To calculate salaries in Procountor, the basic info necessary for salary calculation must first be defined in Procountor.
The basic settings are defined in the main menu's Management section. Three different sections under Management must be set up for salary calculation:
- Company info
- Salary info
- Accounting info
Company info
The guided setup can be utilized when filling out basic information. Guided setup lists all the necessary steps and ensures all the important information for salary calculation is filled out.
- Basic info view must have the company name, company ID, and address. This is essential information required from all wage payers that will also be sent to the Incomes Register with the Earnings payment report.
- Bank account information section contains the information about the company’s bank accounts. Salaries can be paid in the Procountor environment after the bank has processed the bank connection implementation form and established the connection. More on bank connections can be found here.
- Usage settings is for configuring basic settings and functionalities in Procountor.
For reporting salary info to the Incomes Register, the notifier must have an Incomes register certificate as well as a permission to use this certificate. Using the certificate has its own instructions, and we advise you to familiarize yourself with them here.
Read the Company info instructions for a more detailed description on what information must be filled in to implement salary calculation.
Salary info
- In Salaries basic info view, fill out the Employees’ Pension Insurance and accident insurance contracts and their payment percentages. Any additional information on the on the wage payer for earnings payment report can also be filled in here, if necessary. Insurance contract information is an essential part of employee salary info. Familiarize yourself with the Salaries basic info guide, where step-by-step instructions are given on filling out the information.
- In Salary periods, define the salary periods used when creating new salary lists. More detailed information on salary periods is found here.
- In Salary base template management, you can create a template and use it when editing the salary base of multiple people at a time. Read more about utilizing salary base templates here.
Accounting info
Each salary slip creates its own separate accounting page in Procountor. You can define posting defaults for salaries after you have activated the “salary posting” setting in usage settings. We recommend that the salary slips are posted by default in salary rows.
In Default salary postings view, you can select the accounts for the salary entries.
You do not have to modify posting defaults when setting up salary calculation, if Procountor's general defaults are suitable for your company, but it is good to know where the postings can be changed if it becomes necessary later.