Salaries can be paid when thy salary slips are have been Approved.
Salary payment methods
Salaries can be paid in two ways: as a salary payment or a regular bank transfer.
Salary payment is a payment method that has been developed specifically for paying salaries. When this payment method is used, the payment is debited from the payment account as a lump sum and the salaries will be transferred to employees’ bank accounts on the morning of the payday. This means that the payment follows the payment date (day when the payment is debited from the payment account) and the payday (day when the salary is on the employee’s account) that have been defined on the salary list regardless of the bank.
The salary payment method can only be used when the payee’s bank account is in the SEPA area and the salary is paid in euros. The payee’s IBAN account number and BIC code are needed for the payment.
Payments can also be paid as regular bank transfers by paying all of the salary statements individually. In this case, please note that the salary might not be on the payee’s account exactly on the morning of the payday. Payment schedules depend on the payment time and the banks of the payer and employee. Another thing that needs to be noted when using bank transfers for salary payments is that payments will be shown on the bank statement as regular payments so that both the employee’s name and the payment sum are visible.
Payment schedules for the different payment methods can be found here.
Implementing the salary payment method
Paying salaries in Procountor requires that the bank has installed payment services for the account that the company is using. In addition, the payment account information must be stored in Management > Company info > Bank account information.
The used payment methods are defined in bank account information. To be able to use Procountor’s salary payment function on the payment account, you must choose the payment method Salary payment in bank account information. If you are only using bank transfers, you can choose bank transfer in bank account information.
The selections made in bank account information do not automatically install payment services with your bank, as you have to make a separate agreement with the bank.
Salary payment function
An approved salary list can be paid as a salary payment in Salary list search by opening the salary list to be paid and selecting Salary payment under the Payment button.
Salary statements on the salary list that have the status Approved can be paid in Salary payments. If a salary statement is not shown in the salary list’s Slip info column, it might have an incorrect status.
Payment information, including payment account, is chosen in New payment transaction. When payment information has been controlled, click the Pay salary list button.
After debiting, the salary list’s status will be Payment queued. This means the salary list is waiting for its due date (the payment date defined for the salary list) to transfer to the bank. If necessary, the salary list payment can still be cancelled in the same Salary payment view by clicking Cancel payment. The instructions for canceling the payment transaction can be found here.
The status of the salary list will change to Payment sent to bank when Procountor has sent the salary data to the bank on the due date. The salary data can no longer be canceled at this point.
The payment transaction is shown as a bundle of whole salary payment. The individual employees cannot be seen in the bank statement.
Payment transactions
Information on the payments made on the salary list, including payment date, total sum of payments and the account used for payments, is stored in Payment transactions in Salary payment.
If the payment of a salary list fails at the bank for some reason, customer service can remove the regular payment status of a salary list, after which payment transactions can be deleted from the list by clicking the Remove payment transaction button. The button removes the payment transaction from all salary slips in the list; you do not need to individually delete the transaction from each slip.
Unlike with the payment of other receipts, no information remains of previous, canceled, and deleted payment transactions in the Salary payment view. The view contains payment transactions only when the payment of the salary list has a status of Payment queued, Payment sent to bank, or Paid.
Bank transfer
If the salary payment function is not used for paying salaries, salaries can be paid as bank transfers from Procountor.
Begin the payment by opening a salary list and clicking Payment > Bank transfer. Select all payable salary statements from the view. When salary statements are selected, click Pay. Salaries will be transferred for payment in the first payment run of the due date selected for the salary.
If necessary, select Use pay date to enter a payment date that deviates from the due date for all of the selected salaries. This way, the date entered in the payment date field will be used.
If a salary statement has a status that cannot be used for payments (for example Unfinished), the salary is shown in red and cannot be selected.
The individual employees to whom the salary has been payed can be seen in the bank statement.
Paid elsewhere
Salaries can be set to the Paid elsewhere status if they are not paid from Procountor. This marking can be selected in the same view as paying bank transfers. Begin by opening the salary list, choose Payment > Bank transfer and choose salary statements from the list.
Before marking salaries as paid, control the payment date field for the salaries. If necessary, change the payment date to reflect the actual payment date. When the selections have been made, click Mark as paid elsewhere. Wages and salaries now have the status Marked paid.