A Salary list can be opened by choosing the salary list in Salary list search or in the New Salary list view after the information has been entered and the salary lists created.
The Salary list view shows the basic information defined for the salary list as well as the salary slips on the list.
Dates and settings section
Salary list's dates and settings section cannot be edited after the salary list has been created. More detailed information about dates and settings section fields can be found here.
The dates and settings fields that can be edited separately on the Salary slip view are listed below.
- Earnings period
- Accounting date
- Due date
- Payday
- Working days
- Working hours
Salary lists salary period and holiday credit year cannot be edited after the list has been created.
Salary slips section
- Field specifies the name of the employee.
- Tells the date when the salary is in the employees bank account.
Slip number
- Tells the number of the salary slip.
Salary list status
- Tells the status of the slip. More detailed information about the statuses can be found here.
Slip sent
- Slip sent column shows if the salary slip has been sent. A check mark will appear next to the salary slip after it has been sent to the employee. When the field contains a cross, the salary slip has been set to In correction status. Salary slip statuses can be found here. When the field contains a red cross, the salary slip has been set to In correction status, and then to Approved status, but it has not yet been resent.
Earnings reported
- Earnings reported column shows if the earnings have been reported to the Incomes Register using Procountor’s earnings payment report.
- A check mark will appear in the field when the earnings have been reported to the Incomes Register through Procountor.
- When the field contains a cross, the salary slip has been set to In correctionstatus. Salary slip statuses can be found here.
- When the field contains a red cross, the salary slip status has been set to In correction, and then to Approved, but the information has not been reported yet.
- The field is empty if the earnings have not been reported to the Incomes Register through Procountor.
- The field tells the gross salary.
Fringe benefit
- Tells the amount of fringe benefit.
Salary for ins.
- Tells the amount of the insurance salary.
Deduction to taxable income
- The field shows the deductions before withholding tax (salary type 7070).
- The field tells the amount of tax that is deducted.
Taxable compensation
- Tells the amount of taxable compensations.
Tax-free items
- Tells the amount of tax free items.
Other deductions
- Sums the salary types from category 6 Deductions from net pay
Net pay
- Sums up the net pay.
Editing salary lists
A salary list can be edited for as long as the salaries on it have the status Unfinished.
The Edit button enables the options Rename list and Add employees. The first option enables you to change the name of the salary list and the second one allows you to add new persons to the salary list.
By clicking Send slips, salary slips on the salary list are sent to the employees. Salary slips are sent using the channel that was chosen for the employees in the salary slip view. You can find additional information on the ways to send salary slips here.
By clicking Export, you can print the salary slips of the salary list as a PDF or ZIP package. You can also print the salary list as a Payment report or as a Salary list summary PDF.
By clicking Payment, you will be transferred to pay the salaries on the salary list, either with the Salary payment function or a Bank transfer. You can find additional information on matters related to payments here.
Editing salary slips
You can see information on an individual salary slip by clicking the person’s name or by activating the person’s salary row and clicking View slip.
Individual slips can be approved, sent and invalidated in the Salary slips section instead of processing all slips on a list at once. Processing an individual slip can be done by activating the row that you want to process and choosing one of the following functions:
Approve approves the selected slip, locks the salary information and saves the salary for accounting.
Send slip sends the selected slip to the employee. Read more on sending salaries here.
Invalidate invalidates the selected slip. The invalidation cannot be undone.
With the Preview button, you can view the selected salary slip in PDF or HTML format.
Go to transfers you to different views of the selected salary slip, such as accounting and dimensions.
Payment report
Payment report can be found from the salary list view by clicking Export > Payment reports.
The payment report lists all the name of the earner, ban account number, person number, SSN, salary due date and the net pay. With this report all employees are listed which are in the chosen salary list.
Only those salary slips which are in status Approved, Payment queued, Payment sent to bank, Paid, Marked paid are shown in the report.