This article covers information about business partner’s basic info view’s sections and buttons. Individual customer’s, person’s and supplier’s basic information can be reviewed and revised in business partner’s basic info view. In addition to basic information, also business partner’s management, default and additional information can be accessed on the same view.
Business partners view can be accessed by choosing Registers > Business partners. Individual business partner’s basic info can be accessed by searching the business partner on Business Partners view. After executing the search, business partner’s basic info can be opened by clicking the business partner’s name.
Customer’s basic info view
Supplier’s basic info view
Person’s basic info view
Sections of the view
Address info
- Business partner’s name is mandatory information.
- Customer’s address information will be automatically copied to the billing address section, if billing address section is empty.
- Customers and suppliers have the specifier field.
Invoicing information
- ID is business partner’s business ID or social security number. ID is used for individualizing the business partners. Clicking the ID field opens the drop-down menu with different kind of options to choose from. There is FI, SSN, ASSN or abbreviations of EU-countries. When choosing FI or SSN, the validity of the ID is amended. After choosing the type of the number, the actual number can be entered.
- ID is a mandatory information, if salary will be paid to the person. If SSN is missing, for example in case of a foreign person, artificial SSN can be used (ddmmyy-UUUU). Also, only a person’s birth date can be entered in a situation where the person must be able to crate and get paid for travel and expense invoices, but he/she will not receive salary. If there is no birth date information, ‘birth date’ 000000 can be used. If multiple business partners have the same SSN, Procountor will accept it, but send a note about it.
Customer number
- Customer number is an optional way to individualize business partners. Two business partners belonging to the same business partner type are not allowed to have the same customer number. In Usage settings, automatic customer numbering can be set in to use. When using the automatic customer numbering, new customers are automatically assigned a customer numbers, which are always incremented one by one from the previous number within the same business partner type.
Invoice channel
- Invoice channel defines the default channel when sending invoices and orders.
- The invoice channel chosen in person register is used as a default channel, when sending employee’s annual salary summary.
- Note! The channel for sending the pay slips is defined in the employee info.
- Language choice defines the default language of printable receipts.
- Note! Language choice will not affect to the language of the rows in receipts.
- If the company has different kinds of invoice templates, the default template can be defined to each business partner.
Electronic invoice address
- In Procountor, there is three fields regarding the electronic invoice address; Electronic invoice operator, Electronic invoice address and Electronical Data Interchange ID (EDI). If only Electronic invoice address or EDI is entered, Procountor will search the missing info from Tieke’s electronic invoice address list. Electronic invoice addresses can also be searched by clicking the TIEKE Read more about electronic invoice addresses.
Contact person
- Business partner’s contact person can be entered here.
Payment info
Financing agreement
- If there is a finanging agreement with the business partner, it can be chosen here.
Payment method
- The suiteble payment method can be chosen from the drop-down menu.
- Whan choosing the foreign payment for a supplier, fields for additional information will pop up. When it comes to foreign payments, the address of the supplier and the BIC-code are mandatory, but also other information can be filled out.
- The information required for foreign payments can also be filled out to supplier register. Information can be entered to Payment info section after choosing foreign payment as a payment method.
Account number
- Account number should be in the IBAN form. Procountor will automatically search the BIC-code for domestic IBAN formed account. BIC-code is also called SWIFT-code.
- The IBAN-number used in the SEPA area, is given with country code without spaces, for example SE3550000000054910000003. The domestic supplier's account number must be an IBAN account number starting with FI. The BIC code can be saved in the supplier and person register when Bank transfer is selected from the Payment method menu.
- If the person is paid a salary, the account number is mandatory.
Term of payment (d / %)
- On this field, the term of payment can be defined to the business partner.
Penal interest %
- On this field, the penal interest can be defined to the business partner.
Discount %
- Default discount % can be entered to each business partner.
- The discount % will show on business partner’s invoices.
- If default products are defined to the business partner, the discount % will show on the row information of the product on the invoice. Exeptionally, if the default products have different default discount %, it will be the one showing on the row information.
- When creating the invoice, the default discount % will not appear on the row information, if the product is searched from the product register. Default discount % will appear to the invoice, when using the Add row button.
Invoice currency
- On this field, the invoice currency can be defined to the business partner.
Delivery method
- On this field, the delivery method can be defined to the business partner.
Cash discount
- Customer's and supplier's Payment info –panel has Days and % - fields for three options of cash discount
- In the Day –field enter the number of days
- In the % -field enter the cash discount %
- Days fields should be filled in ascending order e.g. 5,6,7. Percentage fields should be filled in descending order e.g. 7,6,5. If the order is wrong the field turns red and user gets an error message.
- It is possible to copy business partners with three cash discount options.
Approval information
If the approval circulation is in use, verifiers and approvers can be defined to suppliers and persons. The maximum number of verifiers and approvers is defined in usage settings. Verifiers and approvers entered in Approval information section are used as a default, when creating or receiving invoices from the business partner. Verifier lists can be utilized in approval circulation.
Registry information
Contact information
- Different kinds of contact information, such as phone numbers and home municipality, can be saved into the registry information.
Groups and the Report group
- Business partner can be added to several groups but only to one report group.
- Report group is the one, where business partner’s information appears when running the reports that can be searched based on business partner groups.
- On the field it can be defined weather the business partner is active or inactive.
- If the business partner is defined as inactive, it cannot be found in the search from business partner register.
- Note! If the business partner is defined as inactive, it will not appear on salary reports. In that case, it is recommended to use, for example, business partner group named “Former employees”
Additional information
- If neended, additional information, such as business partner’s sector or WWW address can be saved.
- Default reference is a reference number, that remains the same on invoices. When using the default reference, the software does not create the reference number based in the invoice number but uses the default. The reference number is saved to the invoice, and using the same refence with payments, will allocate the payment to the invoice.
- The default reference will not be created automatically. It must be entered to the business partner's basic info. The reference number must be accepted by the bank.
Note! Dates of creating and last edit can be seen at the bottom of the view.
Buttons of the view
- Customer’s info can be saved with the button.
- Button opens the drop-down menu, where are the options Add, Copy, Add as a supplier/customer and Delete.
- Business partner can be copied with the Copy button.
- With the Copy as a supplier/customer button, business partner’s information can be copied between customer register and supplier register. In the supplier register there is a copy as a customer button, and in the customer register there is a copy as a supplier button. A business partner created by copying has a “(kopio)” mark behind the business partner’s name.
- Business partner can be deleted with Delete button.
- New business partner can be added with Add button.
- Button opens the Management view of the business partner.
- Business partner’s default products, dimensions and accounts can be reviewed and edited with the button.
Export register data
- Business partner’s information can be opened to Excel or HTML file with the button. When pushing the button, the language and the type of the file can be defined. The file includes all the register information of the business partner.
Add to invoice
- New invoices and orders can be created to the business partner with the button. When using the button, business partner’s info is automatically imported to the receipt.
Search invoices
- When pushing the button, user will be transferred to Receipt search in order to find the receipts of the business partner.
- Electronic invoice addresses can be searched with the button.
- The button opens the view, where a new business partner can be searched and added to the register based on its business ID. First, write the business ID of the new business partner to the view and push the button with the magnifying glass symbol. After searching, push the Import to partner register button in order to import the information to the business partner register. The information imported includes business partner’s name and address.
- Information is available for the following companies and associations: limited company, public limited company, real estate company, cooperative, insurance company and public insurance company. This means that, for example, sole traders' and limited partnerships' information can't be fetched using this function.
- BIS webpage button opens Business information system's webpage, where information can be searhed and copied into Procountor in cases where it can't be fetched directly to Procountor.