By using journal receipts both purchases and sales activities can be added to book keeping. Journal receipts can also be used to open accounts, or to enter cash or card purchases and sales.
New journal receipt view can be found in Accounting > New journal receipt or the New panel on the side menu bar.
Creating new journal receipt
1. Begin creating new journal receipt by filling in the name of the receipt. Adding receipt name, VAT type, VAT status and receipt date is mandatory.
2. Once you have entered the desired title information, begin entering accounting entries on the receipt by pushing Add transaction button.
- Debit entries are preceded by a plus sign and credit entries by a minus sign.
3. Add all the necessary information to the receipt and push Save button.
4. Saved journal receipts can be searched from Accounting > Journal receipt search.
Examples of the usage of journal receipts are provided in the links below.
- Accounting entries for cash and card purchases
- Accounting entries for cash and card sales
- Opening an account using a journal
- More information about the accounting page can be found here.
- More information about the VAT processing in Procountor can be found here.
Buttons in the New journal receipt view
Top buttons
- The button will save the information in the journal, after which the status of the journal will be Unfinished, which allows further editing.
- After the journal is saved, the journal number will be displayed at the top of the view and the time stamps from the journal’s creation and latest editing at the bottom.
- The button will approve a finished journal as part of the official accounts.
- Clicking on the button will change the journal’s status to Approved.
- You can edit postings in an Approved journal, and its status can be reverted to Unfinished by clicking on the Edit button if you wish to invalidate the journal, for example.
- The button, you can create a new journal with the current one used as a template, or you can create a reversing entry journal.
- Choosing Edit notes option enables you to edit the notes of an approved journal receipt on a closed tracking period.
- Clicking on the Continue button will save the changes made to the journal receipt's notes. The notes made are visible on the journal receipt's Invoice notes field.
- The notes made can also be viewed in the Notes column on the Journal receipt search view.
- The Edit button also provides access to the selections Revert to Unfinished and Invalidate.
- The button will export the journal into a PDF or HTML output file.
- The button, you can attach files (e.g. depreciation calculations) to the journal, as well as view and delete existing attachments.The attachments can be processed even if the journal is not available for editing.
- The button lets you view and edit the dimensioning of the journal.In Procountor, dimensions and items refer to cost centres and tracking objects
Lower part buttons
Add transaction
- The button will add a new transaction row to the active journal.
Copy transaction
- The button will copy the selected transaction and the new, copied row will be added below the original transaction.
Delete transaction
- The button will delete the active transaction row / receipt row.
Select account
- The button will open a new window, from which you can select the account for the active transaction.