This page includes all news posted on the Procountor front page, from the most recent to the oldest.
News For 2024
You can now fetch withholding percentage for employees at any time.
We have now released the income tax return forms 4, 6B and 6C for year 2024.
17.8 The new VAT 25,5% will be added to Procountor
The new VAT 25,5% will be added to Procountor on August 17. It can be enabled with the new Vat 25,5% configuration tool or manually.
Read here about the effects of the upcoming VAT changes in Procountor.
15.4 Procountor Mini app is no longer available after 31.3.2024.
Incomplete purchase, travel and expense invoice drafts and other materials must be handled in Mini and sent to Procountor if you want to save them. Otherwise, the incomplete receipts and invoices will be lost.
The familiar functions of Procountor Mini are available in the Procountor mobile application in renewed form.
Here you can find our Notes for the turn of the year 2023-2024
We have released income tax announcement form 6A and 5 for year 2023.
News For 2023
When dealing with our customer service by phone, we ask you to verify your identity using the Procountor Key app (please make sure that your phone has the latest version). With this, we ensure data secure transactions. Read more about identification with the Procountor Key from this link.
You can reach our Customer service easily using the contact form.Contact form is the fastest way to get a solution to your problem.
1.8.2023 Procountor Key
A new Procountor Key -application makes logging in easier and allows you to securely log into Procountor without one-time passwords.
1.5.2023 How to change the invoice channel of Accountor Finago's invoice
Starting from 1.5.2023 an invoice fee will be added to paper- and e-mail invoices. This applies to invoices sent by Accountor Finago Oy to our own customers.
You can change the invoice channel to Accountor Finago's invoice from Basic info-view (Management > Company info > Basic info) and selecting the invoice channel from Procountor invoice channel.
You can change the invoice channel to Accountor Finago's invoice from Management > Company info > Basic info -view and selecting the invoice channel from Procountor invoice channel.
The transport industry strike has started on 16 February. Strike may affect the delivery of mail. We recommend electronic invoicing during the strike.
It is now possible to "flag" rows in the Bank statements and Reference payments view. This feature helps you to mark the row you should for example handle next if there is an interruption in your work or you can just point out a row that needs further attention later. Read more in our online manual.
Read Notes for the turn of the year 2022-2023 -article here.
We have released Tax announcements 5 and 6A for year 2022.
You can print out the User rights by clicking Export in the User rights section. Export file includes all chosen users, even if the search results are extended to multiple pages.
Tips For 2022
We have noticed about a 7 day delay in the OpusCapita Scanning service in processing and sending purchase invoices to Procountor recently.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
What are considered as vouchers?
Vouchers include sales and purchase, travel and expense invoices, salaries, sales and purchase orders, journals, VAT summaries, official reports, mass letters, payment reminders, documents and direct transfers. Depending on what Procountor Financials package are you using, there's a certain amount of vouchers / month that are included in the package. If vouchers amount is exceeded, additional voucher fee is charged. You can find our price list here.
Version 61.0 of Procountor was published on February 19th. Read more about new features in Procountor here.
Tips for 2021
Some customers may experience slowness in using the program and program may logg users out. We have been in contact with our server provider and the cause of the error has now been identified. We have set out to correct the situation and are currently working to eliminate the slowness and disruptions. We apologize for the inconvenience.
In the Invoices waiting for verification widget, you can see the purchase, travel and expense invoices that wait for your verification. Widget shows invoices which status are Received, Unfinished or Verified. The Cash and ledger tracking widget shows overdue and Due sales/purchases in statuses Not sent, Sent, Approved, Payment queued, Payment sent to bank, Partly paid or Payment denied.
To see all open invoices we recommend to search invoices from Search > Receipt search section. You can modified search criteria and you can select all statuses or determine the statuses you want to include in the search. Notice that the invoices displayed in the widget depend on the user’s privileges.
Read more about the Receipt search here.
You can determine through which invoice channel the company wants to receive invoices from Accountor Finago. You can change the invoice channel in Procountor’s Basic info view under Procountor invoicing (management> Company Info > Basic info). This option is only visible for Financials product versions that receive their own invoices.
Read more about changing the invoice channel here.
