The Employee register (Payroll > Employee register) makes it possible to add salary info and create a salary base for persons.
Those person that have the sufficient information in the Person register are transferred to Employee register.
Persons whose mandatory salary info has not been provided show red in the Employee register. This way, it is easier to find new employees and those employees to whom payroll accounting is not yet possible.
Person’s salary info can be added by selecting the person in the person register view.
- The Edit salary info button will then activate. More information about filling in the Salary info can be found here.
- After the salary info has been filled the Salary base will be activated. The Salary base view functions as a salary slip layout in which all the salary types that should be in every salary slip are filled.
- Absences can be filled behind the employee to Absences view. However, there is no automation between absences and salary calculation. The view is simply there as a note for salary clerk.
- Holiday earnings can be set for the employee in Holidays-view. More information about the holiday settings can be found here.
- When salaries have been paid to the employee, the salary clerk can print a salary certificate to the employee. More information about the certificate can be found here.
When several persons have been selected, the Edit salary info button can be used to edit the information of several persons. The button opens a window where, you can access a view where you can update, e.g. the employment pension company, pay rises in percentages or euros, etc., for several persons at a time. More information about editing multiple employees here.
Click Copy salary info from old to transfer the information from the Salaries (old) module's Salary info view to the new Salary info view in the new salary calculation module.
- Salaries that were earned in 2018 and earlier were calculated in Salaries (old) module.