Occasionally there might be situations that require cancellation of payments. One example could be the following: the invoice information or payment information turns out to be incorrect after the payment has already been made. This page contains information about cancelling payments in different kinds of situations.
Cancelling a payment in Payment queued -status
When the status of an invoice is Payment queued, the payment has not yet been sent to the bank. The payment can be cancelled by following these steps:
- Search the invoice from Search > Receipt search and choose Purchase invoice as Receipt type in Search criteria. The search can be done for example by typing the invoice number to the Search-field. Another option is to choose Payment queued as Status in Search criteria. After defining search conditions, click the Search invoices -button in the upper left corner.
- Move from search results to the Payment-view by activating the invoice in search results (if the sought invoice is the only invoice or the first invoice in the results, it is automatically activated) and click the Payment-button above the search results.
- In the opening Payment-view, click the Cancel payment -button in Payment transactions -section that is in the middle of the Payment-view.
- Payment is now cancelled. If there are still some other, already processed transactions on the invoice, the invoice status is set to Partly paid. Otherwise the status will be set to Approved, which means that the payment details can be adjusted, and the invoice can be paid again using the Pay-button in the Payment-view. If the actual invoice details have to be adjusted, the invoice status must be returned to Unfinished. This is done by clicking Edit > Unfinished in the Invoice-view, which is accessible through the Go to -button in the upper right corner of the screen.
Cancelling a payment in Payment sent to bank -status
When the invoice status is Payment sent to bank, its debiting details have been sent to the bank. This means that the payment can’t be cancelled anymore. However, if the bank has rejected the payment for some reason (for example an incorrect account number or insufficient funds) and the Procountor user has received a notification from this, the payment (that is in Payment sent to bank -status) can be deleted from the invoice. If the payment has been accepted and handled successfully in the bank (no payment rejection notification from the bank), the payment transaction in Payment sent to bank -status should not be deleted.
Payment transaction in Payment sent to bank -status can be deleted by following these steps (if the payment transaction has been rejected in the bank):
- Search the invoice from Search > Receipt search and choose Purchase invoice as Receipt type in Search criteria. The search can be done for example by typing the invoice number to the Search-field. Another option is to choose Payment sent to bank as Status in Search criteria. After defining search conditions, click the Search invoices -button in the upper left corner.
- Move from search results to the Payment-view by activating the invoice in search results (if the sought invoice is the only invoice or the first invoice in the results, it is automatically activated) and click the Payment-button above the search results.
- In the opening Payment-view, click the Remove payment transaction -button in Payment transactions -section that is in the middle of the Payment-view.
- Payment is now removed. If there are still some other, already processed transactions on the invoice, the invoice status is set to Partly paid. Otherwise the status will be set to Approved, which means that the payment details can be adjusted, and the invoice can be paid again using the Pay-button in the Payment-view. If the actual invoice details have to be adjusted, the invoice status must be returned to Unfinished. This is done by clicking Edit > Unfinished in the Invoice-view, which is accessible through the Go to -button in the upper right corner of the screen.
Cancelling a payment in Marked paid -status
When an invoice has a status of Marked paid, the payment transaction has been added to the invoice manually or the payment has been allocated with the Bank statement allocation. A payment transaction in Marked paid -status can be deleted by following these steps:
- Search the invoice from Search > Receipt search and choose Purchase invoice as Receipt type in Search criteria. The search can be done for example by typing the invoice number to the Search-field. Another option is to choose Marked paid as Status in Search criteria. After defining search conditions, click the Search invoices -button in the upper left corner.
- Move from search results to the Payment-view by activating the invoice in search results (if the sought invoice is the only invoice or the first invoice in the results, it is automatically activated) and click the Payment-button above the search results.
- In the opening Payment-view, click the Remove payment transaction -button in Payment transactions -section that is in the middle of the Payment-view.
- Payment is now removed. If there are still some other, already processed transactions on the invoice, the invoice status is set to Partly paid. Otherwise the status will be set to Approved. If the actual invoice details have to be adjusted, the invoice status must be returned to Unfinished. This is done by clicking Edit > Unfinished in the Invoice-view, which is accessible through the Go to -button in the upper right corner of the screen.
A payment in Paid-status
When the status of an invoice is Paid, the payment has been processed successfully in the bank and the payment has been set to Paid-status by the bank statement data fetched to Procountor from the bank. When the status is Paid, the payment can’t be deleted or edited.
Another situation that results in the Paid-status is when an invoice is allocated as paid through the Payment allocation -function. It should be noted that this function should be used carefully, since the invoices set to Paid-status can’t be reversed to another statuses by the user later on.