Products in product register can belong to two-level product groups.
- Products in product register can be added to different product groups.
- Product groups can then be added to main product groups that are created in Main product groups view (that is covered in this article).
The purpose of main product groups is to make managing large product registers easier when a lot of products are in different kinds of product groups. Main product groups can be added for product groups in Product groups view. A product group can belong to only one main product group.
Main product groups view is found in Registers > Main product groups.
Using main product groups (and being able to see Main product groups function in the main menu) requires that Use two-level product groups? selection is activated in Usage settings.
Search groups button searches the main product groups in line with the search criteria.
Name field can be used to limit the search by entering a name of a main product group (or a part of a name) to the field.
Group types selection determines which kind of groups are searched for.
Save button saves the changes made in the view.
Add button has two options (Purchase and Sale) that are used to create a new main product group.
Delete button deletes the active main product group row.