Default dimensions, which are automatically brought to entries and journals, can be set to business partners (customers, suppliers and persons), bank statements and reference payments.
Setting up default dimensions
The example presented here is about setting default dimensions for a product.
Default dimensions are set in Registers > Products. This view is used to search the products and to choose the desired product. To set the dimensions, there is a Default dimensions button above the search results. The same button can also be found in the upper section of the Product card view.
Default dimensions view is used to set the desired dimensions and their items. For example, if items Office renovation and General expenses of Project dimension are set to the product, their items are chosen from the drop-down menu. New drop-down menus for item selection appear as new items are selected.
The field under the item name is used to set a percentage for the item. The total sum of one dimension’s items must be 100 percent.
Save button saves the set default dimensions.
Balance values button balances the values of last chosen items automatically in a way that the total percentage of a dimension’s items is 100 percent.
Clear values button removes all dimensions set to the product. A single dimension can be removed by choosing the first value (empty field) as the dimension’s item from the drop-down menu.
Add item button is used to add more items to dimensions. In order to get this button visible, the user must have access to all rights to basic accounting info.
Combining default dimensions
The dimensioning of an invoice is done according to the following principles:
- The default dimensions of a product (if there are any) are used as the primary dimensions.
- If there are not default dimensions set for the product, possible default dimensions of the business partner are used.
- If accounting is not done by one row at a time, the possible default dimensions of the business partner are used.
Combine default dimensions -setting in Usage settings is used to determine whether or not the default dimensions of products and business partners are combined. By default, the dimensions are not combined.
With the selection Yes, the dimensions are combined. In this situation, the accounting entries must be done by one row at a time. When the combining of default dimensions is in use, a product row on an invoice is dimensioned with the default product dimensions (if they have been set). In addition to this, the dimensions that have no configurations with the product, are set to the rows according to the business partner default dimensions.
If the combining of default dimensions is not in use, the product row will get only the product default dimensions. The other rows on the invoice will be dimensioned by the business partner defaults.
An example of combining dimensions: a product has default dimensions Project – Pr1 and Department – D1; a business partner has default dimensions Person – Pe1 and Department – D2. Without combination, the product row dimensions will be Project – Pr1 and Department – D1. With combination, the product row dimensions will be Project – Pr1, Department – D1 and Person – Pe1. The business partner’s default dimension Department – D2 is not included because the Department dimension comes from the product’s defaults.