Edit multiple business partners view allows the information of multiple business partners to be edited at once.
This view can be accessed in Registers > Business partners by clicking the Edit multiple button:
Editing the information of multiple business partners
Manual for the function can be found by clicking Procountor's Info -button.
The business partners to be edited are searched and selected in the Edit multiple business partners view in the following way:
1. First, choose from the Business partner type drop-down menu either Customers, Suppliers, or Persons. The business partners of the selected business partner type will automatically update in the search results at the bottom of the page. The information that can be edited varies according to the selected business partner type.
2. If necessary, narrow down the search by selecting a main group from the Main group drop-down menu and the business partner group from the Business partner group drop-down menu. The search can also be narrowed down with Name, ID, and Customer no. fields
3. After giving more specific search criteria, click the Search business partners button at the top of the page. The business partners fitting the search criteria will be shown in the search results at the bottom of the page.
4. Select the wanted business partners from the search results by activating the checkbox of that business partner (on the left-hand side). If you want to select all the business partners in the search results, you can use the Select all button.
5. After the business partners have been selected, click the Edit business partners button. The following confirmation message is shown on the screen:
6. Click on Continue. This opens a new window for mass editing the wanted register information of the selected business partners. If no selections have been made in the register information drop-down menus, Unchanged will be shown as the selected option, meaning the current settings for each business partner in the register will stay the same. The example is of a situation, where a new, collective penal interest percentage will be determined for the selected business partners (11,50 %).
7. When the modified information has been filled out, click Continue. The following message will be displayed on the screen to signify the changes have been successfully made:
After these steps, the penal interest rate for the selected business partners is now 11,50 %. This percentage is set as the default for all new invoices created after the change. The penal interest rate on old invoices (including invoices that are Unfinished) has not been changed.
The Edit multiple business partners view also allows for actions to be added to the management of multiple business partners at once. Adding the action is done by clicking the Add action to management button.
Removing multiple customers and suppliers at once
Multiple customers and suppliers can be removed at once from the supplier and customer register (Registers > Customer register/Supplier register).
- Go to supplier or customer register and click the Edit multiple button.
- Find the needed business partners.
- Select the business partners to be removed and click Delete.
Deleting business partners removes them permanently from the register.
If business partners have invoices created under them, the program will notify you.
Adding financial agreement to multiple customers
It is possible to add financial agreements to multiple customers in Registers > Customer register > Edit multiple > Edit business partners > Financial agreements.
Notice that the financial agreement has to be filled in to Procountor before it can be added to the customer. See more information about financial agreement settings here.