This article contains instructions on exporting and saving information from Procountor, for example in a situation where information needs to be delivered forward, or when the use of Procountor is terminated.
All customer information entered in Procountor is preserved and backup-copied daily. The maintenance and backups of our servers is the responsibility of the Advania Finland Oy.
All Procountor’s databases and files are backup-copied daily to a separate fire compartment and changing data is replicated continuously to a reserve server. Thus, users normally have no need to make own data backups from Procountor.
However, sometimes it can be necessary to export and information from Procountor, e.g. if information needs to be forwarded outside of Procountor, or when terminating Procountor agreement.
When terminating the agreement, information can be exported and saved manually using instructions provided in this article.
Information on receipts and transactions can be exported from Procountor in different formats for saving them to the user’s computer or other preferred location. Previews in HTML format can be copied into for example Excel or Word using the browser’s copy / paste function.
Please note! If the Procountor Financial – product version has been changed to the Procountor Ledger -version and you need to recover the purchase and sales invoices that appear in the Financial -version, please contact out customer service.
The Ledger version can be changed to the Financial plus -version temporarily, so that purchase and sales invoices become visible.
Data collection
As a customer of Procountor Financial -product version, you can order a data copy from us for €500 + VAT. We cannot provide a data copy for the Procountor Solo product version.
The data copy includes the receipts and their attachments, bank statements and the reference payment report, accounting reports, archived reports, payslips and salary reports, period tax returns and pension insurance reports (before year 2019). The data copy will include the files stored in the Procountor environment at the time of download. To download the data, fiscal years must be created in the environment.
The transfer of the data copy to the customer is done via a secure server. The data is uploaded to the server as a ZIP file, which the customer downloads to their own computer. The customer will receive a link to download the ZIP file via email. Access to the server also requires a password, which will be sent to the recipient via SMS. The data will be available for download from the server for one (1) week as a one-time download to ensure data security.
The files are stored in folders, organized by fiscal year in chronological order. Under these folders, there are subfolders where the files are categorized by topic. For example, the material for the year 2021 is in its own folder, and within it, there are subfolders such as Archive, Notifications and Accounting Pages. Under the Accounting Pages -folder, there is, for example, the Purchase Invoices -folder, where the purchase invoices are in numerical order in PDF format.
File formats: The material is available in the following file formats, among others:
- CSV = Excel file
- JPEG (e.g., an image of a receipt attached to a bank statement)
- HTML (e.g., pension insurance notifications)
You can order the data copy by submitting a request using the order form by selecting the subject Data collection or by email at The order can be made by the main user of the Procountor environment or a person with the company’s signing authority.
Please include the following information in your order message:
- The email address and phone number of the recipient of the data copy link and password.
- Billing information for the service. The service can also be billed together with the regular Procountor monthly invoice if desired.
- The data copy will include the files stored in the Procountor environment at the time of download. Please specify the date after which the data copy should be created
Invoices (including orders and journal receipts)
Invoices and their attachments can be exported through search views, such as Search > Receipt search.
First, the invoices are searched using the appropriate search criteria.
- If all invoices, orders and journals are supposed to be searched, it’s recommended to use Receipt search view, where all these receipt types can be searched.
- If the search is not supposed to be limited to any certain time period, Invoices between search criterion can be emptied.
Once the invoices have been searched, the Printable list menu will appear active above search results, including the following options for exporting the invoice information:
- Search result and VAT specification (HTML): Opens search results and VAT specification calculated based on them in HTML format.
- Search result and VAT specification (PDF): Opens search results and VAT specification calculated based on them in PDF format.
- Printable ZIP package: Opens invoices and their attachments as PDF files and generates a ZIP package of them.
- Printable PDF package: Opens invoices in a PDF file so that all invoices are in the same file.
- Printable PDF package, including attachments: Opens invoices and their attachments in a PDF file so that all invoices and attachments are in the same file. Only attachments in PDF format are included in the file.
- Printable PDF package, attachments only: Opens only the PDF attachments added to invoices in a PDF file so that all attachments are in the same file.
- Brief export file: Opens invoice information into an Excel file.
- Extended export file: Opens invoice information into an Excel file as in the previous option, but including some more columns.
- Accounting reports can be printed out in HTML, Excel or PDF formats by selecting the desired format from the Excel, HTML and PDF buttons found above search results.
- The documents in Archived financial statements can be printed in PDF format by selecting the desired report and clicking on Preview button. Archived financial statements are found in Accounting > Archived financial statements.
- Business partner report lists business partner information and can be exported in HTML or Excel format, using the HTML or Excel buttons in the search results. The register information to be included in the report can be determined in search criteria’s Register info section. Business partner report is found in Reports > Register reports > Business partner report.
- Product register report lists product information and can be exported in HTML or Excel format, using the HTML or Excel buttons in the search results. The register information to be included in the report can be determined in search criteria’s Select fields to be shown on the report section. Product register report is found in Reports > Register reports > Product register report.
Bank statements and reference payments
Bank statements and reference payments can be exported through Bank statements and reference payments view found in Payments > Bank statements and Reference payments.
- At the top of the view, there’s Printable ZIP package menu through which the bank statements listed in search results can be exported into a ZIP package, where each bank statement is in their separate PDF file. In the menu, there are options Printable ZIP package and Printable ZIP package, incl. attachments, of which the latter one includes also the PDF attachments added to bank statements on their Accounting view.
- Only one bank account’s statements can be included in the same ZIP package, which means that if there are several bank accounts, a separate ZIP package needs to be created from each of them.
Reference payment files can be exported in Excel, PDF or HTML format, by clicking the right hand side button of the mouse on search results and selecting the preferred format from the menu that opens. Search results can also be exported (in PDF or HTML format) through Preview menu found above search results.
