The salary type register contains the data on all salary types used in Procountor. In the salary type register, salary types are searched for, with appropriate search criteria, and brought to the salary base or salary slip.
Opening the salary type register
The salary type register will open when a new salary row is being added, so when using the Add salary type function. The function in question is in use in the employee’s salary base, salary base template and when singular salary slips are being edited.
The view will close when “salary type” is chosen and added to the salary base or salary slip as a salary row. The salary type register can also be exited without making any changes to the x-function in the top corner.
Search criteria
By default, all usable salary types are shown in the salary type register. Using the search criteria, the results can be narrowed down, in order to ease the selection of salary types.
The search criteria can be found above the search results. If the search criteria cannot be seen, excluding the heading, then by clicking “Search criteria header row” all of the search criteria will become available.
The salary main type field is filled with the searched salary type’s name or part of the name.
The code field (next to salary main type) is filled with the Procountor salary type code. Each salary type has its own code.
In the salary category menu, one category is chosen, from which the included salary types wish to be searched. The different salary categories are listed here.
The revenue type field is filled with the searched revenue type’s name or part of the name. In which case, the income register’s revenue type terms are used. The name of the salary types in the search results may differ from the name of the revenue type e.g. because the salary type names are more illustrative. More instructions on salary types and revenue types can be found here.
The Code field (next to the revenue type) is filled with the income register’s revenue type code.
By clicking the Search salary types function the search is activated using the specified search criteria.
The Empty function empties all search criteria.
Search results
All salary types corresponding with the search criteria are listed in the search results. By default, the search results are organized according to the salary type code. If necessary, the search results can be reorganized according to the info in the other columns by clicking the column header.
The info of the next salary types are shown in the search results:
Salary category: By default, the salary type name. Name is added, as is, to the salary slip or salary base. The salary type name can, however, be edited in the salary slip or salary base. The edited name can be seen on the salary receipt for the employee.
Code: The first code column shows the Procountor salary type code.
Salary category: Procountor has set salary categories. Each salary type is included in a certain category.
Unit: E.g. the unit of hourly wage is “hours”
Value: Only a few standard sum salary types in the salary type register have a specified sum, e.g. whole daily allowance and meal benefits.
Payment %, in other words, payment percentage is in use in those salary types (allowances and compensation), which have automatic calculations built in, e.g. holiday allowance 50%.
Health insurance, Employees’ Pension Act, Unemployment and Work accident menus may be empty or may contain a cross. The field will contain a cross if the salary type is included in the insurance in question.
In the Income type field it is notified to which income type of the income register the salary type is adjusted.
Code: In the second code column the income register’s revenue type code is shown.
Converting a salary type into a salary row
Adding a salary type to the salary slip or salary base starts by selecting the salary types intended to be moved. There is a checkbox in front of each searched salary type. Salary types can be selected individually by clicking each checkbox. If you want to select all salary types simultaneously, the checkbox in the header column can be checked, this will select every row.
The Add as a salary row function adds all selected salary types and converts them into new rows in the salary slip or salary base. Thus exiting the salary type register. It is possible to change the name of the added salary type in the salary slip or salary base, if necessary.