1. Save the bank account number in Procountor
- The bank account number is saved in Management > Company info > Bank account information.
- It’s recommended to add the bank account number to Procountor before sending the bank connection authorization to the bank. This ensures the account is found in Procountor when the bank generates the first bank statement to be fetched to Procountor. Bank statements are fetched into Procountor based on the bank account number, which means that the account number needs to be saved in the company’s Procountor environment, so that the bank statement can be fetched for the company.
- At this point, you can also add the bank’s name in Bank field and determine the account to which the transactions are booked to using button Select account. By default, the account is 1910.
- Being able to create sales invoices in Procountor requires that at least one bank account number is added to Bank account information view.
2. Fill in the bank connection authorization(s) and send them to the bank
- Fill in a separate authorization for each bank account that you want to connect to Procountor.
- The bank account has to be a corporate account in order to use it in Procountor. Generally, banks can not authorize a third party software house (Accountor Finago Oy) to handle payment material of private individuals.
Please note! Only Finnish banks' accounts can be added into Procountor, not foreign banks. - We recommend choosing a daily bank statement (instead of a weekly or monthly), since this enables tracking the up-to-date situation of, for example, open invoices in Procountor.
- Each bank has their own authorization form. Authorization forms can be found here.
- Authorizations should to be sent to the bank in the address mentioned in the authorization form, or delivered directly to the company’s own bank office.
2.1 Foreign banks' accounts
- Foreign bank accounts cannot be added to Procountor. However, it is possible to save a foreign bank account in the Bank account information view, allowing the account number to be displayed on, for example, sales invoices.
- It is not possible to open payment connections to a foreign bank account in Procountor, meaning payments cannot be made from the account, nor can account statements be imported into the program.
- The account number must be in IBAN format. The program does not accept BBAN format addresses. To successfully add a bank account in the Bank account information view, you need to provide information in the Account Number, BIC, Account Currency, and Accounting Account fields in the Add Account number window.
- If you want the foreign bank account to also appear on sales invoices, you need to check the box for Show account on invoice template?. No other boxes need to be checked, as payments cannot be made from foreign bank accounts in Procountor.
3. Save the banking code and determine bank account information
- Once the bank has handled the authorization, they will send the customer company the banking code needed for making payments from Procountor. The banking code will be sent to the address the customer company has provided in the authorization form. Once you’ve received the banking code, save it to Bank account information view.
- Also, fill in the other bank account information:
- Enable the use of different payment methods (by ticking the checkbox on each payment method) according to what’s been agreed on the authorization. If you’re uncertain what payment methods are included in your company’s payment agreement, please contact the bank for more information. To be able to make payments from Procountor, at least Bank transfer payment method needs to be enabled.
- Choose one bank account as default payment account by ticking the Default payment account checkbox. Even if there is only one bank account connected to Procountor, it needs to be determined as the default payment account to be able to make payments from Procountor.
- If the Bank Account Balance Request is included in the bank agreement, select the function as active.
- If the bank account connected to Procountor is Nordea’s or OP bank’s, check the correct WS channel number from the authorization or from the bank and choose the correct one in the WS customer number menu.
4. Test if the connection has been activated
- The authorization agreement is made directly between the customer company and bank, which means Accountor Finago doesn’t receive any information concerning the authorization, for example, when it’s been activated in the bank. When you have received the banking code from the bank, you can test if the connection is up and running by paying any invoice from Procountor.
- If the authorization has been handled in the bank, the settings are correct and the payment is successfully handled in the bank, the bank statement will be fetched to Procountor on the morning of the banking day following the payment day (provided that the company has chosen the daily bank statement).
- Bank statements received in Procountor can be viewed in Payments > Bank statements and reference payments. Please note that bank statement fetched from the bank is generated to Procountor only if there are transactions on the period the bank statement is concerning.
If the bank statement doesn't appear in Procountor
If, however, the bank statement doesn’t appear in Procountor on the morning of the banking day following the payment day, the reason may be one of the following:
- The bank connection hasn’t been activated in the bank.
- The banking code saved in Procountor is invalid, or in invalid format.
- The WS customer number chosen for the bank account in Procountor (if the account is Danske Bank, Nordea’s or OP Bank’s), is not the correct one.
- There’s not enough funds on the account for the payment, or the handling of payment has failed in the bank due to some other reason. We will inform the payer by email of all payment errors the bank notifies Accountor Finago about.
- The company hasn’t chosen a daily bank statement (but instead, a weekly or monthly).
- The payment has been queued (=the user has clicked on the Pay button) after the last payment run of the day and the payment has been transfered to the bank on the first payment run of the next banking day.
- Payment date set for the payment is not a banking day. If the payment date is for example Saturday, the payment will be handled in the bank on the next banking day (which would be Monday), and the bank statement will be fetched to Procountor on Tuesday.
- When a payment transaction is allocated from the bank statement to an invoice, the invoice status will be changed from Payment sent to bank to Paid.
If an invoice doesn't get allocated as Paid
If the bank statement is fetched to Procountor, but the status of the payment still isn’t changed from Payment sent to bank to Paid:
- Check from the bank that they have added specifications of outgoing payments to the bank statement.
- If the specifications are missing, all outgoing payments are shown as a lump sum, usually under entry discription 702 BANK TRANSFER, and individual payment transactions included in the lump sum can’t be allocated to invoices in Procountor.
- If this is the case, ask the bank to add specifications for outgoing payments to the bank statement and the problem will no longer occur in the next bank statements.
If the payment transaction is not included in the lump sum (i.e. it’s not included in the bank statement at all), this refers to the payment having been rejected in the bank.
5. Check the posting defaults
- Check, if default postings for bank statements and reference payments are as they should be, or if they need to be modified.
- Posting defaults for bank statements and reference payments can be viewed and edited in Management > Accounting info > Posting defaults.