If an organization hires an employee for temporary work it should be reported to Income register with a report information about temporary employer. More information about when an employment is a temporary employment and the right method to report temporary employment can be found from company's pension insurance companies and income register. This instruction goes through how it is technically done in Procountor.
Generic TyEL agreement number
When temporary employer's criteria is fulfilled the employer should give a generic TyEL agreement number in the Earnings payment report. This number should be fetched from the pension insurance companies. Here is a list of five different companies which provide the generic number.
- Elo
- Ilmarinen
- Varma
- Veritas
- Pensions-Alandia
Saving the generic number to Procountor
The generic pension insurance number should be filled in to Procountor in order to be able to send Earnings payment reports to Income register.
1. Go to Management > Salary info > Salary basic info > Employee's pension agreements.
2. Add a new pension agreement row.
3. Choose the company that has provided the number. Notice that each company has their own generic number and if the company and number does not match in the report the income register reporting will fail.
4. Add the generic pension agreement number.
5. Put the agreement Active and some additional information can be filled to notice which agreement is which.
6. Save the changes.
If the employer has to report that he is a temporary employer a tab should be put to Income register information: Temporary employer in Salary basic info view.
Selecting the generic agreement to the employee's salary info
1. Go to Payroll > Employee register > Select employee > Edit salary info.
2. In salary info view the pension type should be TyEL and the generic TyEL agreement is chosen from the drop down menu.
3. Calculate salaries for the employee.