Employees’ salary info can be found in Payroll > Employee register > Edit salary info.
In Salary info view the basic salary calculation information can be set for an employee. In this page the fields and button of the view will be discussed.
In employment section one or several employments can be added.
- The information is not mandatory. If an employee has an employment relationship with the employer the information filled in to this section will be transferred to Income register when Earnings payment report is sent.
- Procountor will transfer all the mandatory data to Earnings payment report. At this point the transferring of optional information is limited.
Employments - buttons and fields
New employment
- By clicking the button a new employment row appear. There can be several employments and they are shown in the salary slip.
Delete employment
- By clicking the button the employment information row will be deleted.
Valid from
- The date is written in format dd.mm.yyyy. The information is mandatory and will be transferred to Income register.
- The employment information is possible to be filled before the employment has started.
Valid to
- The date is written in format dd.mm.yyyy and the employment determination date is the date when the knowledge of the termination reaches the employer.
- For example, when the employment relationship is fixed-term the date should be added when the contract has been signed. After this the reason for termination: fixed-term can be added as well.
- When termination date is set the employer should add the reason for termination. This information will be transferred to Income register.
- The field tells about the employment relationship.
- This information will not be transferred to Income register.
- Type will be shown in the salary slip.
- The types can be:
- Permanent
- Fixed-term
- Temporary
- Trainee
- Pensioner/minor
- Not employed
Reason for termination
- Income registers reason codes can be found from the drop down menu and these can be used by all earners (except Keva).
- The reasons for termination are:
- Employee's resignation
- Other
- Termination grounded reason
- Financial and production reason
- Joint agreement
- Retirement
- Termination of a fixed-term employment
- In addition termination reason Not in use is possible in Procountor
- This option is used when the reason for termination is not known or it will not be reported to Income register. Reporting is optional (except Keva).
- If the reason is chosen from income register reason codes it will be reported to Income register.
- More information about the reasons can be found from Income registers website and customer service.
Employments - KEVA
If an employee belongs to Keva's pension act, Keva should be selected to the Employments section.
- Valid from information is mandatory and will be transferred to Income register. There can be several employments.
- If Valid to field is filled the Reason for termination has to be filled.
Reason for termination
- The reason code has to be from Keva's own reason code table.
- Procountor does not provide Keva's reason codes automatically and they should be filled by hand. The reason codes can be be asked from the Pension act provider and they are as following.
- The text field enables the user to write freely 80 characters but the reason codes are always numbers. Please fill in the right reason code because the codes will be checked in Income register then Earnings payment report is sent.
Registration grounds ID (Keva)
- The pension act code should be filled here. Please ask more information about the cod from the Pension act provider.
- This field should be filled only if the Pension act provider is Keva.
- The field is mandatory is the pension act is JuEL.
Income settings
In this view, the employee’s base salary, the base salary period (month, 2 weeks, etc.), the number of base salary hours used for calculating hourly wages, the channel used for sending salary statements, salary calculation exceptions and the tax number can be set.
In the Automation settings, you can exclude the employee from Withholding request, if an employee has some other tax card than wages. Mark then the field: Exclude employee from Withholding percentage request (VeroAPI).
Base salary information
The sum of the base salary and the form of the base salary is defined in this section.
- The base salary will create the base salary row to the salary base and salary slips.
- The options for base salary are:
Base salary type | Procountor's salary types codes | Procountor's salary type name | Income type code | Income type name |
1 month | 1001 | Monthly salary | 201 | Time-rate pay |
2 weeks | 1002 | Weekly salary | 201 | Time-rate pay |
1 week | 1002 | Weekly salary | 201 | Time-rate pay |
1 day | 1003 | Daily salary | 201 | Time-rate pay |
Hourly | 1004 | Hourly salary | 201 | Time-rate pay |
Compensation for work | 2900 | Compensation for work | 336 | Compensation for work |
Payment by job | 1020 | Payment by job | 227 | Payment by job |
- When Compensation for work is chosen it will be allocated to income register code 336.
- This salary type is not in the field of social insurances and it will effect the salary types in in Procountor salary calculation.
- If the employer is not obligated to insure the employee it should use the insurance exceptions.
The type of the employment information is optional when it comes to Income register reporting. This is why Procountor does not transfer this information to Income register.
The amount of hours belonging to the base salary
- The default amount comes from Management > Salary info > Salaries basic info.
- if the hourly salary varies between employees it is possible to set employee specifically.
Salary channel
- This setting will determine which channel will be used to deliver the salary slip to the employee.
- Salary channels are no sending, mail, email and e-salary.
Please note! Due to Procountor Mini usage being closed, Mobile salary cannot be selected as a salary channel after the end of March,2024.
- More information about sending the salary slips can be found here.
Personal hourly salary
The information in this field is only used for average hourly. It's only visible if average hourly is enabled in usage settings Use average hourly, and modifiable if option Replace Average hourly when is lower than base salary has been activated in Management > Salary info > Average hourly settings.
Monthly base salary
The latest monthly base salary is shown in this field. It is used as calculation basis for holiday calculation when salary info and salary base no longer user monthly salary, for example in a situation when base salary has changed from monthly to hourly.
