In a situation where purchase invoice hasn’t been received to Procountor as an einvoice or through scanning service, the invoice can be created to manually through New purchase invoice view, which can be accessed through New > Purchase invoice. In addition to New purchase invoice view, purchase invoices can be created through supplier register, but in this article, we'll go through the steps for creating an invoice through New purchase invoice view.
Two ways to create a purchase invoice
Through New purchase invoice view, purchase invoice can be created in two different ways: either by choosing only the supplier on New purchase invoice view and entering the rest of the information on Invoice view, or by entering invoice information already on New purchase invoice view, before proceeding to Invoice view. Either way, the user will end up on Invoice view, where the rest of the information is entered, after which the invoice can be approved and paid.
Method 1: select the supplier and proceed to Invoice view
1. Select the supplier from whom the original invoice was received using Search supplier button found in Invoice supplier and type section.
If the invoice is not supposed to be created to a register supplier, no supplier is selected and the supplier information is entered on Invoice view.
Default option selected in Receipt type menu is Purchase invoice. If instead of an invoice, you want to create a purchase order, select option Purchase order as receipt type.
Please note, that if no register supplier is selected for the invoice, but instead supplier’s information is entered manually on Invoice view, the invoice will not be allocated to any existing register supplier.
2. Proceed to Invoice view through Create a new invoice button. Register supplier’s (if selected) information will be automatically fetched from register to Invoice view. If no register supplier has been selected, Invoice view will be empty and the information needs to be entered manually.
Method 2: prefill information before proceeding to Invoice view
1. Select the supplier from whom the original invoice was received using Search supplier button found in Invoice supplier and type section. If the invoice is not supposed to be created to a register supplier, no supplier is selected and the supplier information is entered on Invoice view. Default option selected in Receipt type menu is Purchase invoice. If instead of an invoice, you want to create a purchase order, select option Purchase order as receipt type.
2. Next, you can enter invoice date, due date, account number, payment method, BIC code and supplier’s bank account number, as well as reference number in Invoice title info section. Also internal additional information can be entered in Additional information field, if necessary. Product rows can be added in Invoice row info section. By default, option Insert manually is selected in Invoice product rows menu, but if products want to be fetched from product register, select option Search from product register, and Get products button will appear.
3. Once the necessary information has been entered, proceed to Invoice view through Create a new invoice button. Register supplier’s (if selected) information as well as the information entered on New purchase invoice view will be automatically fetched to Invoice view. Other information is entered manually on Invoice view.
Read bar code
You can also search the invoice information by bar code. Bar code -button opens a field, where you can enter the bar code in numeric form or you can use a bar code scanner. Procountor reads the invoice information based on the bar code.
If the bar code contains information about an account number, that is used by a supplier in the supplier register, Procountor uses this supplier's information for the invoice. If the account number cannot be found in the supplier register, the supplier's information is not included in the invoice and you must fill the information yourself.
Entering information on Invoice view
Once you have proceeded to Invoice view, enter the rest of the invoice information, after which you can send the invoice to approval circulation, or approve it yourself and then queue it for payment.
1. If no register supplier has been selected on New purchase invoice view, meaning that invoice information needs to be entered manually, first fill in Supplier’s address section. At least enter supplier name and if the invoice will be paid as foreign payment, enter also supplier’s address. For register suppliers, this information is automatically fetched from the register.
New suppliers can be set to be added to the register automatically when the first invoice is received or created, by enabling setting Automatic business partner creation in Usage settings.
2. In Invoicing information section, set invoice date (if not already set on New purchase invoice view). Procountor generates invoice due date automatically, calculating it from invoice date and default term of payment. Default term of payment is 10 days, unless a different term has been set in supplier register. Invoice due date can be changed manually, if necessary, and Procountor will calculate a new term of payment based on the due date.
3. In Payment info section, select payment method and enter account number, BIC code and reference number (if not already entered on New purchase invoice view). For register suppliers, this information is automatically fetched from the register, except for the reference number.
If the payment is made as foreign payment and reference number is not used, an order reference in text format can be used instead of reference number, which will be forwarded to the receiver with the payment. Order reference can be added to the payment either on Invoice view by entering it into Order reference field, or on Payment view, by entering it into Message field.
4. Next, add products in Row information section, either by adding them manually using Add row button, or by searching them from product register using Get product button.
Please note, that if products are not searched from register but instead added manually, product rows will not be allocated to the register and will not be included in product reporting.
In Additional information section you can determine Prices include VAT setting, which determines whether VAT is included in unit prices or if VAT is added to unit prices. Default setting is determined in VAT defaults.
If products are added manually, enter the product name in Product column. Also set quantity (by default, 1), unit (by default, pcs), price, (possible discount %) and VAT %. When using register products, the product details are fetched from register, only the quantity may need to be changed manually. More information on purchase invoice fields can be found here.
5. Add the original invoice picture as an attachment to the invoice. Attachments can be added through Add files menu found in Attachments section on the right hand side of Invoice view. If Attachments section is not shown on Invoice view, click on the paper clip icon on the right hand side to open Attachments section. More information on adding attachments can be found here.
6. After you’ve entered the necessary information on the invoice (at least supplier name and bank account details, invoice date, due date and row information), save information by clicking on Save and Procountor will generate an invoice number for the invoice. The status of the invoice is Unfinished.
7. If the company is using approval circulation, you can send the invoice to approval circulation after saving it by clicking on Send to circulation. Before sending the invoice to approval circulation, please check that there is an approval circulation in Approval information section, either fetched automatically (from usage settings or supplier register) or determined manually. If there’s no approval circulation set for the invoice, it needs to be determined before the invoice can be sent to circulation. If the invoice is not supposed to be sent to circulation, proceed to phase 8.
8. Proceed to Verification view from the Go to menu on the upper right corner and approve the invoice using Approve button.
9. After approving the invoice, proceed to Payment view to pay the invoice. On Payment view, check that payment date (by default, the same as due date), amount to be paid and receipient’s payment details are correct and click on Pay button to queue the invoice for payment.
After clicking on Pay, status of the invoice will change to Queued for payment, and the payment will be transfered to the bank on the payment date set for the invoice (or in the next payment run, if payment date is the present day). More information on payement schedules can be found here.
Created purchase invoices can be searched through Receipt search.