- You can retrieve the sales invoices delivered through Procountor Solo Via the Documents -view (Search > Documents). With the Documents -view you can search for the Reference payment and Reference payment event receipt types to display the desired invoice material and save the information in either zip or pdf format.
Please note! When terminating the agreement, please delete the bank accounts saved in the environment before the environment closes. You can delete bank accounts in the program from Management > Company info> Bank account info. Please choose the account you wish to delete from the environment and then click on the Delete- button.
Salary lists on which the salary slips have status Approved can be exported through Salary list view found in Payroll > Salary list search > Salary list.
- Drill down to a salary list by clicking on its name on Salary list search view and then choose the desired option from Export menu found at the top of Salary list view.
- Options in the menu are Printable PDF package, which opens all salary slips in the same PDF file, or Printable ZIP package, which opens each salary slip in their separate PDF file and generates a ZIP package of them.
- There’s also option Payment reports found in the menu, which opens a PDF report into a separate window in the browser. The report contains the details needed if paying salaries outside of Procountor.
- Salary list summary option opens a PDF report, which includes the salary list's payment periods and accounting date.
- Information in Salary list view’s Salary slips section can be exported in Excel, PDF or HTML format, by clicking the right hand side button of the mouse on search results and selecting the preferred format from the menu that opens.
Salaries can also be exported through Salary slip search, where salary slips under status Approved can be exported into a printable PDF package or ZIP package so that salary slips from different lists can be included in the same package.
- First, salary slips are searched using the appropriate search criteria, after which the salary slips that want to be exported are selected, either individually by ticking the checkbox on their row, or all at once by ticking the checkbox in front of the Name column’s title. Once the salary slips have been selected, either option Printable PDF package or Printable ZIP package is selected from the Printable list menu found above search results.
- Also the information shown in search results can be exported in Excel, PDF or HTML format, by clicking the right hand side button of the mouse on search results and selecting the preferred format from the menu that opens.
Insurance payment report found in Salary slip search can be exported in Excel, PDF or HTML format using the right hand side button of the mouse.
- The report is opened by clicking on Insurance payment report button found above search results.
Salary records can be downloaded in PDF format.
Holiday accrual report can be exported in Excel and HTML format.
Incomes register notifications
- Information on Earnings payment report view’s Reports section can be exported in Excel, PDF or HTML format, by clicking the right hand side button of the mouse on the section and selecting the preferred format from the menu that opens. Earnings payment report is found in Notifications > Incomes register > Earnings payment report.
- Report listing on Employer’s separate report view can be exported in Excel, PDF or HTML format, by clicking the right hand side button of the mouse on the list and selecting the preferred format from the menu that opens. Employer’s separate report is found in Notifications > Incomes register > Employer’s separate report.
Tax return for self-assessed taxes, VAT EU recapitulative statement and Income tax return
- Tax returns for self-assessed taxes can be exported individually in PDF or HTML format through the tax return’s Preview menu. Tax returns for self-assessed taxes are found in Notifications > Tax return for self-assessed taxes.
- EU VAT recapitulative statements can be opened in HTML format through the statement’s Preview button. The statement’s row information can be opened in Excel, PDF or HTML format, by clicking the right hand side button of the mouse on the row information and selecting the preferred format from the menu that opens. EU VAT recapitulative statements are found in Notifications > EU VAT recapitulative statement.
- Income tax returns can be exported individually in PDF format through the tax return’s Preview button. Income tax returns are found in Notifications > Income tax return.
Graphic reports
Receipt type-specific graphic reports (Sales reporting, Purchase reporting, Travel and expense reporting and Salaries reporting), can be exported in Excel or PDF format by clicking the buttons found in the upper right corner of each report section.
Receipts, reports and notifications in the old payroll module
There are some views, reports and notifications in Procountor concerning the old payroll module and are no longer used since the Incomes Register has come into effect. However, if salaries have been calculated in Procountor before Incomes Register came into effect, the information concerning the old payroll module can be searched and exported from Procountor, if necessary.
Salary slips and lists
Salary lists on which the salary slips have status Approved can be exported through the old payroll module’s Salary list search view found in Payroll > Salaries (old) > Salary list search.
- Drill down to a salary list by clicking on its name on Salary list search view and then choose the desired option from the Printable list menu found at the top of Salary list view.
- Options in the menu are Printable PDF package, which opens all salary slips in the same PDF file, or Printable ZIP package, which opens each salary slip in their separate PDF file and generates a ZIP package of them.
- There’s also option Salary list found in the menu, which opens a HTML report into a separate window in the browser. The report contains the details needed if paying salaries outside of Procountor.
Salaries can also be exported through the old payroll module’s Salary slip search, where salary slips can be exported into, for example, a printable PDF package or ZIP package so that salary slips from different lists can be included in the same package.
- First, salary slips are searched using appropriate search criteria, after which the desired option can be chosen from Printable list menu found above search results, for example PDF package or Printable ZIP package. The options in the menu are the same as they are in Receipt search and have been described earlier in this article.
Salary reports
- Old payroll module’s reports can be searched in Payroll > Salaries (old) > Reports.
- Graphic Salaries reporting concerning the old payroll can be found in the main menu’s Reporting > Salaries reporting and the report can be exported in Excel or PDF format by clicking the buttons found in the upper right corner of each report section, in the same way as other graphic reports.
Employee’s pension act notices created for the time prior to Incomes Register can be searched and exported in Notifications > Pension insurance report > Employee’s pension act notice.
- Notices can be exported individually through the notice’s Preview menu, either in PDF or HTML format.
- Specifications by employee can be searched in Notifications > Annual salary report > Specification by employee and exported in PDF format as a ZIP package, using Printable ZIP package button found on the view.