creating a new sales invoice to the homepage. This function is useful for users who create a large number of invoices. When you have selected or entered the basic invoice information, select Create new invoice to move to the Sales invoice view.
Quick links
The Quick links widget displays the number of receipts with each status and by pushing the link you can move to the receipt search. More detailed instructions about quick links can be found here.
The user can modify the quick links by clicking on the Edit button at the bottom of the widget.
Invoices waiting for verification
In the Invoices waiting for verification widget, the user can see the purchase, travel and expense invoices that wait for his/her own verification. The invoices displayed in the widget depend on the user’s privileges. The user can move directly from this view to the invoice verification or verification of multiple invoices views.
Read more on the Invoices waiting for verification widget.
Bank account balance
The widget shows the balance of all bank accounts which are attached to Procountor or one account which is chosen based on the information of the bank statements. By pushing Accounts the desired account can be chosen.
The balance of the currency bank account is transferred to based on the currency of the Procountor environment if the currency of the bank account is different from the environment currency. If there is no bank statements for a bank account or the currency is not available the program will inform about it.
Widget does not show the real time balance of the accounts. The balance is based on the bank statements and if the statement is fetched for example once a week the same balance will be in the widget until the next statement. If a bank account is deleted from Procountor the widget will show its balance for 12 months because bank statements cannot be deleted from the program.
Bank account
The widget shows the balance and limit of the bank account and maximum 5 bank accounts can be shown.
By default the main bank account's total available balance is shown bigger than the other account balances. The main bank account is one which have Default payment account checkbox selected Bank account information view.
- User can determine which of the bank accounts should be displayed bigger. On the widget user can click any account name (on the right) and it will appear on the left side as the main account.
- Bank accounts can be selected to the widget from list using cog wheel.
- All bank accounts (except factoring accounts) which have latest bank statements are available on the list.
Income register reports
This widget searches all the salary slips and the travel invoices which have something to report to the Earnings payment report. It sorts the invoices by the due date of the report, from 5 days left to overdue invoices.
The other column counts the due date (how many days are left) of the Employers separate report.
The widget shows each year on their own page.
Reference payment
Reference payment widget shows which reference payment have been automatically allocated from the previous bank statement and which are not allocated.
The widget leads to Reference payment clearing report where not allocated reference payments can be searched.
Cash and ledger tracking
The Cash and ledger tracking widget allows the user to view the bank account balances, due and overdue sales, purchases and other receipts to pay (salaries, travel and expense invoices and periodic tax returns).
- Open cash flow report -button opens Cashflow reporting.
Overdue and Due sales/purchases
- Shows the sum of the overdue/due sales/purchases.
- The due date is calculated from the invoice due date.
- The widget does not show the Overdue purchases and Due purchases section, if the user’s search rights have been restricted to Waiting for own verification and approval in the Users and privileges section.
Overdue others and Due others
- Shows the sum of due/overdue travel and expense invoices and invoices from self assessed taxes (self-assessed taxes and employer's separate report).
- Shows receipts, whose status is: Not sent, Sent, Approved, Payment queued, Payments sent to bank, Partly paid
- Search type is Open invoices. The Tax return of self assessed taxes are shown on rows Overdue others and Due others if the payment is in Payment queued status.
Overdue and Due others (salaries new)
- Shows the sum of due/overdue travel and expense invoices, invoices from self-assessed taxes and salary slips from the new salary module.
- Salaries new refers to the salaries which are created in the new salary module (salaries after year 2019).
In the widget, the Search invoices button takes the user to the Search open invoices function in Receipt search, to view, for example, due purchase invoices. The widget includes the same information as the Search open invoices, i.e. open invoices excluding orders and invoices with the status unfinished.
In order to display the widget, the user must have at least viewing rights to the following:
- New sales invoice
- Sales invoice search
- New purchase invoice
- Search invoices
Payment transactions
- Bank statements and reference payments
Economy control
- Notifications
Result tracking
The Result tracking widget allows the user to view the income statement comparison (the latest closed month, previous respective period, budget and cumulative profit). In the widget, the user can use the Open income statement search button to access Reports > Accounting reports and Income statement search.
