Tax cards that are at use are single limit and tax-at-source. Withholding percentage request view enables fetching withholding percentage details for employees without a time limit.
- Tax cards can be filled to Payroll > Employee register > Salary info.
Single income limit
The tax card in question has only one income limit for the entire year and can also be called a B tax card.
Valid from
- Tax cards validation day is set to this field.
- Multiple tax cards can be filled to this section, but Procountor will use tax cards based on its valid from date.
- Type are one limit and tax-at-source.
Revised card
- If the card is revised select Yes. Based on the Yes sign Procountor will override all other tax cards that cave been inserted to this view.
Base%, Additional% and annual income limit
- These information should be based on the real tax card. The percentage can be raised if the employee requests it.
Limit used
- This field should be filled if the employee has earned something with this tax card before calculating salaries in Procountor.
- This will ensure that the withholding tax will go to additional percentage at the right time.
- If a number is added into the Limit used field to a Tax card, this limit will not be zeroed when the year changes. Therefore this field has to be manually zeroed before the first salaries to January are calculated, since the same tax card would be used for these salaries as well by default. An other option would be to enter a new tax card for Januay where the Limit used field would have the value 0,00.
- When tax cards are imported with Withholding percentage request functionality, the Limit used field is automatically filled with 0,00 (zero). The field needs a figure for the "Income limit remaining" row on salary slips to work correctly.
Tax-at-source card
- The tax card in question will also be used for international situations in 2019. If the employee is limitedly tribituary then for this person you should select in the employee's Salary info view the option non-resident taxpayer and as their tax card Tax-at-source card.
- A non-resident taxpayer person can use either a single income tax card or a tax-at-source card. If the tax card used is a tax-at-source card, then you should choose the option Tax-at-source card from the Tax card > Type options and cross off the option Non-resident taxpayer in the International situations box. When these settings have been filled in, the person in question may also need salary types for Salary base, monthly tax-at-source deduction or daily tax-at-sourse deduction if necessary.
- When the person in question does not have a tax-at-source card and is using a single income limitedly tribituary tax card, the option selected from the tax card menu should be One income limit and then tick Non-resident taxpayer from the International situations box. When these options have been selected, the person in question will receive a tax withholding row in the salary base. Other salary type rows do not need to be defined for this limit.