The New Legder entry tool allows the user to enter several bookkeeping entries and their dimensions simultaneously and efficiently.
Ledger entry tool is found in Accounting > Ledger entry tool.
Functions in the view
- This button saves the journal receipts.
- Receipts are set straight to Approved-status.
Show VAT columns
- This selection determines if VAT columns are shown or not on the row.
Show dimension columns
- This selection determines if dimension columns are shown or not on the row.
New receipt
- This button adds a new receipt /journal row with the date of the previous row.
- New receipt row can also be added by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Enter.
Add transaction
- This button adds a new transaction row to the active journal / receipt.
- New transaction row can also be added by pressing Ctrl + Enter.
Delete row
- This button deletes the active row.
Paste transactions
- This button opens a new window that can be used to enter rows that are copied from, for example, an Excel worksheet.
- More information about this function can be found under the heading “Paste transactions -function”.
Creating a journal receipt
There is one active default row when the Ledger entry tool is opened. In order to make both entries (debit and credit) of a single journal receipt, the reversing entry must be entered by clicking the Add transaction -button. This button creates the reversing entry automatically with the opposite value so that the receipt is in balance. Add transaction -button does not copy information about VAT or dimensions from the actual receipt row. A single receipt can of course also have several transaction rows if the receipt must be divided for example to many different dimensions or accounts.
Creating several receipts in a row is possible by clicking the New receipt -button after one receipt has been entered. Procountor numbers a new receipt automatically with the next available receipt number. The differences between a receipt row and a transaction row are the following: a transaction row doesn’t have a receipt number, a receipt date or a receipt name.
When creating a lot of journal receipts at once, it is recommended to save the created receipts regularly. Save-button opens a new Journals saved -window that asks if you want to go to the Receipt search -view to see the created receipts. Clicking Yes takes you to the Receipt search where the created journals are shown in Approved-status. If you click No, you will stay in the Ledger entry tool -view. However, the created journals are no longer visible in the view. The created journals can be found using the Receipt search.
If there is a need to return the invoices back to Unfinished-status, it can be done for example in receipt’s accounting page by clicking Edit > Unfinished.
Paste transactions -function
Paste transactions -button opens a window that is used to enter receipt information in a textual form. The information can be written for example in an Excel worksheet. This function can read in the following types of accounting information (after each type there are instructions about how the information should be entered in the worksheet):
- Account no.: number from the chart of accounts
- Gross: the value of the entry with two decimals (if there are more than two decimals, the value is rounded to the nearest two decimals)
- VAT percentage: percentage without the %-symbol
- VAT deduction %: percentage without the %-symbol
- VAT type: purchase (P) or sales (S)
- VAT status: the code of a VAT status (all statuses can be found in Management > Accounting info > VAT defaults)
- Balance sheet item: must exist and be active in the Balance sheet item register. Upper and lower cases in balance sheet item name are treated as same item name
- Transaction description: description in a free format
- Dimensions: the name of a dimension’s item written specifically correct (including lower and upper case letters)
Paste ledger transactions -view includes the above-mentioned information classes. It is possible to change the order of these classes in order to match the worksheet information easier with the Paste transactions -function. When the information is copied from the worksheet, every different information class has to be in its own cell. The information of one accounting row must be lined horizontally in the worksheet. It is possible to read in multiple journals at once; in this kind of situation the accounting rows are piled up vertically in the worksheet.
When all the information is chosen in the worksheet and copied to the Paste ledger transactions -view, the information lines itself automatically within the right classes.
To bring the information to Procountor, click the Paste transactions -button in the lower right corner of the window. If there is false information (for example with the VAT statuses) in the copied cells, the pasting of transactions doesn’t proceed. Procountor informs the user with an error message in these situations.
Cancel-button cancels the function and closes the window.
Clear-button deletes all the information copied to the Paste ledger transactions -view. After this, the altered and fixed information can be copied from the worksheet and entered again.
When accounting information is entered with the Paste transactions function, the user should fist add a new transaction row with the Add transaction button. Another option is to remove the default row with the Delete row button. Then, the example data used above forms one receipt that has six separate transaction rows.
Paste transactions -function is useful for example with saving comparison data. More information about this operation can be found here.