The real-time bank account balance feature allows users to see the real-time balance of bank accounts directly in Procountor. To get the feature to your bank account, contact first to your own bank. Then you can enable real-time bank account for specific bank accounts on the Bank account information view in Procountor.
Read more about the feature here.
After Saturday’s 21.8 version release, we have added a validation to Users and privileges view. If you are adding an existing user to the company’s environment, program asks user's username and email address. Users have to match username and email address of the user account. This ensures that the right user is added to the environment. Read more about adding a user here.
Did you know that you can now also pay payments with Procountor Mini application.
Procountor Mini's payment feature can be found in the menu bar at the bottom of the main page, under Payments button.
You can pay domestic purchase, travel and expense invoices.
Read more about the payment feature here.
Our customer service can also help you remotely with TeamViewer remote support solution.
With TeamViewer we can connect to your computer remotely and the program enables us seeing what is happening on your screen. This helps us to solve your issues with Procountor easier and in a more effective way. Read more about TeamViewer here.
Customer service opening hours at Midsummer
Our customer service is open on Thursday 24.6 normally from 8.30 am to 4.00 pm. On Friday 25.6, our customer service is closed.
Please note that payment schedules may be different at banks due to Midsummer. The next banking day after Thursday, June 24, is Monday, June 28.
We recommend handling Junior’s uncertain posting predictions before closing the tracking periods. Partner checking report (Reporting > Reconciliation tools > Partner checking report) can be used for reviewing bookkeeping account VAT-status and VAT deduction %, to which Junior makes predictions.
More information can be found here.
Procountor Junior brings AI to Procountor
In April's version release we are releasing Procountor Junior, which brings artificial intelligence to Procountor. Junior works as an assistant for the accountant by making suggestions for the postings of the purchase invoices. As Junior makes these account posting suggestions, the user’s responsibility is to check and verify their correctness.
Further information about Procountor Junior can be found here.
Are you receiving Procountor's newsletters?
By receiving Procountor's newsletters you get information about topical subject regarding Procountor. Also, once a month you will receive the release notes regarding the version release of the month. The release notes are sent before the version release, so by receiving them you can familiarize yourself with the content of the version release in advance.
You can activate the newsletters for yourself on Personal inf and settings -view (Person icon on the top-right corner > personal info and settings) by selecting the setting Subscribe for Procountor newsletter. Further information about the functions of Personal info and settings view can be found here.
Finago Key
Do you have a new phone or other new mobile device on which you wish to use Finago Key? Is your Finago Key app asking you to log-in to the application? No worries! Finago Key can easily be taken into use and the login process goes very smoothly, since you only need your Procountor username and one-time password to login. You can send the one-time password via SMS to your own phone number from Procountor's login page. Further instructions about taking Finago Key into use on a new mobile device and the login process to Finago Key can be found here.
E-salary is a salary channel. When using e-salary, the employee will get his/her salary slip to his/her own internet bank. When the salary slip arrives to the internet bank, the employee can view it by logging into the internet bank. E-salary can be used in all Finnish Procountor environments that have the possibility to send salary slips. Further information about implementation of e-salary can be found here.
OCR technique in Procountor Mini
Did you know that it is possible to use OCR (optical character recognition) in Procountor Mini? When applying the OCR to a picture of a receipt, Mini reads the meta data from the picture and inserts it to the information of the receipt.
Further information about OCR technique and the receipt functions of Mini can be found here.
Tips for 2020
Notes for the turn of the year 2020-2021
We have changed the way Procountor works to allow creating salary lists in 2020 for the year 2021. Calculating salaries for 2021 requires that the salary base of each employee is updated.
Salary bases can be updated from December 14, 2020 onwards and the instructions for this update can be found in this article. The employer contribution percentages for 2021 are available starting on December 14, 2020.
Changes made in the Incomes register income types affect some of the salary types in Procountor. The 2021-specific salary type changes will be updated to Procountor in the v46 update on December 19, 2020. After the update, the new salary types may be used on salary slips created for 2021. More information on these salary type changes can be found here.
Invoice channel for Accountor Finago's invoices
When a company has the Financials version of Procountor, it is possible to choose, through which invoice channel the company wants to receive invoices from Accountor Finago. Invoice channel can be edited on Company's basic info view (Management > Company info > Basic info), if the company’s Procountor environment is in production usage, meaning that a Procountor agreement has been signed and Accountor Finago has handled the agreement. Further information can be found here.
