This page goes through correcting the employer’s separate report and possible error situations related to the report.
Unsent report
Changes in period’s salaries, like new or invalided salary slips or updated insurance contracts, are automatically updated to the already created and unsent report. When the report is opened next time, a window opens that notifies about the changes:
If the report has been saved but not sent, the report can be edited through the Edit report button or by opening the report directly from the list. Then the report’s manually added fields for example, contact person information or possible penalty or refund interests can be modified.
The report can also be deleted with the Delete button, after which a completely new report is created.
Incorrect information in a report that has been sent successfully
Errors noticed after sending the separate report can be fixed either by invalidating the report or with a replacement report. Income register instructs to use the replacement method.
In the following situations, invalidation of a separate report has to be used:
- Correcting payer’s information
- Correcting the pension policy number, if the contract information has been incorrect
- Correcting the occupational accident insurance company’s identifier and insurance policy number
- Exception to insurance information: not subject to Finnish social security, only if the sickness insurance’s payment’s amount changes
When invalidating the report, it should be considered that this method also invalidates the report in Incoming register. In case you have made a replacement report for the separate report before the invalidation, please notice that the payment invoice of the period’s first report version stays in the program and it has to be handled.
Replacement report
Replacement report is created to the same period as the new separate report. When the replacement report is created, the program alerts that an employer’s separate report has already been sent for the period. A new report is created as a replacement report.
Procountor retrieves all the period’s salary slips to the report according to the payday and notifies Income register that a replacement report replaces the original report sent for the period. The report that was created before the replacement report goes to status Replaced. The report in the Replaced status can be invalidated if necessary.
An accounting page and payment invoice are created of the new replacement report. Accounting entries of the previously created report are automatically reversed and new entries are created on the accounting page of the replacement report. The original separate report’s payment invoice is taken into consideration in the new invoice. The replacement payment invoice will include the difference of the first and replacement report.
Please notice when paying the invoice that there might be multiple invoices for the same period, if the replacement method has been used.
In a situation where the employer’s separate report has been marked as reported elsewhere, possible corrections has to be done in Income register’s e-service. After clicking the Mark as reported elsewhere button, the separate report cannot be invalidated or deleted.
Error in sending the report to Income register
In case there is an error in sending the report to Income register, first check the feedback of the error. When the feedback has been read and the cause of the error has been pinpointed, the cause of the error has to be fixed.
After the correction, the report with an error can be deleted by clicking the Delete button. After this, a new employer’s separate report has to be created for the same period and sent to Income register.
Possible error situations in creating employer’s separate report
At this moment, some of the Income register’s feedbacks are unnecessary. The notifications are caused by the slowness of the service. A new separate report without corrections can be send when, the information has been sent successfully with the earnings payment report but for the separate report there is an error message for example, about job title, Employee’s Pension Act contract or accident insurance contract. If the error recurs, Income register should be contacted to ensure that Income register has received the reports.