Work item invoicing is an additional service that makes invoicing work items easier. Work items and other services are recorded to customer’s details. The saved information can then be used to create sales invoices effortlessly.
Work item invoicing is a chargeable additional service that can be activated by contacting the customer service via the contact form. Information on the pricing can be found here.
When Work item invoicing function has been activated, it will be found in Registers > Work item invoicing.
Functions related to Work item invoicing are also found from other places in Procountor. These functions will be covered in this article under their own headings. In order that a user has access to all possible views, he / she must have adequate user rights that are explained in more detail in the end of this article.
User rights
Entering work items requires the following user rights:
- Front-page widget: full rights to the customer register
- Through the customer register: full rights to the customer register
- Through the employee register: full rights to the employee register and customer register
Searching for customers, employees or products requires at least viewing rights to the corresponding registers.
Making invoices with the Work item invoicing function requires full rights to sales invoice creation.
Work item invoicing
Work item invoicing view is the main view of the function. This view is used to create invoicing that results in sales invoicing from the recorded work items. This view is also convenient for checking all the non-invoiced work items.
Fields and buttons of the view
- Search customers to be invoiced button searches for customers in accordance with the search criteria.
- Work items to be invoiced button leads to Work items to be invoiced view that is described in more detail under the next heading.
- Date range for work items to be invoiced fields can be used to set a time period that limits the customers shown in the search results. By default, starting date is empty and ending date is the present day. If starting date is left empty, the search results will show all work items for earlier days that haven't been invoiced yet.
- Activating the selection under Show default products heading will include also customers that have default products (that are determined in Default products view) but no work items.
Work items to be invoiced view
Work items to be invoiced button in the top bar of the Wok item invoicing view leads to a separate view that is used to record work items for specific customers. Each row in this view equals to a single work item. The work items that are recorded in Work items to be invoiced view will be visible in Work item invoicing view in order to invoice them.
- Save button saves the new rows and possible changes to existing rows.
- HTML and Excel buttons are used to open a summary of the work items to be invoiced in different file formats.
- Show also items that have been invoiced? selection includes also all work items that have been invoiced earlier to the search results.
- Date range for work items to be invoiced fields are used to limit the search with a time period.
- Get product button opens Product register view that is used to choose a product for the active row.
- Add button creates a new row for a new work item.
- Copy button copies the active row.
- Delete button deletes the active row.
- Select customer button is used to choose a customer for the active row.
- Select person button is used to choose a person (from the company that is making the invoice; for example, the person may have been responsible for the work) for the active row.
- Paste rows button opens a separate window that is used to add work items in text format:
- The data can be copied from a spreadsheet program and then added to the field. After the data has been added, the column fields in the view show the work items. If needed, the order of the columns can be changed.
- If data is added manually to the text field or data is added from other software than a spreadsheet program, the data items will have to be separated from each other with Tab button. This ensures that the data is placed correctly to the different fields.
- When Continue button is clicked, the window closes and the data items entered to the text field will be placed in their own places on the rows. After other essential information has been added to the rows and the information is checked to be correct, it is time to click the Save button.
It is possible to give the work items also other kinds of row information, such as Hours, Product name (fetched from the register for register products), Product code (fetched from the register for register products, if exists), Unit (fetched from the register for register products, if exists) and Row comment.
When Work item invoicing function is used with a customer that uses external financing (meaning that a financing agreement has been chosen for the customer in the register), the invoice that is formed will get its agreement number, bank account number and financing statement from the valid financing agreement. If a financing agreement is not in use, the bank account number is retrieved from the customer register or the company’s Bank account information view.
Search results
Search results shows the customers matching to the given search criteria. The row information consists of the following columns by default: Name, Business ID and Work items to be invoiced. If Show default products selection in search criteria is activated, a column for Default products will also be shown. This column presents the amount of default products for the customer.
- Select all button selects all customers in the search results. Customers can be also chosen separately by selecting the box in the left side of the row. The number in brackets in the column of the boxes shows the number of chosen customers.
