An employee’s Salary slip page can be opened from the salary list by clicking the name of the employee imported to the list.
You can create detailed salary slips for the salary period and employee in question in Salary slip. In this view, you can manage the salary slip rows (salary types) and additional information.
Salary slip functions
Save saves any changes you have made. All mandatory information must be entered before you can save the slip.
Approve approves the slip when it has the status Unfinished.
By clicking Edit, you can edit information on a salary slip when it has already been approved. This changes the salary slip’s status back to Unfinished. If the salary has already been paid, the editing functions are limited.
Send button sends the salary slip to the employee. Button is visible when the slip is Approved.
Salary list button opens the salary list view.
PDF button shows the salary slip as a PDF document. Button is visible when the slip is Approved.
Go to transfers you to other views on the salary slip, such as accounting. Button is visible when the slip is Approved.
Copy button copies the slip with original delivery data.
The Notes field is connected to the Notes field on the salary base. When you write a note in this field in either Salary base or Salary slip, the information is stored in both views. This keeps you better updated on the factors that need to be considered on the salary slip.
With the Incomes Register Reporting selection, you can define how the slip in question will be considered on the salary information notification.
- Considered on both notifications selection: The salary slip will be considered on the created salary information notification.
- Income notified elsewhere selection: The salary slip is not considered on Procountor’s salary information notification, but it will be considered on the employer’s separate notification.
- Not considered on either notification selection: The salary slip is not considered on the salary information notification nor the employer’s separate notification.
Working time allocation for earning holidays section is showing if the holiday calculation is on in the Procountor environment. The field shows the work days in the month in question.
Editing slip rows
Salary rows can be added by clicking Add salary type or by entering the salary type name or number to Salary type quick add field. When clicking Add salary type the program will then transfer you to the salary type register where salary types can be searched using different search criteria and imported to the salary slip.
Copy row copies the selected salary row and Remove a row removes the selected salary row.
In correction situations the salary column Row exception is necessary to be used. Recovery and Unjust enrichment can be found from the drop down menu. These exceptions are related to income register reporting corrections and more information about corrections can be found here. As a default the Row exception fields have the option None which means that there is no row exception.
There is a row comment in the salary row.
There is information about the car benefit in the salary row.
The row exception Recovery has been used in this salary row.
There is holiday information in the salary row.
Earnings period start and end date are meant to income register reporting to specify when the salary is earned.
When a salary type that requires additional information for the incomes register notification has been added for an employee, an additional information field will appear under the salary row list. The necessary information related to the salary type can be added on this row. When the salary type in question is no longer active, the additional information row will disappear. In the same way, definition of the earning period will become active when it is necessary for the salary type in question.
Show earning period on salary slip
- The earning period is shown in the employee’s salary slip if the tick is selected.
Additional row information
- By activating the salary row a user can add a comment to the employee which is shown in the salary slip.
Changing withholding tax to unfinished salary slip
The tax percentage is registered to a salary slip when the Create slips button is clicked. However there are situations when the tax percentage has to be changed after the slip has been created. Following steps have to be taken to change the percentage:
1. Change fill in the new tax card to Employee register's Salary info view.
2. Search the salary slip and open it.
4. Change the payday of the salary slip to an other date and save.
5. Change the payday back to the original date and save. After this the percentage has been changed according to the new tax information.
Reporting negative income types to incomes register
Note that it is not possible to report negative incomes types to income register. This means that the income types sum should be zero or positive in the earnings payment report. As an exception Withholding tax, Tax at source, Employee's health insurance contribution, Employee's pension insurance contribution and Employee's unemployment insurance contribution can be reported as negative sum. If there are several salary types that are allocated to the same income type the sum of these salary rows should be positive or zero. These rows should also have the same earning period or no earnings period in order to be summed up to the same income type. The negative income types can be checked before earnings payment report is sent in the earnings payment report from income data tab (all the rows should be positive).
If the salary slip has an income type or income types with a negative total sum that isn't allocated to a positive income type, Procountor gives a warning when approving the salary slip. If user clicks continue in the warning window, slip's status changes to Approved and the slip can be paid and Earnings payment report can be sent. Please note, that Incomes register will return an error The data item Amount given to the income type cannot be negative for the Earnings payment report. By clicking Cancel, user can continue editing the unfinished slip.
Warning of the negative total sum is also given on the Salary list view as an exclamation point next to the employee's name.
Basic information and employer payments
The Basic information section under the salary row list includes the employee’s information and the employer payments section summarizes all employer payments that need to be paid for this employee. The information will be filled out based on the person’s basic information, the person’s salary information and salaries basic info (under Management).
Insurance exceptions
Insurance exceptions can be edited in the salary slip view if the exceptions in question apply to the employee. Editing the accounting and due dates and salary channel as well as defining additional information is also done in this view.
Slip notes and adjustments
Notes can be added related to the salary slip in the Notes field. These notes are not transferred to the salary slip that is sent to the employee.
Employment information, such as employment start date, pension scheme agreement, accident insurance agreement and salary date are defined in the Adjustments view. As default, the information is filled out automatically based on the employee’s salary information.