Salary base can be found from Payroll > Employee register > Edit salary base.
Using the salary base
Once employees have been created in the employee register after having filled out the necessary information in the person register, you can fill out the Salary info and Salary base fields in the employee information section.
The Salary base can be found under: Payroll > Employee register > Select employee > Salary base.
The employee’s Salary base view functions as a model for the employee’s salary slips. When new salary slips are created for employees, the salary types and values from the salary base are imported automatically to the slips.
A default salary base is created based on the employee’s salary information, for example the amount of base salary is imported directly from salary information. The automatically created salary base can be completed with additional salary types, if necessary. It’s possible to save all salary types that are used often in salary calculation, so you do not need to import them separately during each salary calculation.
Salary slips -button searches all the salary slips that has been calculated to the employee.
- The same button can be found from all the salary base view pages (salary info, salary base, absences, holidays)
Write a note field is linked to salary slip write note field.
- If a note is written to salary base it can bee seen by the person who calculates the salary (not visible to employee).
- If something is written to the field in the salary slip the text is changed accordingly to the salary base.
- The field is meant to as a post it to the salary clerk.
Salary base templates
Salary bases can be completed for employees manually, one by one, but creating a common salary base template is useful when the employees' salary bases are similar. Read more about salary base templates here.
Salary base basic rows
The base salary row information is transferred to the salary base from the employees salary info, including one Base salary row, the withholding tax row, Employees’ Pension Act row and unemployment insurance row.
- If a person does not have to pay Employees’ Pension Act payments or accident insurance, these rows will be left out based on the ‘Salary info’ view commands.
- Base salary row cannot be deleted from the salary base.
- If the employee does not earn any salary that can be found from salary info view base salary drop down menu, the base salary row should be deleted from salary slip view every time salary is calculated.
Adding a salary type to the Salary base
We recommend adding all salary types that are used frequently in a person’s salary slip to the salary base. When a salary type has been added to the salary base, it will be automatically imported to new salary slips. Salary type prices and other information can be edited in the salary slip, if necessary.
By clicking the Add salary type button, you can access the salary type search, from where you can import a salary type for a salary base.
- Nearly all Procountor's salary types are mapped to incomes register's income types.
- Own salary types cannot be created in Procountor.
- Select the suitable salary type from the salary type register and bring it to the salary base.
When a trade union (fixed / percentage-based) is added to an employee’s salary information, the 6042/6043 labor union salary type row is automatically added to the salary basis. If the trade union is removed, the corresponding salary type is removed from the salary basis.
The car benefit and accommodation benefit can be fetched from the Benefit calculators button.
Salary type additional information
Certain salary types require additional information that is then forwarded to the salary info notification. When you have selected the row information for this kind of a salary type, the additional information fields will open.
Employer’s insurance accruals
Employer’s insurance accruals can be viewed at the bottom of the salary base view. With this information, you can check that insurances in a person’s salary slip are handled correctly.