When base salary type is changed and saved, a notification is given and the value in the field can be checked. The value can be manually edited if needed.
Please note, that if this field has a value, the monthly calculation basis uses this value instead of the value in salary base or salary slip.
If salary type is changed back to monthly salary, this field is emptied.
Applied income earner types
- The setting is selected if the earner types applies to the income earner.
- Partial owner option has an effect to the unemployment insurance percentage.
- The self-employed person, no obligation to take out YEL or MYEL insurance: This is selected, if salary is paid that is under the salary minimum limit for YEL or MyEL insurances. No pension insurance is informed (selected automatically). Also all the social insurances are set as exceptions automatically (health insurance, pension insurance, unemployment insurance and accident insurance).
- Other options do not have en effect to the calculation but the information will be transferred to Income register. The instructions about the types in income registers website.
Applied special handling of travel expenses
- Generally the travel expenses are reported with their own income types to incomer register.
No applicable - option means that the travel expenses will be reported with their own income types. This option should not be changed except in the following situations:
- If the employee is recipient of compensation for work and all the travel expenses should be reported as compensation for work.
- if the employee is non-profit organisation and all the travel expenses should be reported as non-profit organisation.
- More information about this topic can be found from income register's website.
Employees tax number
- Employees tax number can be put here. This information will not be transferred to income register.
- This field does not have linking to other sections to the program.
Tax card
Valid from
- Tax cards validation day is set to this field.
- Multiple tax cards can be filled to this section, but Procountor will use tax cards based on its valid from date.
- If there is not tax card filled in when salaries are calculated Procountor will automatically put the percentage to 60%
- Form year 2019 the only tax cards that can be used are one income limit and tax at source tax card. There are other tax cards to be chosen as well but these cards are meant to salaries that were earned before 1.2.2019.
- More about tax cards here.
Revised card
- Select yes if the tax card is revised card.
- This is the base tax percentage for withholding tax.
- This is the additional tax percentage for withholding tax.
Annual income limit
- This is the annual limit for withholding tax.
Limit used
- This field should be filled if the employee has earned something with this tax card before calculating salaries in Procountor.
- This will ensure that the withholding tax will go to additional percentage at the right time.
- Comments about the tax card can be added.
New tax card
- Adds a new row.
Delete tax card
- Deletes a row.
Labor union
In this field, you can add a labor union to the employee. Read more here.
In the Insurances section, the employee’s pension insurance type, Employees’ Pension Act agreement number (if the insurance is in accordance with the Employees’ Pension Act), accident insurance policy number, accident insurance category of risk, occupational title ID, potential insurance exceptions as well as potential voluntary insurances in Finland can be determined.
Pension insurance TyEL
- This option will determine which TyEL agreement will be used.
- Agreements can be filled in Management > Salary info > Salaries basic info.
Accident insurance policy number
- This option will determine which accident insurance agreement will be used.
- Agreements can be filled in Management > Salary info > Salaries basic info.
Accident insurance category of risk
- This will determine which percentage will be used for category of risk.
- The default percentage can be set in Management > Salary info > Salaries basic info.
Statistics Finland's classification of occupation (TK10)
- The code of the occupation should be filled here. More detailed information into which category a certain employee belong to can be asked from the insurance company.
- The codes can be found here.
- The code should be 5 digits (numbers).
If the pension act insurance is Keva the Keva's titles should be filled also.
Entrepreneur's insurance
When the person that has earned salary is an entrepreneur the insurance should be YEL or MyEL.
Insurance exceptions
Insurance exceptions are applied in situations when the employee is not insured with a certain kind of insurance or the employee does not belong to the circle of Finnish social security institute.
- When insurance exception is selected is means that the insurance calculation is not working with that insurance type in payroll accounting and in the salary base.
- More instructions about insurance exceptions can be read from income register's website.
Note that when insurance exceptions are chosen it will be reported to income register that a person does not have the right to that insurance at all. Most of the salary types in Procountor have several insurance cases which enables the different variations of salary calculation. We recommend that insurance exceptions are used with caution.
International situations
In this menu, for an international employee, you can specify a social security certificate, create a Finnish withholding tax exception, specify a limited tax liability for the employee and specify, whether the six-month rule applies to the employee.
Social security certificate
- The certificate is selected if necessary and the information will be transferred to income register.
No subject to withholding tax in Finland
- If it is selected, the information will be transferred to income register.
- This will disable the calculation of withholding tax and the tax card should not be filled in to Procountor.
Non-resident taxpayer
- If it is selected, the information will be transferred to income register.
- If selected the employees country TIN code can be filled to Tax identification Number filed.
- Note! Incomes Register reports for travel invoices of a non-resident taxpayer can't be created through Procountor. If it is needed to create the Incomes Register reports through Procountor for a non-resident taxpayer, the travel invoice content has to be added to a salary slip instead of a travel invoice in order to successfully create reports to the Incomes Register.
Six-month rule is applicable
- There are situations that the six month rule is not applicable to the employee. In these situations the field should be left empty.
- If the situation is that the rule is applicable but not used No should be selected.
- If the rule is used select Yes.