This article covers information about travel and expense invoice’s fields and buttons. Travel and expense invoice’s Invoice view can be accessed either from Receipt search, or from the control menu by choosing New > Sales invoice. Instructions for creating a new travel or expense invoice can be found here.
The fields of the invoice view
Customer address
- Customer address section is for customer’s address information. The Name, Specifier and Street address fields can each accommodate 80 characters.
- The Postal code field can accommodate 20 characters and the City field can accommodate 40 characters.
- Name is a mandatory information.
- The Subdivision field is for customer’s subdivision and it can be required to be filled out by the State Treasury. In general, the field is not mandatory, but if information is entered, the info is delivered with the sales invoice. The field can accommodate 35 characters.
Travel information
Departure date and time
- Field can accommodate 40 characters. The information will be displayed in the printable version of the invoice.
Return date and time
- Field can accommodate 40 characters. The information will be displayed in the printable version of the invoice.
Travel places
- Field can accommodate 225 characters. The information will be displayed in the printable version of the invoice.
Travel purpose
- Field can accommodate 225 characters. The information will be displayed in the printable version of the invoice.
Invoicing information
Invoice date
- Procountor uses the current date as a default.
Invoice number
- The invoice number is generated automatically when the invoice is saved.
Invoice sum.
- The sum is generated automatically, when products are added to the invoice.
Social security number
- SSN is automatically retrieved from the business partner register when the invoice is created.
- It can be chosen whether the social security number’s check digits will be displayed on the invoice.
- The social security number cannot be edited after this step.
Payment information
Payment method
- Payment method is selected from the drop-down menu, in which the options are Bank transfer, Direct payment, Clearing, Credit card charge, Foreign payment, Other and Cash.
Account number
- Adding the account number is mandatory, if the selected payment method is Bank transfer. If the payment is paid, for example, with cash, the bank account can be left empty.
- Procountor retrieves the BIC code based on the entered bank account.
Bank reference code
- The bank reference code is generated automatically when the invoice is saved.
- A different reference code can also be entered into the field if necessary.
- The maximum length of a bank reference code is 20 characters.
- Procountor approves international RF reference for buying receipts (purchase, travel and expense invoices).
Due date
- The due date is calculated from the invoice date on the basis of the payment term. If the due date is changed, the payment term will change as well.
Term of payment
- The number of days is entered in the first field and the percentage in the second.
- The payment term can be 0-999 days and the percentage 0-100.
- This information will be printed onto the invoice.
Penal interest
- Penal interest can range from 0 to 999.99.
Discount %
- The discount percentage entered will apply to the entire invoice. If different discount percentages have been used on invoice rows, these will be replaced with this invoice-specific discount percentage when the value of this field is processed.
- The discount percentage can be given to four decimal places, can range from 0 to 100 % and is applied to the invoice sum.
- The discount % is displayed to two decimal places on all invoice rows.
Currency and rate
- The currency can be selected from the drop-down menu, and the rate is retrieved from the register.
- The rate can also be manually entered.
Approval information
- The section is showing, if approval circulation is set into use for travel and expense invoices in usage settings (Management > Company info > Usage settings).
- The approvers and verifiers are defined to the fields.
- Also, the verifier list can be selected for the invoice.
Additional information
Additional information
- The length of text in the field is not limited. The maximum of 500 characters can be imported through the Import data function.
- The additional information will be displayed in the printable version of the invoice.
- Additional information can be entered directly into the field or by clicking on the pencil icon button after the field, which will open a window for editing the information in the field. Line breaks can be entered in the opening window, and they will be displayed as \ characters.
- The amount of the text in the field is unlimited.
- The notes will not be displayed in the printable version of the invoice.
- The notes can be entered directly into the field or click on the pencil icon button after the field, which will open a window for editing the information in the field. Line breaks can be entered in the opening window, and they will be displayed as \ characters.
- The notes will be displayed on the invoice’s Accounting
- The field will be listed in search results of receipt search but cannot be used as a search criterion. Selecting Notes from the right mouse button menu in the Receipt search will open a window in which the invoice Notes can be edited regardless of the invoice status.
Prices include VAT “Unit prices include VAT”
- The option defines whether the prices of the invoiced products include VAT or not.
Accounting by row “Accounting by row?”
- In this selection, it can be defined, that the accounting entries in the accounting view are created by rows, not as the total sum. This option is useful e.g. when the invoice contains several products that are posted to different accounts in the accounting. If you want to use products’ default postings or dimensions, you must create accounting by rows.
VAT processing
- VAT status directs the VAT processing. Invoice’s VAT status is retrieved from VAT defaults. If there is a VAT status defined for a business partner’s default accounts, it will be used. Otherwise the general VAT defaults are used. The selected VAT status is invoice-specific, and it affects to all rows of the invoice, if there is no divergent VAT status defined in the row information.