- Begin invoicing button opens a new window that is described in more detail below the next heading.
Begin invoicing function
When customers have been chosen in the Work item invoicing view and Begin invoicing button is clicked, Invoicing window opens:
- Invoice group name field has a default name of Invoicing (invoicing date) (invoicing time), for example, Invoicing 31.7.2019 10:00 that is formed by the invoicing date and time. However, the name can be changed if needed.
- Invoice date field is used to set a date for the invoice(s).
- Delivery date fields are used to set a delivery date / period. The given time period will be visible to the invoice as the delivery date / period. By default, the delivery date is the time period given in Date range for work items to be invoiced field in Work item invoicing view (if the starting date has been defined). If the search is done only with the ending date, the delivery dates are empty by default.
- Additional information field is used to give optional information that will be visible on the invoice.
- Invoice default products? selection adds the customer’s default products to the invoice. By default, this selection is active.
- Combine product entries on the invoice selection combines work item entries for the same product as a single row on the invoice. For example, if the front page’s Input work item for invoicing widget has been used to make two separate entries for a product with quantity of 1, the invoice will show only one product row that has a quantity of 2. This selection is active by default. If Combine product entries on the invoice selection is not chosen, entries for the same product will be shown as separate rows on the invoice.
- Add date to row comment selection adds the work item date (meaning the date that has been given to the work item when it has been created) as a row comment for the product on the invoice. This selection is not active by default. This selection does not have an effect on the row comments of default products.
Continue button creates the invoices. After this, Invoicing complete window opens. From this window, it is possible to go to Receipt search view that shows the newly created invoices. The invoices are in Unfinished status after they have been created.
- It should be noted that if the customer has an existing invoice in the state of Unfinished, the information created through Work item invoicing is added to this existing invoice. Therefore, if the information created through the Work item invoicing is needed to be added only to a completely new invoice, the existing invoices in the state of Unfinished for each customer have to be first either invalidated or approved before using the Begin invoicing function.
Creating work items with the widget on the front page
Input work item for invoicing widget can be added to the front page of Procountor by clicking Edit front page button. The widget can be added to the front page by choosing its box from the upper section of the view: when the widget is chosen with holding down the left button of the mouse, it can be dragged to the desired location on the front page.
The widget is a useful tool to enter work items rapidly and easily. The widget has a lot of different fields and choices from which the obligatory are marked with a red star. After all necessary information has been given, the work item is saved with Save work item for invoicing button in the upper section of the widget. Work items created with the widget become visible in the Work item invoicing view, Work items to be invoiced view and to customer register’s customer-specific Work items to be invoiced view.
Work item invoicing in the Customer register
Along with the Work items to be invoiced view that opens from Work item invoicing and Input work item for invoicing widget, work items can be recorded also in the customer register (Registers > Customer register). Work items to be invoiced button in Customer’s basic info view leads to customer-specific Work items to be invoiced view that can be used for recording work items for the customer, inspecting non-invoiced work items that have been created earlier as well as also already invoiced work items. Invoiced work items can be included in the search results by selecting the box under the Show invoiced heading.
Creating work items to be invoiced is done in a similar way when comparing to the Work items to be invoiced view that opens from Work item invoicing. Change customer button or Previous / Next buttons are used to go to the same view of a different customer.
Another option for going to the customer-specific Work items to be invoiced view is to activate a customer row in Customer register view and click the arrow button next to Open button and choose Work items to be invoiced from the list that opens.
Work items to be invoiced view in the Person register
With the Work items to be invoiced view of the Person register (Registers > Person register), it is possible to check the work items that have been created by each person in Procountor. It is also possible to create new work items in this view. Person-specific Work items to be invoiced view is accessed by clicking Work items to be invoiced button in Person’s basic info view. Another option for going to the person-specific Work items to be invoiced view is to activate a person row in Person register view and click the arrow button next to Open button and choose Work items to be invoiced from the list that opens.
Work items to be invoiced view’s functions can be examined more carefully below this heading. Change person button or Previous / Next buttons are used to go to the same view of a different person.