Before any salaries can be calculated, basic information about the company or corporation must be filled out in Procountor. From the salary calculation point of view, the company is the employer as well as the wage payer.
The information that affects salary calculation is configured in the Company info section. Basic control data must be set up in the new Procountor environment immediately upon deployment.
Implementation of salary calculation is started in Management > Company info.
Basic info
The Basic info view is located in Management > Company info > Basic info.
The following information must be defined in the Basic info view for reporting salary information:
- Name
- Company ID or social security number
- Street address
The company’s official name is an important identifier that will also be transferred onto the earnings payment report as optional information. In Procountor’s earnings payment report, the payer is identified based on company ID or social security number.
Company ID or social security number
- Select “FI” from the drop-down menu for company IDs.
- Select “SSN” when using a social security number as an identification number.
Procountor assumes the company always uses one of these identifiers and it is used as the payer’s main identifier on the earnings payment report.
The Company ID must be an existing business ID in the Business Information System BIS (“YTJ” in Finnish). In Procountor, the number format of the company ID is checked when the information is saved, but Procountor will not check the validity of the business ID from the BIS database.
The Finnish social security number (SSN) must be an existing personal identity code in the Finnish Population Information System. In Procountor, the format of the social security number is checked when the information is saved.
We recommend you fill out the company’s address details as accurately as possible in Basic info.
- Address specifier field can be used for recording the delivery address used by postal services. The data will be automatically transferred onto the earnings payment report generated in Procountor.
- From the earnings payment report point of view, the O. Box and Street address are optional data fields, but they are essential for reporting the company’s address details. Note that the data entered in the Basic info will be shown in Procountor’s sales invoices and salary slips as company information.
- Postal code and City are the payer’s address details that will be sent to the Incomes register with the earnings payment report.
- It is recommended that the country code be added to the address information as an additional detail.
Other essential information
- In the employer register selection in Basic info is set as “No” by default. However, if your company is in the employer register, this must be changed to “Yes”.
Company's language defines the language of the Procountor environment. The language selection also determines the language in which the salary types register is displayed, and the language in which the salary slip will be printed out.
- You can also select the language of an individual person in the Person register. The language defined for a specific person can differ from the company’s language and the salary slip will be printed out for this person in the selected language. The salary types used in the salary slip will also be displayed in the selected language. If changes are done manually to salary type name by user, translation is no longer available.
Payroll accounting contact person
The details of the payroll accounting contact person will be shown as contact information in the salary slip footer. If the data is left blank, this information will not be shown in the salary slip footer. All completed data fields will be shown in the salary slip footer.
Bank account information
The Bank account information view is located in Management > Company info > Bank account information.
The bank account information is saved in Procountor in Bank account information. If any additional banking services have been agreed upon with the bank, this is where those services can be set up. To make an agreement with a bank about specific banking services in your Procountor environment, use the bank connection authorization form.
After the bank has established the connection, salaries can be paid through Procountor according to the terms and conditions of the bank connection authorization.
When “Bank transfer” is selected in the Bank account information view, you will have the option of making SEPA payments to the bank via the Payment view. Salaries can be paid as a SEPA payment, but in that case the bank will not be able to differentiate the salaries from other payments. Salaries can be paid individually as a SEPA payment, because the payments of all the salaries in the salary list will be transferred to the Payment of multiple invoices view.
When selecting “Salary payment” from the Bank account information view, you will have the option to submit all the salary slips to the bank as salary data. The bank will then be able to prioritize salary data over other payment data. The Salary payment functionality is used for paying all the salary slips in the salary list.
More information on paying salaries can be found here.
Usage settings
The Usage settings define which functionalities are active in the Procountor environment.
These settings are found in Management > Company info > Usage settings.
Salary posting
We recommend that the salary slips be posted by salary row by default. This recommended setting is enabled by default, and it is advisable not to disable it without a good reason.
- The Salary posting option will affect how the accounting page of the salary slip will be generated. An accounting page will be generated for the salary slip at a detailed level when the posting is generated by row. Alternatively, the posting of salaries can be carried out by combining the salary entries generated on the same accounting account as a single entry. In Procountor’s default settings, this also means that items such as the employer and employee contributions will not be itemized under separate accounting entries, but instead the entries will be combined.
- The Salary posting must be active so that the default setting of the payroll accounting page can be changed, if necessary. The payroll accounting is configured in Management > Accounting info > Posting defaults > Salary defaults. This is visible in the menu when the Salary posting option is active.
Job title on salary slip
The job title will be displayed on the salary slip if this option is selected.
Salary channel
Salary slips can be sent from Procountor to the employees by mail, email, or e-salary. Please note, that emails will not be in the GDPR-compliant encrypted format. If you want to send salary slips to employees by email, you must first request written permission for using unencrypted email from the employees in question.
The email salary channel can also be disabled, in which case salary slips cannot be sent from the environment using that channel. In the usage settings, email is selected as an allowed salary channel by default.
You can also create user credentials for the employees in Procountor to allow them to view their salary slips in electronic format through the program.
Automatic person numbering
When a new person is set up in the person register, a person number can be automatically created for that person. The person number is an optional additional identifier that can be used in the new salary section, for example, as a search criterion.
The person numbering starts automatically from 1. If you want to set up a specific series of number for persons in the environment, you can first create one person in the person register before activating this function. This person is manually assigned a number, starting the numbering from e.g. 100 or 5500. When you have saved this one number manually, activate automatic numbering in the usage settings. Any new persons subsequently set up in the system will then be assigned a person number according to this number series (e.g. 100, 101, 102 or 5500, 5501, 5502).
You can assign a person number for several persons at the same time if the persons concerned do not already have a person number. To do this, click Person register > Edit multiple > set the Business partner type as Persons > Search persons > Select all > Continue > the very last item in the view: Autonumber unnumbered > Continue.
Others usage settings
For instructions on how to configure the other options in usage settings, see the following section in our online manual: Starting to use Procountor.