Row information
- The name of the invoiced product/service is displayed in this field.
- The field can accommodate 80 characters.
- The product information will be copied to the invoice’s accounting page if the invoice is posted by row.
Product code
- The code of the invoiced product/service is displayed in this field.
- The field can accommodate 40 characters.
- The invoiced quantity of products/services is displayed in this field.
- The invoicing unit of the invoiced product/service is displayed in this field.
- The unit price of the invoiced product/service is displayed in this field.
Discount %
- The row-specific discount percentage is displayed in this field.
- The discount can range from 0 to 100% and is applied to the row’s Excluding VAT, VAT sum and Sum fields.
- The discount percentage is always displayed to two decimal places.
- The row-specific VAT rate is displayed in this field.
Excluding VAT
- The tax-free price of the invoiced product/service is displayed in this field.
- The printable version of the invoice will state the total sum exclusive or inclusive of VAT, as specified in Usage settings.
VAT sum
- The share of VAT in the price of the invoiced product/service is displayed in this field.
- The price of the invoiced product/service inclusive of tax is displayed in this field.
- The field can accommodate 255 characters.
- The information will be displayed in the printable version of the invoice.
- If the invoice is posted by row, the Comment will be visible on the accounting page.
Buttons of the view
Top part buttons
- The button saves the invoice into the database and generates an accounting page for it. The invoice status will be Unfinished, which permits the invoice to be edited.
- After the invoice has been saved, it can be verified, approved and/or queued for payment.
Mark as complete
- Clicking on this button sends an e-mail notification to the person specified as the travel or expense invoice’s verifier/approver stating that an invoice is awaiting approval in Procountor.
- For the notification to be sent, the invoice verifier’s e-mail address must be saved in the verifier’s personal information (Management/Personal information and settings).
- The button opens a drop-down menu with options Copy, Edit notes, Unfinished and Invalidate.
- Copy function copies the invoice. If the Receipt type or Business partner is not changed, an identical invoice apart from the invoice number, bank reference code, invoice date and due date will be created and assigned the status of Unfinished. If the Receipt type or Business partner is changed, the row information will be imported from the original invoice and other information from the register. Further information about copying an invoice can be found here.
- Edit notes function enables to edit invoice’s notes even when the invoice cannot be edited because of its status.
- Unfinished option changes the invoice’s status to Unfinished.
- Invalidate option invalidates the invoice. Invalidated invoices are not retrieved to reports or other searches as a default, and they cannot be changed back to active statuses. However, invalidated invoices can be searched and copied to new invoices, if necessary.
- The button opens a drop-down menu with the options PDF and HTML. By choosing one, the invoice can be previewed in a chosen form. When clicking the Preview button without choosing any option in the drop-down menu, Procountor opens the preview in PDF form.
- When choosing PDF, Procountor opens the preview in PDF form.
- When choosing HTML, Procountor opens the preview in HTML form.
- Button opens an invoice-specific discussion window, where it is possible to observe invoice’s transaction information and write notes to other users.
- Further information about invoice specific discussion can be found here.
- The discussion function can be taken into use in usage settings.
Go to
- Button enables switching between the different views of the invoice.
- The button opens the previous invoice.
- The button opens the next invoice.
Close (Cross icon)
- The button opens closes the view.
The buttons of the Travel information section
Travel calculator
- The button opens a Travel calculator
Add specification
- The button adds a new, empty, specification row.
Copy specification
- The button copies the selected specification row.
Remove specification
- The button removes the selected specification row.
Lower part buttons
Get product
- Button opens the product register, where the products can be added to the invoice rows.
- Clicking the right side of the button opens a drop-down menu, where it is possible to choose the option Search using a product code. Choosing the option opens a window, where the products can be searched by using the product code.
Add row
- The button creates an empty invoice row, where the product info can be added manually.
- It should be acknowledged that the manually added rows will not allocate to product register.
Add Eurocard transaction
- The button opens Eurocard transactions view, where Eurocard transactions can be added to the view.
- The button is showing in environments with Eurocard function.
Copy row
- The button copies the selected row.
- Clicking the right side of the button opens a drop-down menu, where it is possible to choose the option Copy row multiple times. Choosing the option creates a desired amount of copies of the selected row.
Delete row
- The button deletes the selected row.
- Button opens a widow, where it is possible to edit the comment and add line breaks to it.
- Line breaks are entered with \ Line breaks make the invoice rows more readable in the invoice Preview.
Adjust rows to the product register
- With the button, the row of the invoice can be allocated to a product in a product register.
Add attachment to row
- A row-specific attachment can be added with the button.