Document management is additional service that can be used to add documents to the following locations:
- Company info: for example, saving the minutes of shareholders’ meetings or other essential company documents
- Business partner registers: customer, supplier and person registers
- Product register: registers for sales and purchase products
- Person register: for example, saving tax cards or other employment-related documents for each employee
Charges are based on Procountor’s contract type and the number of attached documents. A more detailed look into Document management and its pricing is available here.
- Documents that are downloaded to the Document management view are invoiced according to the basic receipt price.
- Invoice receipt attachments can also be seen in the Document management view. These attachments (type Invoice) are not separately invoiced.
Implementation of Document management
Document management can be independently activated in Usage settings of the company (in Management > Company info > Usage settings):
When the selection box in the upper picture is activated, the following window opens:
Activation is verified by clicking Yes button. After this, it is needed to also click Save button in the upper section of the Usage settings.
After Document management has been taken into use, a new Documents view appears in Search > Documents.
In order to make the function visible, the user has to re-log in to Procountor after the function has been activated.
Note! If Dimension-specific limitation of user rights special function is in use in the environment, the Document management can’t be activated.
Documents view
In order to make it possible for different users to use Document management, the users must have at least viewing rights to the locations that documents are going to be attached to. The user with all rights to Basic company info can add new documents in Document view.
If the user has viewing rights to Basic company info, he can see added documents but can’t add new ones.
Documents view is used to search documents that are attached to different locations in the environment.
By default, the attachments and documents brought to Procountor in Documents view are added to company’s basic info (Management > Company info > Basic info) that contains the added documents under the Attachments button in the top bar.
Buttons and functions in the upper section of the view
Search button searches for documents in accordance with the search criteria.
Add attachment button opens a separate Attachments window:
- Add attachments button is used to bring completely new documents to Procountor from chosen directory. When an attachment is added with this function, it will be visible in company's basic info.
- Add from documents button is used to attach documents, that already exist in some other location (for example, in product register), to company’s basic info.
- Added document can be deleted by clicking on the Delete option on the row of the document.
Clear button empties the fields in the search criteria and resets the selections of receipts types and administrative documents to default.
Search criteria
- Attached fields: these fields are used to limit the search results by the attachment’s date.
- Name field: this field can be used to limit the search by the attachment’s name.
- User field: this field can be used to limit the search by the user that has added the attachments.
- Search from receipt types selections: By selecting different receipt types, the search can be limited to only specific receipt types. All types are chosen by default.
- Search from administrative documents selections: By selecting different locations, the search can be limited to only specific locations. All locations are chosen by default.
Search results
- Printable list button is used to print the documents chosen with the selection boxes in the left side of the rows to a single file either in PDF or ZIP format.
- Attached column shows when the document has been attached.
- Name column shows the document’s name. The document can be opened in a new tab by clicking the name.
- Attached to column shows where the attachment is located.
- Size column shows the file size.
- User column shows who has added the document.
Document management in other locations
The Attachments window used with Document management can be opened from the Attachments button also in the following locations: company’s basic info, customer, supplier and person register (business partners), product register and employee info. In these locations, documents are added by clicking the Attachments button in the top bar:
After clicking the Attachments button in the desired view’s top bar, the following view, with a possibility to attach documents in two ways, opens:
- Add attachments button is used to bring completely new documents to Procountor from chosen directory.
- Add from documents button is used to bring documents that already exist in Procountor from Documents view. This means that, for example, a document in product register can be copied also to company’s basic info.
Deactivating Document management
If it needed to later deactivate Document management, it is done by clicking the Are “Documents” allowed to be used in the company? selection box again in the Usage settings. After this, the following window appears:
If Document management is deactivated, it is recommended to download and save the documents attached with the function before deactivation.