In the Person register (Payroll > Person register) menu section, you can access the information in the person register. Persons are the company’s personnel, to whom the company pays salaries and who create travel and expense invoices.
It depends on the user’s rights which register information the user has access to. It is necessary to have at least all rights to person register in order to modify the information in the register.
Add a person
New person can be added by clicking Add person button.
- The person's basic info view opens where all the information about the person can be added in order to create a salary earner.
- When an employee is added to the register the minimum requirement is to add at least name, address, social security number and bank account number when there is a Finnish employee. After adding the information the person appears in to employee register.
Search persons
Persons can be searched by name, ID, customer number, person group or main group.
If the name, identifier or customer number are used as the search criterion, it is enough to enter part of the text.
- More about optimizing the search can be found here.
Person group
- The drop-down menu opens the search window for person groups, where you can search a group by entering part of its name.
Search for person
- Click the button at the top of the page when you have selected the search criteria.
- If the search focuses on Persons only, without using other criteria, you do not need to click the button if Automatic search is enabled in the Usage settings.
- Clears all selected search criteria.
Management search criteria
Click Management at the top of the Person register, if you want to search for persons on the basis of management information.
- This modifies the search criteria view at the top of the page in order to enable a search for persons based on the information on the Person management page.
- The search can be made by using the person’s current status or person in charge.
- When searching by action, the time interval during which the action occurs or does not occur can be specified.
- Text entered in notes can be searched for using free text search.
- When clicking the Management button again, the system returns to the Search criteria view.
In the search result list, select a person and click Open > Management to access the Person's management page. The Person's management page can be also accessed from the Person’s basic info page by clicking Management.
Reviewing person's information
By selecting a person from the list and clicking Open the person's basic info view opens.
- Basic info consists of persons name, address, ID, bank account number etc.
Edit multiple
The information of several persons can be edited at the same time using the Edit multiple button. More detailed instructions can be found here.
Person groups
The Person groups button takes you to the Person groups page, where you can manage business partner groups. Several business partners can be joined to or separated from business partner groups with the Join/Separate button.
- Person groups are created to make payroll calculation easier.
- For example when a salary list is created the employees can be sorted by group and the specific (for example hourly wage) earning type or employee type can be selected.
Copying and Deleting person's info
It is possible to delete and copy already existing person info in the person register by clicking Edit button.
- Enables the user to copy a person from the search result list.
- The system will first ask if it should copy the business partner’s default accounts, dimensions and products.
- Then the system will ask if the user wants to view the copied partner’s information on the screen when the copying is completed.
- An extension (copy) is added to the name of a copied partner.
- The Business ID/social security number and customer number are not copied.
- Enables the user to delete a person from the search result list.
- The system will ask if the user wants to delete or deactivate the person.
- Deactivated persons are not shown in the registers unless you select the option Show inactive persons.
Linking Procountor username to person register info
Link to a user opens the new Search users view, which can be used to link a person found in the person register to a username. This is a useful option, for instance, when creating a new username, if the new user has not been linked to a user found in the person register or the new user has been incorrectly linked.
- User names should be linked to Person register if the person makes travel and expense invoices in Procountor or the user wants to see his/hers salary slips.
- User names should be linked to Person register if the person makes travel and expense invoices in Procountor mobile app.
- Read more about personnel users and usernames from here.
- The username linked to the person is displayed in the Username column.
A user who has the rights to edit the person register and access the company’s user management system can edit links between persons in the person register and usernames.
Remove linking enables you to delete the link between the person and the username.
Adding multiple usernames at once
It is possible to add many usernames at once when these persons have been added to the person register.
- Choose these persons from the register and click Add users button.
- More detailed instructions can be found here.
Creating an invoice to a person
Create invoice for partner enables you to automatically transfer the data of the person yielded by the search to an invoice template (travel invoice, sales invoice, sales order, purchase invoice, purchase order) for creating a new document.
Person management
Open > Management opens the Person's management view where you can enter person management information. You can use this information when searching for persons from the person register. You can check the customer management information from the CRM report, which can be found in the register reports. In management information, you can enter information on offers sent and contracts entered for customers or potential customers, quality of delivery information for suppliers and meeting notes information for persons.
Clicking Save saves the changes made to the management information. If you added, removed or edited available statuses or actions, they will not need to be separately saved.
Show basic info opens the Person's basic info view.
The Statuses button allows you to add, remove or edit available statuses. If you remove a status, it will be removed from all business partners to whom the status has been applied. Procountor has no predefined statuses, but each company can define the statuses applicable to their operations.
The Actions button allows you to add, remove or edit available actions. If you remove an action, it will clear the Action column from all action rows to which the action has been applied. The action row itself is not deleted. Procountor has no predefined actions, but each company can define the actions applicable to their operations.
The HTML button opens the management information in HTML format in a new browser window.
The Excel button opens the management information in an Excel worksheet.
In the top section of Person's management view, select the person’s status and person in charge. You can also enter an unlimited amount of notes. You can select any of your company’s users as a person in charge.
Use the Add button to assign a new action to the person. This generates a new action row. The default date is the current date. Click the field in the Action column and select the action from the drop-down menu. The default person in charge is the person selected in the top section, but you can select any of the persons on the drop-down menu.
You can enter free text in the Additional information and Next action fields. You can open these fields in a separate window by right-clicking and selecting the field to open from the drop-down menu. You can enter an unlimited amount of text in both fields. You can add an unlimited number of action rows.
Delete enables you to delete an action assigned to a person, i.e. the selected action row.
Personal defaults
By clicking a name in the Person register, you can view that Person’s basic info. Click Defaults > Default products to add default products. You cannot specify default accounts for a person but you can search for default products from the product register.
Click Add to get the person’s default products/services from the product register. Find the product from the list that open. The list shows sales products for customers, purchase products for suppliers and travel and expense invoices for persons.
Click Search products to limit the search by product name, code or group. Select a product by clicking the product row. Press Ctrl & Shift to select several products simultaneously. A product can occur only once as a default product.
Click Select product to make the products the business partner’s default products. If you select several products simultaneously, clicking this button opens a window where you can enter the information of all of the selected products.
Click Save to save added or deleted default products for the person.
The basic information on default products is derived from the product register, but you can define a Business partner-specific price, discount percentage, VAT percentage and default amount for such products. If you tick the Different price box, you can enter a different price than the one in the product register. If you tick the Different discount box, you can enter a different discount percentage than the one in the product register. If you tick the Different VAT box, you can enter a different VAT percentage than the one in the product register. If the default amount is zero, but a different price, discount or VAT has been defined for the product, the product is not automatically included when you create a new invoice for the business partner. If a product like this is selected for the invoice, the customer specific price/discount/VAT will be used. You can also enter a default row comment for the product.
Delete removes the selected default product.
Delete all removes all default products from the person. You are asked for confirmation before deleting.
The Validity periods button allows you to define the time periods during which each product is automatically included in invoices.
When running the Business partner report, select the register information Default products in the search definition, in order to include information on the number of default products defined for the person.