Employee role is a perfect choice for Procountor users who can only create travel and expense invoices and see their own salary slips. By creating user rights to employees your company can optimize its Procoununtor experience because:
- You do not have to send salary slips separately to employees as slips can be found and read from Procountor.
- It will save time and money.
- Travel and expense invoice processing will be atomized as employees are creating their own invoices and attaching the receipts to them by them selves. It can be done by using Procountor's computer version or Procountor Procountor -mobile application.
How to create credentials to employees?
- Your company’s main user or its equivalent creates the new username and assigns it the Employee role in Management > Users and privileges > Create new user. Select the role Employee to the new user.
- With Employee role the user cannot see other Procountor functions except own salary slips, the function of creating and searching own travel and expense invoices and personal info and settings.
- The new user should be added to the person register when the user is created (if the person is not in the register already) or the user name should be linked to already existing person register person by selecting Link user to existing person in the person register.
- If user is not linked or added at this point, it can be done separately from Registers > Person register > Select the person into which you want to link the username to > Click Link to a user > Search the username and click Select.
- Deliver the credentials to the users by your self or select that Procountor will deliver them to the user.
- More detailed information about creating credentials can be found here.
Were to log in and what does a user need to optimize the use of Procountor?
Logging in to Procountor browser version is done in secure.procountor.com. During the first login a user needs username and password. More information about the first login can be found here.
- During the first login it is good to check personal information into which the phone number, email address and social security number should be added. These information are required to create invoices and in special situations the user may identify itself to Procountor's customer service (credentials lost etc.). Personal info and settings can be found from upper right corner.
Travel and expense invoices are created in New > Travel and expense invoice. When a user has user role Employee it can only create invoices for itself. Procountor will automatically suggest the person to the invoice. Just select if the invoice is travel or expense invoice and click Create a new invoice. More detailed information about travel and expense invoices field can be found here.
After creating invoices they can be found from Search > Receipt search.
To ensure easiest way to create travel and expense invoices a user should download Procountor -mobile application. The invoices can be created by using the app and more travel steps can be added into one invoice. Also users can take pictures of their travel receipts and attach them to the travel and expense invoices. The invoices will be sent to Procountor for proceeding. Application's chargeable features are creating new travel and expense invoices and receipt features. More about Procountor mobile app can be found here.
Own salary slips can be found from Procountor's browser version in Payroll > Salary list search. More detailed instruction about the search can be found here.