- If the company’s oldest fiscal year contains closed tracking periods, the Result tracking widget retrieves the information up to the newest closed tracking period.
- If the company’s oldest fiscal year does not contain closed tracking periods, the information is retrieved from the period of the latest periodic Tax return for self-assessed taxes.
- If the notification of the previous month has already been created, the information is retrieved from the month before that.
- If the company does not use tracking periods, and if the information cannot be retrieved from the periodic Tax return for self-assessed taxes, the end date is the last day of the second last month before the current month.
Financial management status tracking
The Financial management status widget shows actions regarding status information of financial administration. The widget shows:
- Last open financial year.
- Last closed tracking period.
- Latest VAT calculations.
- Latest salary list (it's name, period, creator, status).
- Latest Employer's separate report.
- Please note that showing Employer's separate reports in the widget requires that in Management > Company info > Basic info, In the employer register menu's value is set to yes.
- Latest bank statement.
Current accounts payable vs accounts receivable
The widget helps to visualize the current financial position of the company from the latest open financial year.
The purple lines indicate the balance of accounts payable vs. accounts receivable. The account which balance is bigger is shown as 100% and the account which balance is smaller is the percentage of the 100%.
- The actual balance of accounts payable and receivable is also shown.
- If there is no open financial year in Procountor the widget tells that No open financial year.
- If the balance of the account is negative the widget line is in zero.
- The value of accounts payable is the balance of 2880 account.
- The value of accounts receivable is the balance of 1700 account.
Management operations
The Management operations widget tracks the latest customer management (CRM) actions on the homepage. The functionality is important to companies that use the customer management functionality actively. The function tracks only actions made for customers.
Most recent salary lists
The Most recent salary lists widget shows information on the most recent salary lists, e.g. status and creator. The Show salary list button allows you to view the salary list and the salary slips in the list in detail.
Revenue and profit development
The Revenue and profit development widget shows a bar graph that displays revenue, profit, revenue (previous year) and profit (previous year) in different colors.
The widget displays data for the oldest open financial year from the first day of the financial year onwards for 12 months, if at least one tracking period is closed.
The Revenue and profit development widget uses two rows from environment’s default report formula with KPI5 and KPI2 (The KPIs are Key Performance Indicators). KPI5 is Net revenue and KPI2 is Operating profit.
The cog icon in the widget opens the Graph settings, where you can set the Graph type either as Period figures or Cumulative figures and select the Graph comparison figures by checking the Budget and/or Previous year boxes.
The net revenue and operating profit are by default presented stacked on the same column. However if on any month presented on the widget the net turnover is less than 0 or the operating profit is more than the net turnover, then the columns are presented separately, not stacked.
Open sales invoices
The Open sales invoices widget displays the open sales invoices that are treated as business transactions, i.e. their status is Not sent, Partly paid or Approved.
You can drill down to the Invoice view of the sales invoice from the widget by pushing Invoice button.
By pushing Show button the invoice picture can be seen in PDF or HTML format.
Unpaid purchase invoices
The Unpaid purchase invoices widget displays the unpaid purchase invoices with the status Unfinished, Received, Partly paid, Approved and Verified. You can drill down to the Payment, Verification and Invoice views of the purchase invoice.
Purchase invoice due
In Purchase invoice due widget the total sum of the invoices that are over due, due today and duet tomorrow are shown. Information is fetched from the Receipt search -view. Also cash discount invoices are shown in the widget if the cash discount is set for purchase invoices.
The number on the balls is the number of purchase invoices; how many are overdue, due today and due tomorrow. Invoices' total amount in euros is presented as well. When Cash discount is set ON for purchase invoices in Usage settings the widget shows also how many purchase invoices are due today (incl. cash discount) and due tomorrow (incl. cash discount). By clicking the ball with the number of purchase invoices (due today (incl. cash discount) or due tomorrow (incl. cash discount)) user is directed to the Receipt search -view where invoices can be examined in more detail.
Tutorials widget shows links to Procountor guide book. It provides tutorials for useful guidelines how to use the program.