Procountor contains a salary calculation module that covers person register and employee register management, calculation and payment of salaries, and related notifications. Salary slips can be sent to employees directly through the program, or the employees can be given their own user credentials to allow them to log in to Procountor to view their own salary slips. The information from created and approved salary slips is automatically transferred to accounting, salaries reporting, and earnings payment reports.
Procountor's payroll functions are located in the Payroll section of the main menu. General settings concerning payroll are configured in Management > Salary info.
Salary calculation in Procountor includes the basic steps pictured below.
Setting up the environment
To calculate, pay, and report salaries in Procountor, the environment must be prepared for salary calculation. Basic company and payroll information as well as general usage settings need to be configured in the settings.
More instructions on setting up the environment can be found here.
Setting up an employee
When setting up an employee in Procountor, the first step is to create a person in the Person register. After all the information required for identification is filled out and saved in the person register, the person will appear on the employee register.
Information related to salary calculation can be managed in the Employee register. All the necessary information about the person’s employment status, income source, and insurance is filled in employee’s Salary info view. The Employee’s Salary base is formed based on the information configured in the salary info.
More detailed instructions for setting up an employee is found here.
Salary calculation in Procountor
Salary slips are created on the Salary list view, the same view where the salary period and employees are selected for that particular salary list.
After creating the salary list, open the salary slips. Salary slips are edited to fit the salary payment in question. The salary slips are formed according to the salary types in the Salary base. Salary slips formed by default are edited, if necessary, to match the salary period info.
Salary slips on the salary list are approved and can be sent to an employee. Salary slips can be paid from Procountor as salary data or as SEPA-payments. More information on payment types and payment schedules can be found here.
Instructions for creating a new salary list and editing salary slips can be found here.
Salary slip accounting
Salary accounting is formed after the approval of the salary slips. Each salary slip creates its own separate accounting page. Accounting page formation can be edited in the Default salary postings view. The accounting page formed on Procountor always takes into account both the employer’s insurance payment accruals and the salary slip’s row info accounting.
If you wish to allocate accounting entries to some internal control target—such as a cost center, office, or project—you can use default dimensioning. A personal default dimension can be set up for each individual person in the person register, which will in turn affect how the on the person’s salary slip accounting page is formed.
Instructions on accounting is found here.
Salary notifications and reporting
Earnings are reported to the Income Register with the Earnings payment report and the Employer’s separate report. The salaries are ready to be reported to the Incomes Register after they have been Approved. More information on the salary statuses is found here. The person reporting the salaries must have all rights to Notifications, Incomes register certificate, and Payroll accounting.
The reporting process is found here.
Correcting the reports is found here.
Holiday calculation
Procountor will publish the holiday calculation module in three parts in 2019 and in the first part the holiday calculation is possible for:
- employees whose holidays are earned by 14 day or 35 hour rule
- employees whose holiday pay is calculated by using standard divider 25 or by using average hourly calculation.
In the autumn and winter 2019 new holiday calculation features will be published. The planned features are work day divider, percentage holiday pay calculation, average daily calculation, payroll reports and other new features.
Instructions for holiday calculation can be found here.