The report shows the person's employee payments in the selected period.
Employee payment report view can be accessed from control menu by choosing Payroll > Salaries (-2018) > Reports > Employee payment report.
Creating the report
First select the person group, then the person and finally the date interval. If the person does not belong to any group, select option (No group). The Person group selection means the groups that the person belongs to, not his/her reporting group.
By default, inactive persons are included in the search. If you want to exclude inactive persons from the Person drop-down menu, remove the tick from the box Inactive.
You can create a summary of all employee payments by selecting option PERSONS in the Person group drop-down menu and option Total in the Person drop-down menu. The summary always also includes the inactive persons.
The report contains the salaries, which are in status Paid or Paid elsewhere and the payment date is within the selected time period.
When you have made the selections. click the Show employee payment report button.
The Back button returns you to the Salary reports view.
The Employee payment report opens in HTML format in a new browser window. You can print it out or save it in a file.