By using Salary base templates you can create ready templates for employees’ salary bases and add multiple salary types to multiple employees at the same time. Using the templates, you can, for example, add a new salary type on to the salary base of all the selected employees, such as a fringe benefit.
Salary base templates can be created in Management > Salary info > Salary base template.
Utilizing salary base templates
Various different templates can be saved to the management of the salary base templates. When the templates are saved they can be selected for use for employees in the employee register.
In the chart below, first, a salary base template named “Allowances.” On to this salary base template, we have chosen the “Evening work compensation” and “Saturday work compensation” salary types from the salary type menu. The value 0.00 has been added to the salary base template, because the amount of allowances will only be realized during the actual salary calculation, with a seasonal salary slip. In the example, the allowances have been given standard prices. If the salary type’s value is dependent on, for example, the employee’s hourly wage then the price can also be left as 0.00.
When the salary base template is ready, it can be added to several employees at the same time. In this example, the “Allowances” salary base template is added to salary base of several employees. After adding the salary base template, you can move to the employee’s salary base and make possible changes to each employee’s salary types.
Creating a salary base template
The salary base template is created by selecting:Management > Salary calculation info (new) > Salary base template management.
In the view, salary base templates are created by selecting the function Add salary type. This will open the Salary type register, where you can search for salary types and add them as salary rows to the salary base template. When the salary types are added, the function Save as will save and name the salary base template in question. In the future, the created template will be found under Saved templates.
Adding the salary base template to employees
Templates are added to employees by selecting Salaries > Employee register. Employees, whose salary base you wish to edit are chosen from the list, after which you should click Edit salary base.
The Edit salary base function produces a menu, where you can select which salary base template you want to add to the selected person.
Next, it needs to be determined whether the new salary base template rows are added on top of the salary base or if the old salary base is to be replaced.
- Using the Add rows function, the salary types, given on the salary base template, are added to the employee salary base. Potential existing salary base rows will stay on the salary base.
Using the Replace rows function, the salary types added earlier on to the employee salary base will be deleted and replaced with the salary types on the salary base template. The “Replace rows” function leaves the basic salary rows on the salary base and, in addition to the basic salary rows, adds the salary types on the salary base template.