Renewing the Incomes Register certificate
The certificate for reporting to the Incomes Register is valid for two years, after which the certificate needs to be renewed. If the certificate is renewed while it is still valid, the renewal does not require strong authentication in the Incomes Register’s online service.
Is your company's Incomes Register certificate about to expire? Instructions for renewing the certificate can be found here.
We in Procountor’s Customer Service team are happy to help you with any questions regarding our software. We receive hundreds of service requests each day and we handle them in the order of arrival. To us it is very important, that we can serve our customers as efficiently as possible. You can help us handle your service request efficiently by providing the following information in your service request:
- - Your name and the name of your company
- - Which company the service request is about? Business id?
- - What is the subject of the service request? (for example, payroll, approval circulation, accounting etc.)
- - What are the receipts in question? (for example, receipt type (purchase invoice, payslip etc.), receipt number etc.)
- - In which part of the software the problem occurs? (for example, Search > Receipt search)
- - Also, please let us know your email address, if we need to contact you via email.
We are happy to help you with Procountor!
E-salary is here!
E-salary is a new feature that enables sending the salary slips efficiently to employees' own internet banks. E-salary is available in all Finnish Procountor environments that have the payroll feature. Further info can be found here.
Procountor's receipt handling mobile offering is changing in August 2020. The receipt handling features from Procountor Receipts are now available in Procountor Mini app. Procountor Mini is available for users that are using the Financials version of Procountor. Users, that have the Ledger (Tallennus) version of Procountor are recommended to take eTasku’s mobile application into use as a substitute for Procountor Receipts. Procountor Mini cannot be used by Ledger customers. Further information can be found here.
Is your summer holiday about to start? Are you wondering, how the approval circulation of the invoices will run during your holiday? We launched a new feature, which will make it very easy to set substitutes for users who normally approve and verify the invoices in circulation. Further information about the feature can be found here.
Did you know that receipts can be photographed with Procountor Mini mobile application. Try Mini's receipt Beta feature for free (free during the summer). Download the application from application store and read instructions here.
Procountor login will be restricted after 16.5.2020 when browsers Internet Explorer and Safari 9 are used. This means that Procountor will not function with these browsers anymore. Please change the use of Procountor to another browser before the deadline.
Read more here.
Did you know that you can get an email about Procountor's disruptions? Especially now in Corona epidemic time it is recommendable to know what is happening and how things might effect your work. Go and activate the email notification from Personal information and settings > Email from Procountor > Send me notifications about Procountor service disruptions.
More detailed breakdown of Accountor Finago's invoice costs can be found from Management > Invoicing history.
The view lists all receipts and additional services that the Procountor environment in question has been invoiced for since October 2018 (if the invoice channel has been e-invoice). More information about the view can be found here.
It is possible to print out a salary certificate from Payroll > Employee register.
Read more specific instructions here.
Absences cannot be reported from Procountor to Incomes register.
Come and explore renewed invoicing and contract managements article section.
Invoicing and contract management
After version release 15.2.2020 multiple salary period templates can be created to different period types. For example for 2 week period and for month period. Read more here.
Procountor’s invoicing is run on the first weekday of the month and the transaction fees are charged in monthly invoicing after the transaction period.
In Procountor's Invoicing history view you can find out, which receipt numbers are covered by the invoice. The specification is only available, if the invoices have been received as electronic invoices from Accountor Finago Oy.
If you want to change your product package, you can simply sent us an e-mail to and tell us which package you would like to change to. Package change to a bigger package is free of charge. Changes for a smaller product package, we will charge 50,00€ + VAT 24%.
More information about frequently asked questions about invoicing you will find in our manual
Frequently asked questions about invoicing
Have you already read the new Efficient usage of Procountor's default settings article?
The article discusses about how to get all the benefits out of Procountor's default settings. If usage settings, product and customer settings are set before invoice is created the invoice information will be automatically filled in, accounting will be done according to the set accounting defaults and the invoice creator only has to check the invoice details and do slight modifications. By using defaults you will save time and manual work after which you will have more time to actual business.
Read the article here.